Chapter 12

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Miriam's POV•

•Miriam's POV•

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"Are you serious?" ruelle asked surprised at my answer. "No I'm joking " I sarcastically remarked rolling my eyes looking outside slightly mortified with the way she looked at me with pity . " I could teach you sometime " she winked and I cleared my throat wanting to change to this conversation.

"I still can't believe you don't know how  to drive" she muttered to herself.

"Why are you running away ?" I asked and the adorable smile that adorned her slowly went away, her grip on the wheel tightened. "I ....home sucks alright I don't want to talk about it " she said as we approached our destination.


Ruelle's POV

My eyes fluttered opened and I covered them from the sun's torturing,burning blaze . My eyes examined the room ,my jacket folded neatly and placed on the dresser taking up my phone. I relaxed the time and soon got up to the bathroom to pee and shower for work .

Afterwards I speedily got ready and left taking my car to work but before I push the door to go in . My phone screen illuminated to indicate I got a new message. I opened it to see I got a voice note from my - ursula.

I braced myself inhaling and exhaling dramatically as my cold trembling finger tip pressed on the message.

"What is wrong with you how could you sneak out without asking either of us for permission ,especially with the car.
Why are you so selfish ?,your brother needs the car too.

Dear G** WHERE DID I GO WRONG WITH YOU? ! If you want to be a presumptions tramp that's on you but don't be an inconvenience to anyone else . I expect to see that car in the garage this evening no later than 5:30 pm ! Are we clear little girl "

My eyes welled up with tears but I wiped them before they could escaped and pushed the door open with a feign smile plastered on my face greeting my co-workers. I decided I would make different flavoured donuts hoping I would see Miriam again so I could show her my gratitude, hoping it could compensate for now.

The dream I had still plagued my mind along with the events of last night, her hand on mine made my smile grow everytime I thought of it which was like a thousand times already.

I need to see her again .

Miriam's POV•

My fingers tapped constantly on the table and I bit on my index finger that was adorned with a ring in deep thought .
I hope she was doing good especially with the way she was last night when I asked why she ran away. I saw anger with a flicker of sadness in her eyes , something must have happened at home but what could it be.

Did whoever she live with kicked her out ?.
Did she go through a fight with someone?
Is she broke and can't afford to stay home anymore ?
Perhaps she lived with a boyfriend and things didn't work out in the end?.

"I think that would be a good idea don't you think ?" Mr Rogers questioned and my eyes flickered over to him. " Of course I think your idea is very solid" I responded not having a clue as to what I just agreed to.

" So you think I should divorce my wife and go after that young beautiful waitress your a good friend " he said with a big grin .

" No absolutely not " I said shaking my head profusely and my eyes fluttered in embarrassed.

" Is everything alright?,you were spaced out for a good while ?" he asked leaning back in his chair with a stern expression.

" Nothing to be concerned about I've just been busy with school is all " I responded.

" If you say so . Anyways what I asked before was for my upcoming business party I should have the cafe' and that young waitress take care of the deserts" He said and I nodded agreeing with him. Further on in the future she could develop meaningful connections with fellow business people which would be good for her .


I cuffed my long sleeves while walking on the side walk and looked at my watch for the time .

" I'm so sorry I didn't see you " a voice said making my head swiftly turn in that direction. Once she realized I saw her she briskly made her way over to me with a timorous smile .

" I came here to give this to you .Thanks for helping me when I was in a tough spot . By the way I was told that you payed for the rest of the week and that gives me some time to figure some things out on where to live " she said barely making eye contact with me .

I reached out for the white packaged box and she handed it to me ,her fingers brushed mine and she flinched lowering her face.

"What is it ?" I asked with a raised brow ."Nothing " she mumbled twirling her dark hair around her finger . " If there is anything else I can help you with let me know if you don't figure things out " I said reaching my hand out and she gave me a bewildered expression.

" Your phone, won't you need my number for further contact " I mentioned and her face lit up in realization then she quickly fetched for her phone giving it to me.

Something quickly caught my attention.

Her contacts was not even 15 people and to add to that the contact name ursula the witch and sperm donor#🥇1 almost made me burst out in laughter but before she could get suspicious I quickly added my number to her phone handing it over to her .

"What wrong with your ears there pink?" I questioned genuinely confused and her eyes seemed to almost protrude from her skull as she profusely shook her head.

" No no just a condition of my skin uh .... enjoy the donuts bye " she spoke quickly practically sprinting off down the street . Wayne finally arrived and I hopped in looking in the box with a tiny smile.

 Wayne finally arrived and I hopped in looking in the box with a tiny smile

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My gosh they were so many but I'll make sure to finish this entire box.

Apologies in advance Martina.

Am I moving too fast with Ruelle's and Miriam little meeting and friendship ?.

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