Chapter 20

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This one is going to be long but imperative.

Ruelle's POV

•Ruelle's POV•

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That's how I felt .
For the entirety of my work shift I wasn't myself at all and usually even if I was a bit depressed I could fake or even hide it.

This was simply too much for me to take in all at once. Parts of what happened are still processing in my brain and it didn't make sense at all.

How am I even meant to go home and act like nothing happened, like her eyes weren't pitch black as time actively seemed to slow around us.

Maybe it was my fault ,me being clumsy as usual that caused this.
One thing my brain seemed to come to terms with though....

She isn't human.

In the past few weeks I've been living with her it's been nothing but great  even when she was avoiding me.

Deep down at that time I knew she probably felt ashamed that I found out she was intersex. I didn't feel repulsed in anyway, just shocked.

I wanted to get down to the bottom of what happened but a part of me was screaming not to dig any further.

What if it gets worse the more I knew about her. On the outside she wasn't much of a expressive person. A lot of the time her usual stoic face or frown was a constant occurrence.

For the first time in a long time I wasn't forced ,judged, stressed out to the point where my period couldn't be tracked.

I wasn't bullied for being a reserved individual which most people took it for me acting as if I'm superior to them. I'm not threatened or bullied by close or extended family.

I felt free.

The moment I went to serve table seven and I felt those bold eyes take notice of poor regular old me. I was so nervous I almost tripped over my own feet.

My tongue feeling like a ton of bricks as it weight in my mouth slightly open as I stared at her.

My heavy bandaged heart felt all the more lighter just by her dull green eyes stirring up my insides into mush.


That's what I felt ever since and I had gotten too get used to it. Other than occasionally being at odds and arguing with Martina ,having a hard time at work with Mrs Glisstone everything was fine.

So therefore there has to be an explanation for what I saw even if I wouldn't like the answer.Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me or perhaps it was a dream,an hallucination.

Oh come on really a dream you were hanging unto her like a lost puppy.


I knew in fact it wasn't a dream or an hallucination. It was flippin real and no matter how I hoped otherwise it wouldn't change that fact.

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