J - 7

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The atmosphere in the apartment filled with amazing smell of foods that are still on its way fully cooked. Seems like tonight's dinner might be delicious.

As Y/n was cooking in the kitchen, Jungkook's laying on the sofa, with his one and only dinosaur pacifier attached on his mouth while watching cartoons that he barely knew, but he found it entertaining.

Even so, little Jungkook's very timid. He got shy about every little things as in when Y/n talked to him, and when he seek for attention once in a while when she was cooking.

However, he ended up being carried by Y/n to be laid on the soft mattress, telling the little boy how dangerous it can be in the kitchen.

Before reaching out for her, he soon got distracted by the cartoon that was exhibited on the big plasma television.

He didn't have toys, he only managed to get one pacifier and one toy figure from his house the other day. The rest.. It's still there, or maybe his parents already decided to burn all of them and make his bedroom as the guest room.

He felt gloomy thinking about all of his stuffie collection might be gone for good. He wanted to at least take one with him, but he couldn't since his baggage was full with his clothes and school essential. The speed of him sucking his pacifier slightly soared, debating on his other toys.

The sound of the bell echoed through the apartment broke his trance, his head perked up from the couch to look at Y/n who's putting foods on the dining table, fast walking towards the entrance door.

His eyes averted on her who's pushing an enormous box inside, he gets a bit excited at the sight of it despite not knowing what's inside.

She tiredly sighed after pushing the box into the living room, it's not too heavy, only a little, all the cooking just worn her out.

"Jungkook, dinners ready, come here," Y/n called him, looking at Jungkook who's sucking on his pacifier nervously. She found little Jungkook full with adorableness.

Jungkook scurried towards her, making the woman giggled who's watching her with his innocent round eyes filled with curiosity.

Jungkook sat on a chair beside her who's scooping rice for herself then for him on two plates. He waited sometime for Y/n to tell him to eat, nevertheless Y/n held a spoonful of food in front of his face.

Blushes that appeared on his cheeks aren't helping a lot, he ate the food and munching happily, looking up at her who also feed herself but with different spoon.

"The food taste nice, isn't it?"

He honestly nodded, the question made him mildly excited. Y/n feed him again but this time she made the sound of an engine while holding the spoon as if it's an airplane, making the boy giggled and eat the food with enthusiasm.

Jungkook went to sat down on the bean bag comfortably after eating since Y/n told him to. Sure getting feed by was a bit embarrassing. No, he remembered when he asked for Y/n's help the first night with his pajamas.

He hid his face with the cushion, his ears turned crimson as he got more embarrassed than he was already. Why did he even asked for her help on the first day?

The sound of cutting board interrupted him, catching his attention. Y/n were opening the box, looking at what's inside.


Y/n looked at the little boy who's aimlessly crawling towards her, flustering. She sent him a sweet smile and motion her hand to come to her while saying "come on" softly to him.

Jungkook sat beside her on the floor, he didn't know if he should already call Y/n 'mommy' he found the urge to call her that. After all, he did call her that previous night.

Y/n took a lot of packets out from the box, all of them wrapped with an opaque wrappers. She cut the first package with a scissor, also telling the little one how playing with them is big no-no. He got shivers when she told him a monster will eat bad littles who play with sharp things.

"And.. here is it!" Y/n let out with perky tone, revealing what's inside the package. Jungkook's eyes lured at the various colors of pacifiers, letting out a squeal.

"So many!" He exclaimed with full of energy, a big smile occurred on his lips.

"But.. I'll have to wash it before you use any of it okay?” she looked down at the boy who's looking at the little pictures that attached in front of the pacifiers.

"Okie." He smiled. ”Can use tunite?"

"Mhm, you can use them tonight." She approved, tousling his hair. Jungkook made grabby hand at her.

Y/n lifted Jungkook up and laid him softly in between of her legs, his legs wrapped around her waist with his arms around her neck, nuzzling against her chest.

"Tenk chu, mommy." He shyly thanked her, she cooed at him making the little boy blushed more.

"But that's not all of them, sweetheart. Look, you also have sippy cups and milk bottles too," She showed him, making him more happy and excited than ever.

"Mommy I wan lookie!”

She gladly gave him the sippy cups so he could look at the cartoons that was plastering on them, taking another package and cut them open.

"I saw the other day that you didn't have any onesie in your baggage so I decided to bought you some," she told him, showing the onesie.

Y/n felt something wet dropped on her chest, she immediately looked down at Jungkook who's crying, hiding his face on her collarbone, his pacifier fell off onto the floor.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?? You don't like them? I can-”

"You spoiled me too much, Y/n," his voice cracked, soon hiccups escaped from his lips, giving her the hints that he's not little anymore.

Jungkook never feel so loved whenever he submerged into little space, he always been by himself all the time. He couldn't risk telling anyone so he concealed about him being little although unfortunately he unconsciously and involuntarily slipped.

It's nearly 2 weeks ever since he got kicked out from his parent's house. Jungkook haven't felt so accepted and understood in a long time by anyone.

He couldn't be more grateful being in anyone's arms, especially in Y/n's warm embrace. She welcomed him, she gives him a lot of attention as possibly as she could, then she spoiled him with a lot of things that he never had and couldn't buy.

He tightened his hold on her neck, not actually choking her, just hugging her more closer. Y/n hands secure around his waist, he thought that she might push him away yet she didn't.

"It's okay, baby boy. I'm here." She hushed him softly, running her hand through his long dark brown hair, slightly calming the crying boy.

He feels being loved again.

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now