J - 23

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Jungkook was playing with Toto, the two of them were having tea party together!

Jungkook poured a cup tea for Mr. Toto. He found that it's funny to pretend being 'professional', just like his mommy with her colleagues!

Jungkook waited for Y/n to walk pass his room so he could get her attention but she didn't. He furrowed his eyebrows, then tried to forget about his mommy for a while by asking with Toto about how does his tea tasted, tasteless or sweet.

After few minutes later he started get all whiney, wanted attention from his mommy. Y/n didn't even checked on him and he's about to cry. He inserted his pastel orange pacifier in his mouth, tried to calm himself from being an attention seeker for his caregiver.

It did calmed him, but not too long. He rolled on the floor, wondering what was his mommy doing until not checking up on him? He stood up, stomping his feet a bit as he went to the other room with Toto in his embrace. He pushed the door opened since it wasn't fully closed.

There his mommy was, on the bed typing onto her laptop with her lips pressed together.

"Mommy?” Jungkook called, though she didn't moved. Her focus were still piercing onto the laptop's screen, very concentrated.

"Mommyy," he whined, poking Y/n's shoulder which cause her to realized Jungkook's presence in her room. She took off one of her earbud and look at the boy tiredly.

"Yes? Do you need anything, Jungkook?" She asked, which made Jungkook's heart sunk when she called him by his name.

"Um.. play wit me, mama?" He asked nicely, afraid if he will make her mad but she didn't honestly.

"I'm sorry but I can't, I have work to do Jungkook.” She rejected, averted her eyes back on her laptop. Jungkook pouted, poking her shoulder again.

Y/n sighed then looked at him again. "Yes?”

"But mommy, me and toto wan yu to be wit us," he pleaded, frowned at her.

She shook her head at him. "I'm busy, not now dear." She shortly said which disappointed the little boy a lot.

Why's his mommy working? She wasn't supposed to be busy. It's night already and tomorrow is the weekend, she shouldn't do any work but why? Can't she at least spare her time to spend it on Jungkook?

Jungkook climbed onto the bed then on her laps but she stopped him.

"No, Jungkook. Not on my lap," Y/n let out, sounded exhausted.

Jungkook pouted, sitting down on the bed beside her with a little gap between them. He just watched her fingers tapped on the keyboard vigorously and he got bored honestly, it didn't interested him one bit.

He walked out of the room without her realization. How can she even realize? She was too busy with her 'work'.

He laid on his bed that he rarely sleep on but still it's comfortable for him, he laid Toto beside him and both of them stared at the ceiling.

"Toto, mommy is busy," Jungkook said, crossing his hands together.

"Mommy cawlled me with my name.. mama tired with mwe," He ranted, trying not to cry.

"Mama luv me?" He questioned yet no answer was given.

"I cry, mama no happy.. no peasy I cry, Toto.." He sniffed.

He was actually trying to say that 'if he cry, his mommy won't be happy about it.' and 'if he cry, he will burden his mommy and make things more difficult for her.'

That's the reason why he's hiding in his playroom, not like his mommy would bother to find him. That's what he thought and he unconsciously cried and submerged into himself.

Still crying, he couldn't stop since his little self were very sad and broken. He just cried until he got tired.

"Babyboy? Are you awake?” Y/n called softly, pushing the playroom door opened.

She didn't get any reply, her pupils fixated on Jungkook who's sleeping on the bed while cradling the elephant plushie in his arms.

She smiled looking at the little boy fondly and walked towards him, but then her smile dropped. She looked at Jungkook's cheeks stained with dry tears. When she touched his cheek Jungkook pushed her hand away.

"Don't touch me." He said coldly with his eyes still closed.


"Don't. Just go do your 'work' that you were so busy about earlier and let me alone." He turned around so his whole body was facing the wall. Now it's her turn to felt her heart to sunk deep.

"No, honey. Hear me out, I'm sorry." Y/n apologized. Jungkook moved his shoulder away when he felt Y/n's hand on him.

"I said, don't touch me. Go touch your laptop instead." His voice spoke a bit firm. It did affected Y/n but he couldn't see her expression so he didn't know.

"Baby.. please don't be like this, I'm very sorry, I was stupid."

"..." Jungkook was very speechless at the moment, he got no idea what to reply so he just stayed quiet.

"Look, I know I'm a very bad mommy. I'm mean, i make you sad now and I'm regretting what I did. I was very stress and all the works that I had to finish were very overwhelming me greatly. I'm sorry, I can't spend my evening with you, love. Maybe we can spend the whole weekend together?.. If you want to," Y/n crashed her lips together, holding the tears in her eyes. She can't cry, especially not in front of Jungkook.


"Whether you forgive me or not, that's up to you. I'm sorry if you don't like me being here and talk for too long. I'll just go," She sadly smiled and stood up.

She glanced one last time at Jungkook who didn't moved an inch before closing the door.

This situation hit her harder than break ups.

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