J - 28

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Jungkook got out of the car and closed the car's door. He saw Taehyung sat down on the chair with an unfamiliar man beside him through the transparent glassed wall. Jungkook didn't mind him and wanted to approach his friend. When he was about to walk across the street, he flinched at Y/n's voice.

"Jungkook! Wait for me, don't run across the street recklessly." She sternly scolded him. Jungkook's body shrunk and looked down on his shoes, feeling sensitive all of the sudden.

She held his hands. "I'm just very worry about you, okay? Please don't do that, it's dangerous." She brushed his bangs aside.

Jungkook just nodded then intertwined his fingers with hers. Y/n guided him across the road, when they finally made it and entered the building Jungkook ran off towards his friend in excitement. He may sounded cold in texts, but in real life he's totally different.

The boy went beside Taehyung who's focused on his phone only who knows why. When Jungkook covered Taehyung's eyes, the man beside his friend was about say something to stop Jungkook, not really knowing who Jungkook was but the man got stopped by Jungkook's whines from getting his hand twisted to the back by Taehyung.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!” Jungkook let out in pain. Taehyung widened his eyes, quickly released his friend. "Tae, what the hell?"

"Damn! I'm sorry, it was a reflex!" Taehyung apologized, scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"I saw what happened," Y/n approached the boys. Jungkook exaggeratedly complained to her over how 'abusive' Taehyung was to him. Y/n sighed at him softly, "Jungkook, no. Stop."

"M-miss Y/n?"

Y/n averted her eyes on the man, when she realized who he was her eyes widened in shock.

"Mr. Kim??” She let out a bit loudly, after all there was no one surrounding them.

"You two know each other?” Taehyung enquired, wrapping an arm around the man's waist.

Y/n cursed under her breath, assumed that the man is Taehyung's 'daddy' like what Jungkook told her earlier. Out of all people why does it need to be him? She never actually thought that man would be her boss, Mr. Kim. Also known as Kim Namjoon.


"Y/n is one of my worker, honestly." The man said a bit firm, not stuttering. "And that makes me her chief."

Taehyung face expression turned into a surprised one, let out an 'oh' in a questioning manner. Jungkook, he didn't react a bit happy for some reason.

"What a small world," Y/n laughed, trying to break the awkward tension.

”You! You're the reason-” Jungkook got cut off by Y/n who's pulling him away from Namjoon, he planned to beat the hell out of that man despite how more buff he is compared to the boy himself.

"Jungkook, no." Y/n whispered in stern voice, shutting him up.

"But mommy, he's the reason you work overtime! I hate you overworking yourself for someone like him," Jungkook enraged, not caring if Namjoon heard him.

"Jungkook, I taught you manners. Where's your manners?" Her voice submerged in dominance. When Jungkook about to retort, she stopped him. "Show your attitude to him again, i will not hesitate to give you silent treatment as your punishment."

Jungkook's eyes dilated in reaction. How could his mommy do this to him? For that man? Ridiculous! His mommy never give him silent treatment before, except giving him time out or keeping Toto away from him. He nodded obediently, couldn't argue anymore.

Y/n turned around at the couple looking quite nervous. Her boss was in front of her for sakes! She didn't wanted to get fired because of Jungkook's rudeness.

"I'm very sorr-”

"No, no! There's no need for that, I don't mind." Namjoon insisted with a genuine smile, looking at her then to Jungkook who's pouting behind her.

"Look! People are exiting the cinema. We should enter the theater now, our movie will start in 10 minutes." Taehyung interrupted them, he never expected their meet would turned out like this. "I will get in with Jungkook, buy us foods!” He said, dragging Jungkook with him, leaving the two adults alone.

Y/n shook her head and looked at her boss again, bowing her head at him and walked towards the food section to buy drinks and popcorns for her boy and herself. Namjoon stood behind Y/n, buying the same set as her for both him and Taehyung too. It was very awkward for the both of them.

When the two adults were about to enter the dark room after giving their tickets to the bored looking worker, Namjoon have the urge to apologize again.

"I'm sor-”

"You're not going to fired me right?" She blurted out, cutting him unintentionally. Namjoon shook his head almost immediately at her.

"No, no. Of course not. I trusted you a lot, Y/n. That's the reason you're in your position right now. We're outside the office, not at work. Don't worry about anything," He spoke with a smile, his dimple exhibited. Y/n nodded, feeling relieved and smiled back.

Taehyung shone his phone's flashlight at the pair, waving his hand and calling for them. The theater are filled with less people, probably still early before the movie start. The two adults approached the two boys with foods and drinks in their hands.

Y/n got a seat beside Jungkook while Taehyung sat in between of his friend and Namjoon.

Jungkook who was sulking and staring at the blank humongous flat screen got stunned when he felt a lips kissed his temple. He looked at her who gave him a small smile, handing him his food and drink. He took it from her hand as she settle down on the seat comfortably with a tired sigh.

His eyes just wandered everywhere, looking at the people entering the theater. He didn't mind about them however when his eyes landed on one particular couple, he tapped Taehyung's arm to get his friend's attention. Taehyung confusedly faced Jungkook who was pointing at something, or someone.

Taehyung looked away from him to the front where his friend pointed out at, still confused. "The wannabe girl who likes you?” He asked then his eyes went wide in realisation. She was clung onto a man's arm. Taehyung stared at her in disgusted.

"Yes! And that man is Jimin,” Jungkook whispered at Taehyung. Taehyung looked at Jungkook, couldn't really widen his eyes more in surprised. Taehyung still remembered how Jungkook ranted to him about this midget 'Jimin' guy.

"What the fu.ck? I don't know he has a girlfriend!" Taehyung whisper yelled back to Jungkook who stated he didn't know either. "Especially with that wannabe!"

Jungkook tapped Y/n's shoulder. "Mommy, mommy." He whispered.

Y/n turned her head aside at Jungkook. "Yes, yes?” She mimicked him also whispered. The boy giggled at her, sulking no more.

"Does Jimin have a girlfriend?" Jungkook straight forwardly asked. Y/n narrowed her eyes at him even though he couldn't see her well because of the darkness. He heard a faint 'yes' from her.


"Nothing, mama." He whispered, turning at Taehyung again. "That's definitely his girlfriend."

"For real? I heard that wannabe girl sleep around with the college boys frequently," Taehyung spilled out.

"Damn, looks like she cheated without him knowing."

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