J - 22

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Y/n walked into her office, checking every files before handing it to Mr. Kim, her boss. She tidied her desk then lock her office room, not wanting to waste any of her time.

Her head pounded once again, she shut her eyes closed as she let out a sigh. She got into her car, turning on the engine in progress.

What she going to do? Her mother is a little.. The fact that her parents hid it from her all these years did made her felt iffy about the situation. Nonetheless, Y/n understood why would they hid it from her and Yoongi at the first place. Not all people like or approve littles, only certain people does.

She nodded randomly before driving her vehicle back to her parents' house again.

At the moment Y/n arrived at her destination, she opened the front door, it wasn't lock. she just step in, slipping onto a pair of soft sandal.

She heard and saw Jungkook giggling beside Yoongi, the man was feeding the little baby food. She couldn't help but smile at the sight then approached them.

"Mommy!" Jungkook excitedly exclaimed, making grabby hands at the woman. Y/n sat down beside him and pulled him onto her laps. All of the sudden, the boy blushed furiously since Yoongi also saw him.

"Hey babyboy! How's your day going?" She asked, playing with his hair.

"Gud! Yoonie feed me that sweet fwood and it ish vewy yummy!" Jungkook flashed them his bunny smile. Y/n's eyebrow rose at Yoongi's nickname by Jungkook.

Y/n averted her gaze on Yoongi. "'Yoonie', huh?" She teased with a glee smile at the man who's laughing.

"Hey, he made that up, i really got no choice." Yoongi shrugged, closing the baby food and put it down on the coffee table.

"Thanks for taking care of him." She thanked and he nodded as response. "Where's the oldies?”

"Father went to work not long ago, our old women are having shopping spree an hour ago." Yoongi answered, handing Jungkook a baby blue sippy cup that was filled with water.

Y/n gave him a brief nod. "Your friends?"

"They're still here.. Hoseok is in my room I guess and Jimin is in the kitchen if I didn't mistaken." Yoongi replied, though he's unsure too.

"Alright." Y/n shortly said. She put Jungkook down on the couch beside Yoongi causing the boy to released a whine. "Mommy want to make a drink, okay? I'll be back." She kissed his cheek before walking into the kitchen.

She spotted Jimin who's back facing her, he's sipping a mug of coffee. She went towards his direction and make a coffee for herself, caught Jimin's awareness.

"Oh, I didn't notice you came." Jimin spoke.

"Well hello to you too." She let out then take a glimpse of him who were flustering, she chuckled at that.

"Jungkook told me what you said to him," Y/n started, taking a step near him. He tensed a bit but tried not to show it.

"Oh yea? Then, what?" Jimin questioned with audacious.

A small smirk curved on her lips and shook her head briefly, trapping him with her hands at each side of his body on the counter. As much as he wanted to move, his body didn't cooperate well.

"Well? I just want to ask some questions.. like, why would you tell him such things?" Y/n asked in whisper voice, pierced her eyes onto him or maybe his soul too.

"I.. I'm-"

"Stuttering? Come on, answer me like how you told him sh.its about me."

"Because.. I.." He stopped, then pushed her away from him so he was trapped no more by her. "Let's just pretend we never been in that position, I.. I gotta go." Jimin dismissed, walked away leaving Y/n dumbfounded.

What a coward, She thought.

She shook her head then took her mug of coffee in her hands, went to where Jungkook and Yoongi was.

"Mommmyyy, what's taking you so long to come bacckkkk," Jungkook whined, made grabby hands at her. Yoongi chuckled at the little.

Y/n picked him up and rested him on her hip. "Look who's being whiney already, do you want to go home?”

Jungkook nodded. "I missed Toto, mommy.."

(fyi: Toto is Jungkook's elephant plushie)

"Alright, alright." Y/n said to the boy. "Hey Yoongs, I finally get my cue to go home. Thank you again for looking after Jungkook." Y/n put the boy down so he can walk but he kept on whining wanted to be carry, she hung her bag on her arm and held Jungkook's hand.

"It's fine, not like I have anything better to do anyways." Yoongi smiled, tousling Jungkook's hair who let out a short giggle.

"We'll see you again." Y/n grinned. Yoongi nodded, escorting them to the main door.

"Bye Yoonie!" Jungkook waved his hand at Yoongi with full energy before getting into the passenger seat beside Y/n. Yoongi showed off his gummy smile and returned the little's wave.

Yoongi went inside again once the couple's car drove away, having the desire to drink coffee. His eyes stared at the full filled mug of coffee placed on the coffee table.

"Y/n must have forgotten about her own drink, oh well." He took a sip of it and approved it before going up the staircase to check on his friends.

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