J - 10

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Jungkook stood straight, body tensed up looking at the boy who's jogging towards him. He felt his body trembling a bit.

Taehyung hold both of Jungkook's shoulders with seriousness. He looked slightly agitated, disappointment also can be found on his expression.

"We need to talk." He simply let out, staring at Jungkook straight into his eyes so Jungkook avoided his sharp eyes.

"Talk about what tae? I don't think there's-"

Before Jungkook can finish his sentence, Taehyung tagged him into the elevator, pressing a button then let go of his best friend since he wiggled a lot.

"You left me unanswered for two days, Jungkook. I texted you, called you but you didn't replied! I went to your house, and your parents told me that you moved out. What the fu.ck is going on??" He frustratedly asked.

Jungkook's eyes dilated looking at Taehyung, his hands had slight tremors. One word to describe him, petrify. He didn't know what to do, everything, it's starting to pressuring him all over. He hated it. Tears starting to formed in eyes, his voice cried similarly like his eyes. The feel of contempt begun to overwhelming him, closing his eyes.

After what felt like a minute, someone's arms wrapped around Jungkook, bringing him into their embrace. Their arms felt slim and sharp, he recognized that arms. Jungkook slowly hugged Taehyung, burying his face against his chest.

Even though Taehyung felt very disappointed at Jungkook, the other side of him worried about him the most. He couldn't just stand looking at his best friend broke down in front of him, he could felt as if his heart cracked into pieces.

Jungkook's cries slowly died and the elevator made a 'ting' sound, alarming they had reached on top of the college building.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook with him to an empty bench, the place was empty, not all people know about the place. Even if they knew, students wouldn't find the place slightly fascinating.

They sat silently, though Jungkook's sniffles filled the atmosphere as well as the cold wind hitting them. When Taehyung was about to break the silence, Jungkook's voice stopped him.

"My parents kicked me out."

That took all of Taehyung's concentration, a lot of questions pondered in his mind but he knew better he shouldn't pressure the boy more because it might scared him.

"They kicked me out because they didn't approve me, I'm.. not what everyone thinks I am, Taehyung. I'm scared. To tell you what I really am." Jungkook confessed, sniffles a little.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes at him. "What you really are? You're not some green alien who's in human form right?"

The question made Jungkook laughed briefly. Taehyung asked that purposely just so he can brighten the sensation between them. He doesn't wanted anything awkward to happen and make Jungkook feel uncomfortable while doing his explaination.

"N-no of course I'm not one." He laughed again, but even so it was very nerve-wracking to him. "I'm.. I'm a little.." Jungkook barely whispered the last word also emphasizing it, but Taehyung heard him clearly.

Silence seemed to approached them, causing Jungkook to feel more nervous than he was. Did he supposed not to tell him? What's Taehyung thinking about him right now? He's so gonna hate him, it's terrifying!

"You know, I'm not doubting what you're telling me. You does act a lot like a little to me." Taehyung chuckled, looking at Jungkook with his infamous boxy smile.

"Ughh Tae!" Jungkook punched his friend's arm, poutingly.

"What? I had suspected about it before! Your room are full with plushies, not that I'm complaining or something, I even saw a pacifier in your drawer last time but you told me it was your baby cousin's!" Taehyung laughed at him, Jungkook got a bit sulky so he punched Taehyung's arm repeatedly in embarrassment.

"Tae, I hate you!”

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook, hugging him and stopped the boy from punching him more. "You know you can always tell me whatever Jungkook. We had been close ever since we were kids! You shouldn't forget that I'm not someone who's judgemental about most things. I'll always support you."

"Thanks, Tae.. I didn't know what am I without you," Jungkook rested himself on him. "We good now?”

"Pfft nope, not yet." Taehyung answered, hearing Jungkook let out "What? Why?”

"Aren't you gonna tell me who's driving that Black Tesla?” Blushes spread onto Jungkook's cheeks and ears at the question, he wasn't really expecting his friend to ask such a question.

"She's uhm.." Jungkook paused, trying to comprehend what he was about to reply.

"Your caregiver?” Taehyung unknowingly completed his answered. Jungkook gave him a simple nod.

"Do you call her 'mommy' or-" a hand covered Taehyung's mouth causing a loud smack, he just pushed Jungkook's hands off him. "For sakes, there's no one Jungkook!"

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