Chapter 16

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I could feel the muscles in my face tire from the constant frown I've mustered for hours now.

Dedicating yourself to school and work to be a CEO is no joke.

I've basically been dragged into this world to loose my friend and take over for his company. Mr Rogers is a goofy man at times but a tough teacher,I know he just wants the best for the business but devils.

On top of all that stress ruelle's predicament wasn't pretty I could literally feel the evil from her mother. She thinks the world revolves around her and whatever she wants. What truly matters is that she doesn't have to put up with that kind of life anymore and that makes me relieved for her. They were days I had to leave the country briefly for business but ruelle would update me often on how things were for her and if her mom is still a plague.

I halted at the door as I entered ,eyes glued at the scene before me. She lifted her legs slowly with a sultry expression on her face which had my friend below too excited. I shrugged off the chills creeping up my spine as my brain was screaming to act on my carnal desires.

I'm in control .

Her eyes drifted over to me and she feel right on her ass making my legs carry me over to  her, my earlier fascination broken.

Such a damn klutz. It's ridiculous.

" I'm good, I'm fine " she assured but I decided to check despite her words. I could hear her sharp in take of air as I pulled her towards me, her eyes searched mine for a moment.

After checking for any  supposed injuries I looked into her eyes and her bewitching brown eyes widened. She really was a very alluring woman ,from her face down to her hair that laid half way down her back intrigued me in ways I could barely comprehend. Her lashes fluttered profusely with every second that passed ,her subtle breast brushing over mine. Her pupils were dialated as she gazed over my facial  features and that's when I knew we were just too close. I knew what was wrong with me.

I was attracted to her and there was nothing I could do or even wanted to do to stop this unbridled attraction.

There was no point in denying it either, the boner I had speaks for itself. My eyes examined her the entirety of her face until it settled on a piece of white string. I reached out towards her cheeks but changed my mind along the way and pulled it out. Her face fell and a deep blush appeared on her cheeks.Will I always have to save her from herself ,she's the clumsiest woman I know. " Be careful" I said to her in a low tone and slipped past her walking up the stairs.

I took a deep breath before unlocking the door and entering the room .It's been months since I've last been in here my gaze wandered over to the pictures on the wall and a small grin grew on my face.

Regan birthday pictures were hung up on the walls. There was on where he slung his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to take a picture with him. His smile was so wide and genuine it was one my favourite things about him. There were a few other ones when Martina forced us to go shopping, go to the park and also on my first Christmas on earth. I still remembered the time she gifted me a burgundy sweater because she knew how much I favoured them.

Unfortunately it was ugly and I burned it in the fire place. She seemed distraught about what I'd done but I promised I would make it up to her so she eventually forgave me.

Spoiler : I didn't make it up to her.

One of my favourite pictures was when we were in the office hungry and stressed out and martina came to the rescue giving us food. Regan grabbed a piece of chicken out my plate making me fume in anger pulling a bigger one out of his. He gasped grabbing the back of my neck but I pulled on his other hand bitting into his fingers. Martina burst out in laughter while raising her phone towards us taking pictures. She always knew the best times to capture a moment but I will never admit that fact to her.
I rubbed the bridge of my nose and sighed in frustration. What if I can't do this ,what if I mess up and fail ?.

" Always put your best foot forward"

I bit my lip nodding to myself remembering his words. I've already accomplished this much what's the point in giving up now. " Thanks Regan" I whispered taking a last look on the memories that clung to the wall. After exciting and pad locking the door my feet followed the low sweet voice emanating from the wash room.

" Bring that body to me
Baby come closer ,closer
Bring it to me
Oh, yeah,baby I'll give you ecstasty" she sang as my head peered around the corner watching her take my clothes machine.

She did my laundry. But why ,I never gave her any orders to do so.

She seemed so peaceful and happy and I didn't want to interrupt her so I took couple careful steps forward taking my time. My heart was screaming at me to pull her in by the waist and embrace her but my brain said otherwise.

She abruptly pause slowly turning her body around staring at me.

" There is something I forgot to ask how were the donuts I gave you?" she asked and I narrowed my eyes at her choice of words.

That was random....

In all truth they were heavenly and for the entirety of that week it had me craving for more .They were different varieties that had their own special taste but only two really hooked unto me. The creme brulee and the hazel nut Nutella.

" They were .....pleasant. I like them "
I replied making a huge smile grow on her face as she swayed side to side twisting her fingers shyly.

" I'm happy you like them" she said lowering her head. I found myself staring at her again observing every curve and crevices of her body. Even places my eyes weren't meant to look at. She pushed a strand of hair at the back of her ear and slowly raised her eyes at me.

Within a few seconds her face went from one of shyness to a look of utter shock. It took me like a minute to realize where her eyes were glued to because I was too lost in my world to catch on.

With furrowed brows she looked at the small tent that formed in my pants.

I swiftly turn my back to her absolutely  horrified and exceedingly humiliated as I fixed myself and left not wanting to make her anymore uncomfortable than she already looked.

Great she knows I have a penis now.


So yeah ....ruelle glimpsed the goods 👀......

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