J - 40 [END]

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Jungkook suckled onto his pacifier in content while giggling. "Mamaaa! No eat mi hand!" He giggled, pulling his hand away from her mouth but she playfully pulled it back, pretending that she's gonna eat his hand.

He had just finished eating his meal while ago, what made him more delighted was that Y/n feed him. He's just so thrilled to be back in little space, oh how he missed being in ease with his mommy beside him.

Taehyung went home after he bought the couple foods and drinks, spending his money isn't a problem with him. He did it for his best friend and his mommy which he also considered her as his friend. Taehyung's a rich boy, he got that money from his sugar boyfriend anyways.

Out of the blue, the door bursted opened as the person entered. Hold up, not a person, but a married couple staring at Jungkook and Y/n in amazed.

Jungkook's head jolted up, squinted his eyes cutely and looked at his parents with his head tilted a bit at the side.

"Oh! Jungkook!" His mother sped up to the boy and cradled his head before pulling away to get a good look of him.

Soon, his father also approached his family. "Son! How are you feeling now?? We're so sorry we come late!" His father apologized, also hugging the little one.

"Ish okay, I'm fwine!" He insisted, pulling his pacifier out and smiled widely at his parents.

The man elbowed his wife, gesturing her to look at Jungkook who's glancing at Y/n for a while before looking back at his parents.

"Dis ish Y/n! Her full name ish Min Y/n, she's vewy kind, she my gu.. gir.. gwirlfriend!" He finally succeed on pronouncing it eventually with the biggest smile plastered on his lips.

The parents' eyes dilated in reaction. "It's a pleasure to meet you! Thank you for taking care of him all these time, I owe you a lot, Miss Min!" Her mother was about to bow down at her but Y/n stopped her.

"There's no need for that, it's my pleasure to take care of your son. I just want you two to know that Jungkook worth more than gold, so please be lucky to have him as your son." She spoke, bowing at them for a moment.

Once she straightened her body, she got engulfed in a hug by his mother, noticed the woman's body shaking a bit. However, when the older let out a sob, Y/n already got the idea.

She wrapped her hand behind the older's back, hugging her back.

"I will remember that, thank you." The mother managed to let out and released a sob, pulling away. "I'm looking forward to have dinner together with you."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Y/n's lips curved into a genuine smile as she uttered. "Thank you." She looked up at his father who's smiling and also returned the smile back to him.


"Yes?" Y/n and his mother asked in unison and looked at each other with a bewildered look on their face, after few seconds they laughed, easing the tension that was about to completely occurred in the room.

"I- I meant mi mom.." he giggled shyly and looked at his mother. "Is.. Ish it okay if I mobe (move) in with Y/n-ie back?" He finally asked for permission.

"Of course you can! You can do whatever you wants, you're old enough to make your decision too. And if it's Y/n, then I trust her enough already for letting you live with her." She replied, looking at the younger woman in front of her with a soft smiled.

In spite of that, the calm atmosphere were broke into hectic for a while by the door swung opened again. Who was it this time?

The door opened, revealing Yoongi and Jimin. Jungkook waved at the two enthusiastically with one hand since the peripheral IVs are inserted into his other hand.

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