Chapter 34

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Queer Slur ahead

•Miriam's POV•

A baby.

There was no way I was ready to become a parent. I had zero desire to  raise a little human everyday until they were old enough to handle themselves.

I still felt like a child myself whenever I'm with Ruelle. But a baby? Me being a parent?

Mhmm No.

"Who's pregnant?" I asked glancing between them and Martina lowered her head. Ruelle was avoiding my eyes altogether. "Hello I need an answer " I persisted, martina finally lifted her head looking at me in a defeated manner.

"I'm pregnant with dodeka's child" she admitted making my face contort into a million expressions before settling on disbelief.

"That's great isn't it? Your going to be an aunt" Ruelle cheered raising her arms up enthusiastically

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"That's great isn't it? Your going to be an aunt" Ruelle cheered raising her arms up enthusiastically.

My eyes narrowed, shooting a glare her way

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My eyes narrowed, shooting a glare her way. She crossed her arms with a pitiful pout. "What were you thinking hiding something like that from me?" I said all too calmly leaning on the door frame's white rim.

"Excuse me I had no idea we were bedding each other for you to be the first to know that information. Last I checked I'm a grown woman that's not obligated to tell you I am with child." Martina sassed making her way past me but I held unto her arm gently spinning her to me.

"Aren't we friends?" I asked and she chuckled bitterly shaking her head at me. "I don't know Miriam,you tell me" she said yanking her arm out of my grip.

"Congratulations your going to be an aunt" she said leaving me absolutely pissed.

"It's probably the hormones" Ruelle said hugging unto my waist tightly.

"Explain yourself" I said crossing my arms, refusing to give into any of her cute expressions.

"I promised that I wouldn't say a word, she was in a moment of weakness and she confided in me, there's no way I could ever betray her trust" she said looking up at me with a puppy like gaze.
I rolled my eyes with a groan feeling myself already folding.

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