Chapter 2

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Narrator POV•

Don't you think they could use a break now?"
"A break won't make them stronger."  He grumbled and Erris hissed her

"Your welcome to join them you know." Atlas smirked. Erris was walking away until he pulled her closer embracing her. "Remember the first time we met ?" He asked. "Why are  you bringing this up?" Erris asked through gritted teeth. "Because your my loving, beautiful and intelligent wife." Touching her breast. "Oh spare me the lies and tell me what you really want." Erris continuous attempts to escape were futile. He raised his eyebrow with a mischievous smirk and that's all she needed to see to know what he wanted. "No... no more, you see the beasts outside go enjoy yourself but no more, we have enough children already." She said. She successfully slips from him. Her attempts to twist his arm. His laughter honestly low key terrified her. If she could have someone turn back time and slap some sense into her to avoid him she definitely would as much as she loved her children.
"If you weren't my wife I-"
"Would do what? Kill me? I've already died the second, you banished our daughter, and you dare ask me for another child? The nerve of you. Your pathetic. I don't know what I saw in a man like you." Erris shouted causing atlas to push her against the wall. "I never told you to do unforgivable actions with lucifer now did I." Atlas was breathing hard through his nostrils, trying to control himself.
"I have had enough of your accusations and abuse Atlas." Erris said getting close in his face trying to escape his strangling grip. "The moment I chose you to have my  children was the moment you belong to me  for eternity, but no, you just had to have a taste of my rival. How was it hmm ?!" Erris let out a  boisterous laugh that only made her mate grip her arms tighter.

"You jealous? A sick and insecure man you are. Lucifer treated me and Nyuma with more ca-

"You shameless harlot jezebel so you admit your scandalous relations with him. That means you are admitting that waste of space isn't mine right?!!" Atlas bellowed.
"My hearing must be going bad cause there is no way you just called my daughter a waste of space. The  woman that your shaming without a ounce of proof, the mother of your children, the same woman you chose to be with all those years ago that you promise to love and worship for eternity." Erris said lowly tears running down her cheek.

"Mother, Father. Ena is not here. Should we look for her?" Dodeka asked looking concerned about the position of his parents and why his mother was in tears. He honestly wanted to  beat his father into the next century but was too much of a coward. "Te'sera ran over to the scene and her face contorted into anger.
"That is up to you, she is not  helpless she is  more than capable of taking care of herself, now leave." Atlas said turning his back so he wouldn't have to bear the disgusted look on there faces. "Father but what if- "
"We are the only one's that live here. She will survive, now get out of my sight before I do something I'll regret." Te'sera groaned. Erris slowly and carefully tried getting up. Her body was quivering and struggling to fully stand on it's own. Unfortunately it couldn't keep up with her efforts and she fell over. "Mother." Dodeka and Teresa said in unison, about to help there weakened mother but was stopped by her hand. Atlas looked at his beautiful wife with dejected eyes and reached out to help her up. She glanced up at him with a bright smile. His chest rose and fell in relief at her smile .
Then she spat right in his left eye  and burst in laughter at his shocked  expression. He quickly changed it to a nonchalant one not giving her the satisfaction of seeing his emotion.He wiped his eye and raised his hand ready to take his revenge but her face was not showing an ounce of fear. He turned his back to her and quickly glanced over to his children and walked away without another word.


Nyuma  languidly opened her  eyes grunted in pain trying to move her arm. Gradually she moved her head and her face twisted in pain . Eventually she turned her head in the direction of her sister to check on her.

"Wah....." She mumbled in confusion at luminous the light before her. She  tried adjusting her eyes to it only to see a wall shape of light. "What in the universe is that?" Ena asked. "How am I supposed to know?" Nyuma responded getting up and dusting off. She covered her eyes and hesitantly approach the mystical light. "Nyuma, what are you doing?" Ena asked in a calm cautious tone. She gave her elder sister a mean glare and pushed her aside then carefully moved her hand through it. "Ouch!" She shrieked with drawing her hand ."Where did it go?" Ena asked confusion etched on their faces. Ena grabbed nyuma's ear pulling on it causing her to whine in protest holding her sisters hand. " "What were you thinking just pushing your hand through that thing?"
"Do you mind letting go now?" Nyuma mumbled. Ena let go of her then instantly pinched her arm. Nyuma mumbled rubbing her dark skin still hating how vulnerable she is. "There is something I need to tell you sister. Mother has been having dreams about you and there very... peculiar if I do say so myself." Ena said pulling her sister over to a huge rock taking a seat.
"Go on."

"All of this will come to pass?" Nyuma inquired puzzled at what ena just told her. "Well I don't know what to make of that either but mother was truly concern over it." Ena said in deep thought. "So these dreams, how long has she been having them?" Nyuma asked. "A long time .That's why you should come home maybe the dreams are a sign you could be in danger." Ena said. Nyuma shook her head refusing to believe anything that was said. "Sister we are the only ones here other than these beasts and plant organisms, I'll survive. Besides there just dreams."
"Nyuma you know as much as I do that her dreams a lot of the times has some truth to it .Please just listen to me." Ena pleaded rubbing her stubborn sisters cheek with dotting eyes. "Fine, once as we figure out what that light is and where it went " nyuma lied. Ena smiled satisfied with what she heard.


A month passed since they have been trying to find the in's and out's of the light.They were running out of ideas for what to do next. Everything they've tried and observe seemed to be for nothing apart from the fact they could slightly predict the timing where it would appear. The concept of time for them was not really a thing where they were. Regardless of the  multiple times they failed they continued taking breaks in between. "How much  longer will we attempt this? You promised we would go home. This may be the very thing that ends you." Ena said rubbing her wrist from throwing rocks at the wall of light. Nyuma ignored her sister's complaint walking up to the light  basically immune to it's blinding effects. Thoughts of her mother's dream and finally getting to the bottom of the phenomenon infront of her. Feeling helpless and thinking about how much she didn't want to go home her troubled mind ventured to her childhood. She thrust her hand through it getting fed up at this point and the light broke of into little bubbles. Their shine increasing and spreading more engulfing her. "Nyuma!!" Ena screamed.

"Ena what happened, why do you look like that?" Erris asked with a concerned frown helping her daughter up. "She.... she's gone mother." Ena said feeling exhausted. "You were gone for so long I was worried.You went out to look for your sister why is she not with you?" Erris asked looking around for Nyuma. Dio held his sister up and took a seat that was made of rock rubbing her back. "So it went like this ...."

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