Chapter 22

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•Narrator's POV•

Atlas staggered back at his reflection and started walking forward shouting his wife's name only to hear his own echo.

The breeze forced him back but he only continued  forward.

After a few more minutes of walking he heard a child's cry and he ran ahead.

He saw erris with the other children surrounding the crying baby. He paused looking at them properly realizing the same thing happened to them. Their skin gone from the colour red to brown , a few of his children skin were a bit lighter than the others.

Erris head snapped into his direction and her mouth slightly opened at the sight of her husband. He slowly made his way over to them never breaking their heated gaze.

It was like seeing each other for the first time all over again but through new lenses.

Pende their daughter clung unto his leg and peered up at him.

"Father why do we look like this?. I'm scared" she sobbed and he patted her head.

"We should search for shelter" he said and Erris nodded.

Hence the family strolled through the strange environment for a while searching for shelter. The children played around with each other while examining their new bodies. 

"Father would that do?" Exi their son pointed to a tall ,webbed and old looking castle.

Atlas rubbed his son's head as he grinned in accomplishment. Not long after settling in and raiding the castle finding a few weapons to hunt and look for woods to catch fire in the night.

The children sat around the fire huddled around together warming each other from the cold.

Erris rocked her sleeping daughter while kissing her forehead admiring the newborn's dark skin.

Even though she was young Erris could identify a few features on her that resembled Atlas.

A smile formed on her lips as she felt Atlas stand behind her wrapping his hands around her hips. 

"Lay her down" he instructed and she rolled her eyes putting the baby down and he pulled her away from the view of the children's prying eyes ,pressing his lips hungrily unto hers.

She still hated him as usual but her body and heart couldn't resist his touch. All of the previous events convinced her that she should take a break. Besides she wanted to test out her new flesh.

"Even as a inferior human your just as beautiful" he complimented caressing her cheek affectionately and she smiled folding into his caring touch wishing that he was like this with her all the time.

As they stumbled further gripping and kissing on each other she hoped deep down that their upcoming activities wouldn't result in yet another child.

The sparks flew between them and they both knew this night wouldn't be the only night they would be like this.....

Two flickering lights of fire fighting for dominance.

Yes they disliked their new life but it wouldn't affect their sex life by any  means. Neither would they admit to it, but it added a new glimmer to their intimate life.

From that point on they had more off springs ( A/N :no surprise there *wink wink*) and for a while there relationship was okay but it didn't take long for Atlas to go back to his ruthless ways , taking it out on the children and on her.

Through it all she admired them they were her little treasures and gifts.

She called after the children and they hurriedly made there way over to her, hastily making a line.

Erris shared the beast's meat for all 12 of them but upon counting she realized one of her daughter's were missing and wandered over to where knew she would be.

Behind a rock sat the little girl as she watcher her father with contained excitement.

"Nyuma dear come eat" Erris said and Nyuma turned to her in surprise but nodded following her mother while holding her hand.

Erris sighed watching her daughter devour her food and wished Atlas would just change but he never does. He still treated Nyuma different because of what she had.

His views and opinion never wavered over the years despite the fact she's his daughter and it hurt her because in a way he was rejecting a part of her by not accepting Nyuma.

•Miriam's POV•

"This is...nice" Dio mumbled to himself as he observed my home.

Martina came waddling into the living room with wide eyes and hands on her hips. I sighed knowing what was to come. 

"When will you stop carrying strange people into this house. Who are they?! " Martina asked pointing to my brothers. 

"Her brothers" Dio answered making me glare at him but he shrugged.

 "Brothers. Miriam why am I just finding out you had bothers. I thought you had no family " Martina said walking over to us.

Dodeka didn't say a word as his eyes brightened lingering over her in delight causing me to feel disturbed.

"Hello!"  she raised her voice hoping to get an answer.

"We were separated for a very long time ,for unfortunate reasons that's why she didn't tell you anything" Dodeka spoke up making me nod his way in approval.

Martina sighed shaking her head vehemently while pressing the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry for the terrible outburst. I'm martina ,Miriam's friend at least I thought I was" she spoke stretching her hand towards Dio and he looked at me. I nodded ,his gaze returning to her.

He shook her hand and introduced himself with a curt nod.

Her attention turn to my younger brother and her smile grew wider at the sight of him and so did his.

His smile shun brighter than fireworks on new year's eve.

I looked back and forth between them picking up on a energy that made me want to gag.

"And I'm guessing this is the younger brother ,what's your name?"  she asked. "Dodeka" he answered confidently answered without even blinking.

Creepy and inappropriate.

She held her hand out to him and he gladly accepted.

"How old are you ?" She questioned and this was my time to shine.

"He's 19" I answered for him and he gave me a incredulous look. Martina's bright smile dwindled as she quickly retracted from his hand and scratched the back of her head.

"Oh" she said with an awkward laugh. We all stood there for like a minute before Martina spoke up .

"Are you fellas hungry. I'm gonna make some tacos" she offered and Dio nodded while Dodeka told her he was famished.

She went into the kitchen to prepare the food and they were about to sit on the couches and I stopped them.

"There expensive go shower " I ordered pushing them up the stairs. They both went into the direction of the nearest bathroom opening the door together and I face palmed myself in frustration .

"There are other bathrooms ,were you both seriously going to shower together?" I asked and they both shrugged.

"We've seen each other naked before Nyuma what's the big deal" Dodeka replied and I pushed pass them to demonstrate how to use everything in the bathroom.

"And by the way it's miriam now" .

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