Chapter 24

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Ruelle's Pov•

Wayne and I was engaged in a  conversation as he drove us to work

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Wayne and I was engaged in a  conversation as he drove us to work. Apparently his daughter's about 6 months now and doing great. His marriage is improving and not on the verge of collapsing.

Miriam was looking out the window the entire time making me a little worried.

I tightened the grip with our intertwined fingers causing her turn to me with a blank expression.

"Everything is going to be just fine with Martina you know that right ?" I said giving her an ensuring smile.

"It's up to her" she said shrugging her shoulders ,placing my hand towards her face with a soft kiss resulting in goosebumps rising on my skin.

I tried shaking the feeling off looking out the way to hide my flustered face. Wayne glanced in the rear view mirror giving us a little smile.


After spending the first three hours of work reminiscing on the kiss we shared this morning ,my subconscious kicked me right back into reality.

Rejoicing about the kiss of the devil aren't we?.

I scolded my subconscious trying to shake the negative thoughts away.

Within the next hour it was my time for lunch and I came around the front to grab something to eat only too see three giants enter the cafe and my smile grew wide as I made my way over.

"What are you all doing here ?" I asked wrapping my arm around Miriam's waist when she kissed my forehead.

"Nyuma insisted " Dodeka said only to be slapped at the back of his head by Dio which made his head jolt forward.

"You are basically our family now Ruelle why not give you a little visit." Dio said patting my shoulder.

"Uh huh ,now were hungry so feed us that's the real reason we came here" Dodeka confessed crossings his arm.

"Speak for yourself" My woman said looking at him with disgust.

We all sat down and Miriam's arm slung over my shoulder.

I'm not going to lie it was heavy but I didn't let it ruin the moment we were sharing as she whispered sweet nothings into my ear making my tired day a hundred times better, my chest feeling a lot lighter.

There was no where else I would rather be.

Dio and Dodeka were at each other's throat almost the entire time which made me shake my head at them.

The hour passed by so quickly and before I knew it I was back to work. My phone vibrates indicating I got a message and I quickly pulled it out checking the message.

Miriam😈❣️🔐: Try it on as soon as you come home.

Me : You shouldn't have! But thank you I love it❣️

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Me : You shouldn't have! But thank you I love it❣️

Another message popped in from someone else and I checked it. My heart stopped at the picture that was sent to me.

Jedd : Those who don't hear will feel. I hope to see you both soon. It's a date yes ?.

In the photo below I saw my car window was smashed on both sides. The tires slashed plus my side view mirrors no where to be seen. Last but not least ' I'll give you another chance' was written on the hood of my car.

Can't someone please give me a damn break.

Miriam's POV •

I spent the whole day with my brother's which was fun but also made me weary.

It was almost 5:30 pm so I decided to just pick up ruelle from work.
I saw her waving at her co-workers while putting her coat on and clutching unto her one shoulder strap bag.

Her face lit up at my presence as she ran towards the door pulling it open and leaped right into my warm awaiting embrace.

"Again why are you here. Shouldn't you be at the office or home ?".she spoke latching unto my arm.

"Just couldn't wait to see you" I said avoiding her gaze.

"Mhmm. You know if I find out the real reason why I'm breaking up with you right" she said with a frown gripping unto my arm.

"It's nothing about us and quite frankly I prefer not to get into it ,please understand." I said.

"Why didn't you just say that I would have understood" she said letting my arm go and started walking up ahead.

It's so hard keeping a woman happy sometimes.

Not too long after reaching home watching Ruelle pause in the kitchen doorway.

I walked over to her and peeked into the kitchen seeing my little brother arms around Martina's waist and her arms around his neck.

His back was turned to us blocking the rest of the view but we all knew what was happening.

Ruelle cleared her throat and the pair pulled away like they were all of a sudden allergic to each other.

"The hell is this ?!" I yelled making Martina lower her head in shame.

"Is this what you do Martina, slumming it up with my 19 year old brother !" I fumed.

"We all know he isn't 19 Miriam, your such a horrible liar. Dodeka was actually trying to get me to talk things out with you but clearly I shouldn't" Martina said as Dodeka glared at me.

"I already told you why" I said through gritted teeth.

"Bullshit. I'm betting there is more you aren't telling like for the fact that you have not only two brothers but 10 other siblings!" She shot back ,Ruelle's head snapped in my direction, giving me the stink eye a mother would their misbehaved child.

"You've been fooling not only me but poor Regan for all these years. I bet that's what you wanted. Him at your feet worshipping and falling for so you could take everything from him and lie in his face !" she exclaimed and my eyes clenched shut controlling the rage that  tempted me to propel myself and launch for her .

"I would highly advice you to not speak of him this is about us not Regan" I said and her eyes rolled in annoyance.

"Whether you approve or not your brother and I won't hide our feelings, so suck it up and stop acting like his mother"  she sassed grabbing his hand and pulling him along with her.

They haven't even been here for two weeks properly yet. What could they possible have.

"Martina stop running and let's just discuss things please " Ruelle pleaded which only made Martina sigh but stop in her tracks then begrudgingly nodded.


"So basically you've been thrown out your own family because of your jerk of a father?" Martina asked and I nodded.

"So aren't demons supposed to be in hell or something why were you all somewhere else?" She asked.

"Long story short my father rebelled and Lucifer got tired of it" I answered.

"Why did your father treat you like that?" She asked.

There was deafening silence that flowed throw the air before I decided to speak up.

"That's very personal information so I would rather not. You'll find out one day anyway" I said getting up .

"Seriously" she pouted.

"And as for you and my brother there is a reason I do not want you to get involved with each other ask him your self and you'll know why."

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