Chapter 13

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" Family should be the foundation which we feel we can conquer the world.

Instead it burdens and shackles us more than anything else.

Sounds absurd doesn't it?.

We were taught without family life would be even more difficult because no man is a island. No man stands alone.

Perhaps those teaching are fairy tales or perhaps we have the power to make our own fairy tale family.

By Frostgiantsage -Queen

Ruelle's POV

Tomorrow is my last day at the hotel and still I didn't know where I would go. If you couldn't guess just like my family the rest of them, mostly from mother's side were just as toxic if not worse. Most of them turned out to be drugs addicts ,rapist,scammers ,pedophiles ,abusers etc .

Don't get me wrong I had two cousins that uplifted themselves out the toxicity because they met older more mature positive people that saw there potential and wanted better for them .

Though in both their cases they fell in love with their guardian angel and there life's have transformed into something meaningful but I have no idea where either of them lived now.

I'm happy for them living out there true potential with someone that showed them a helping hand. I grit my teeth in frustration at my predicament while tapping my feet onto the pavement on the side walk waiting for the cab to arrive .

My mom hasn't texted or called after that malicious voice note which made me a little worried . She's always the one to be shouting and barking threats and orders at me. Even would use emotional black mail when she didn't get her own way. I don't really have money for gas so hence why I'm currently taking a cab to work. I checked my phone only to be disappointed yet again.


She still hasn't texted or called since I gave her the donuts and it has me going crazy . Did she like it ? Was it too sweet? Did she even like donuts at all ? What if she thinks I'm annoying or a creep for looking for her and making donuts ? .My brain was on over drive and I'm feeling physically fatigued from all this over thinking. After exiting the cab and walking into the cafe I got ready for a busy day .


" Can you drop by the hotel tomorrow if your not too busy "
I shut my phone off right after that text feeling my heart race in nervousness.

" What time ?"

OMG she actually replied .Alright Ruelle calm yourself ,with trembling fingers I texted her back .

" I know this is a lot to ask and we don't know each other like that but can I crash at your place . Ofc I'll help out with anything to repay you "


My heart was still throbbing in my chest as my eye glued to my phone screen looking at the loading dots. Shouldn't she be busy with work or something.

"Why would you crash at my place, wouldn't that hurt ?"

I blinked at my screen for a few seconds before laughing hysterically slapping my knee as my ribs started hurting.

" I mean if I could stay at your house until I can find somewhere else. I know this is a pretty big thing to ask but I promise to not be of any trouble to you "

"I did say you could come to me for help so it's no problem but what time will you be ready ? Can I help with anything?"

She honestly seems so sweet and still a little weird but I didn't mind as long as she wasn't a serial killer.

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