J - 26

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Y/n squeezed her eyes that were closed, feeling uneasy. She didn't wanted to woke up, just some more minutes. She begged in her mind, not wanting to wake up. When she gave up, she opened her eyes only to be met with Jungkook who's staring at her already.

"Good morning," Jungkook greeted with gentle smile that made her smiled too.

"So that's why I feel odd," She figured, slowly sat up on the bed to rest her back on the headboard.

"Why?" Jungkook tilted his head a bit at her.

"You were staring at me, I felt a bit weird by it," she replied and it merely made Jungkook felt very offended and sensitive.

Y/n's eyes widened, looking into his eyes that were swelled up with tears. She thought that there was possibility he might regressed. The older shushed him softly and it just made his tears falling down his cheeks more. She brought her both thumbs to wipe his tears.

"No, darling. I didn't meant it badly, i promise, please don't cry.." She softly spoke, planting kisses on his wet cheeks. "I'm sorry that I hurt you."

Jungkook gets sensitive a lot with each of Y/n's words, because he loves her a lot that's why he focus everything about her, mostly her words. He sometimes thought how can she handle him, someone who's very intolerant because of a small matter.

Y/n eventually got well from the sudden sickness she got almost a week ago because of stress, work and the heartbreaking situation.

"B- bwut I make mama uncomfy!" He cried, hiccups slowly approaching him. Y/n brought him in her embrace, still shushing him softly.

"You can never make mama uncomfy. I'm always comfy being with my babyboy. It's okay, come on, hug mama," She whispered to him.

Jungkook sniffed, tried to wipe his running nose with his sweater paws yet she stopped him. Y/n wiped his nose with dry tissues instead. The boy gaze his eyes at her, a smile curved on her lips. The little boy cuddle onto his mommy as if his life depends on her, hiding his face against her neck.

"I love you, darling. I really do." She said, tightening her arms that were encircled his fragile figure.

Jungkook sleepily heard her, wanting to reply but he couldn't, his eyes were too heavy and preventing him from doing or saying anything.

Jungkook squinted his eyes opened, tried to adjust with the brightness that shone in the room.

He noticed how lonely he was on the bed without Y/n's presence. He wasn't little so he didn't cried like he always do whenever he woke up. Instead, he build the energy to get up wanting to search for his mommy.

He twisted the door's knob, pulling it open. He saw Y/n sitting on the sofa while reading a book in her hands. The woman averted her eyes briefly on the boy when she heard shuffles getting near her.

Jungkook sat beside her, obviously wanted her attention. He thought that she's ignoring him so he wrapped his arms around her stomach, making the woman chuckled.

"Did you slept well, love?" She questioned, brushing his hair with her fingers then cradling him.

"Mhm," Jungkook hummed, sighing in content, feeling how comfortable he was at the moment. "What time is it?" he asked with his eyes closed.

"12 afternoon, looked like we skipped breakfast, how about we go grab some nuggets and chips?" Y/n suggested.

⚠️ smut alert!! ⚠️

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