J - 1

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a/n: I'm also warning you guys that this book contain ABF/ANR.

Y/n closed her laptop shut after typing what felt like hours. "One more form to fill in and recheck the files then I'm ready to go." She sighed, standing up to walk out of her office room.

Y/n isn't a CEO boss, not an owner of a famous company, she's just a normal worker but slightly not ordinary enough because she worked as a personal assistant in one of the famous restaurants. She didn't hate her job, she loved it. Fortunately for her, her position gave her the best salary and that's what is important to her.

Y/n turned 24 a couple of months ago, although herself doesn't look like 24 years old woman, more likely 20 years old. Y/n herself felt proud, she doesn't have to look old as she grows older year by year.

"Wanna grab lunch together?" Y/n's co-worker, also a foreigner, John, asked approaching her with a wave also. She waved at him back gladly.

"Not today,'' she replied. "I will have lunch at my parents, its been a while I didn't eat homemade food."

"Well, I hope you would have a nice lunch then." John said smiling, waving a goodbye at her as she returned similarly to him.

Y/n exited the restaurant building and walked up to her car, starting the engine to blast off without wasting time. Y/n aren't the best cooks, but she's good if she knows the instructions and what she must or mustn't do while cooking to be able to do her work excellently. She used to work as a cook at the same place she is currently working at, but since her boss decided to level up her position, she's now working as an assistant.

Y/n borned to be a diligent person, she likes doing what she's doing, her tolerance grew as long as she became the personal assistant, let alone being toady.

She pulled up her break, turning off the engine as she climbed out of her car. She knocked the entrance door and soon the door was opened by her mother.

"Hey, girly!" The woman greeted her, hugging her at the same time.

"Hey, mother. How are you?" Y/n asked her mother, patting her back as she hugged her.

Her mother was the one to release the hug and pulled Y/n inside the house. "Never been better." Her mother smiled at her sweetly, a short laugh escaped Y/n's lips. "I'll get Yoongi, lunch is almost done!" The woman walked to the hallway to call out for Y/n's brother.

Y/n walked inside the kitchen to meet with her second mother. Y/n have two mothers, meaning that her father is a polygamy. Her second mother isn't too old, quite a bit younger. Y/n couldn't blame her father when she first found out that her father would marry another woman. Her father isn't old, he's around his mid 40s the same age as her mother. Y/n's parents married at a young age, still in their teen age but for sure when they were legal already. Y/n's second mother is four years older than her. Like she said, she blamed no one.

"Mama~" Y/n wrapped her hands around her mama's waist when she stirred the food with the wooden utensil, making sure the meat was cooked.

"Hey, flower." Her mama greeted her back, kissing Y/n's forehead and turned back to focus on her cooking. "Lunch is done, you can wait in the dining room."

Y/n walked away to seat at the dining room, receiving a surprise hug from her brother. "Hi yoongs."

"Hi." Yoongi replied shortly, smiling and took a seat beside his sister. "How's work?"

"Work's going fine as always for now." Y/n answered, Yoongi nodded and give her a thumb up glad to know she's not having a hard time.

"Look at the babies interacting!" Their mother coo at them, earning a cringed face from Yoongi caused Y/n laughed shortly at her brother's reaction.

"Mom, we're like- in our twenties already." He shook his head at his mother. "We're babies no more."

"You two might not be babies but in your mothers' eyes the both of you still are." Their mama said, serving the meals on the dining table as Y/n elbowed Yoongi.

"Let's dig in, Y/n have half an hour before her lunch break ends."

"Fill, fill, fill," Y/n sang out as she was typing on her laptop's keyboard, distracting herself or else she might get distressed because she started to get bored staying in her office for nearly 3 hours. Despite she's getting all drained and tired already, what needs to be done has to be done.

The sounds of ringing interrupted Y/n's finger to type any further. She looked at the ID and saw it was her best friend, Leena.

Y/n picked it up, putting the phone on her ear. "Hey bestie." Y/n smiled, greeting her.

"Y/N I MISS YOU!" She shouted through the line causing Y/n to pull her phone away from her ear shortly. "Actually, can I ask for a favor?" Leena's voice sounded slightly begging.

Y/n made a confused expression, "You're so loud gosh but what is it?" She asked.

"Well.. Um let's meet and at the restaurant you work at tonight, is that okay?" Leena asked. Y/n glanced over her wrist to look at the time.

"Alright, I'll make the reservation under my name." Y/n said, putting her pen down and clean her desk a bit.

"Thank you! I'll be there in 10!" She said then hung up the call. Y/n sighed, standing up and call her co-worker to make her reservation then thanking them after.

"Today's a little busy day."

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