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a/n: my new jungkook book titled 'Dr. Mommy' is out!!

Jungkook could felt his body shivered by the cool breeze that passed through his body, the air conditioner was cooling the whole atmosphere, even almost his body.

The smell of phenolic cleaners and ammonia inserted his nostrils as he inhaled the cold air. the omnipresent smell of antiseptic made him realized where he was, he slowly opened his eyes, felt worn out supposedly he had just ran all the way from a state to another.

The first thing he saw was the white, cleaned ceiling. He blinked weakly, he felt his finger shook slightly, not knowing what's the reason. Did he fainted? Was that really happened?

"Jungkook! I'll go call the doctor," Jungkook heard Taehyung's voice followed by shuffled footsteps and the noise of hospital's door being opened and closed.

His left hand felt pressured, like something was wrapped around his hands until up his arm. He finally took the opportunity to took a glance on it, he whimpered when he saw a needle that inserted at the back of his hand that was also bandaged.

Unexpected, he heard soft shushes, he recognized that shushes. "It's okay, don't worry, don't move a lot," The woman spoke gently, fixed his left arm position back to normal since Jungkook moved in terrific at the sight of it.

Jungkook watched her movements with curiosity alluring him, his heart skipped a beat with his breath being hitched in surprised. This better not be his eyes playing with him, it can't be he's hallucinating things. If he was, his mentality are no longer healthy and normal.

The wooden door swung opened, revealing a doctor and a nurse entered, along with Taehyung behind them. Jungkook stared at the strangers with a confused look drew on his face.

The doctor and nurse made him sat up and gave him a brief check-up before asking questions regarding how the boy was feeling at the moment. The boy only nodded and shook his head in response, felt overwhelmed to talk.

"You fainted because lack of glucose in your body, also, your stomach's empty. When's the last time you had a meal?" The doctor asked, jotting down on Jungkook's medical file.

"Yesterday morning?" He answered unsurely, his voice spoke in a question manner although he knew he's correct.

The doctor nodded, handed the file to the nurse and face the little boy again. "I'm afraid you can't go home now, maybe in few more hours you're allowed to."

Jungkook nodded understandably, not wanting to say anything or make argument over it. He's too weak and tired to do so.

"Please do eat, you'll recover more faster than you should if you do." The doctor advised, turning to look at Y/n and Taehyung. "we'll dismissed ourselves." He politely spoke and stepped towards the door.

"I'll go out and buy food for him, do you want anything Y/n?" Taehyung offered, eyeing the older. Y/n nodded and said that she would just get a cup of coffee.

Taehyung soon exited the room too, leaving Y/n and Jungkook alone in the room. For Y/n, she felt as if her nose and throat were blocked from oxygen entering her body and brain shortly.

The woman sat down on the chair beside the boy's bed. After few seconds staring on her own A-line skirt, she eventually landed her eyes on Jungkook who's already looking at her.

They were just like that for some minutes, staring into each other's eyes without any specific reasons. Nonetheless, Y/n was the one who determined to broke the silence between them.

"I'll go make a call for your parents, okay? Stay still." She informed, standing up. Once she almost took a step away, she felt a cold hand grasped her wrist, stopping her foot to make a complete step.

Y/n looked down at the hand that shrouded her hand then at Jungkook, he slowly shook his head at the older, making her confused.

"What do you mean 'no'? Your parents need to know your whereabouts, you can't possibly say they don't need to know about this." She said, again, he shook his head at her slowly but surely.

"I- I'm sorry.." He quietly mumbled.

"What was that?” She asked, it wasn't that she misheard or didn't heard him. She totally heard him loud and clear. Intentionally, she just wanted him to repeat himself again.

He looked down, ashamed. "I'm sorry.. Mommy, I'm sorry.." He repeated.

"Eyes up, babyboy." She instructed, stern but not too stern.

He slowly locked his eyes onto hers. "I'm sorry, mommy," He apologized again, trying his best to not cry even though tears had already swelled up his eyes.

"What are you sorry for?" She asked, tilted her head a bit at the side as she watched a single tear rolled down his cheek.

He sniffed. "I- I was so stupid, what I did was so stupid. I didn't know how miserable I would be if I moved out, I act as if it's nothing. L- like I would feel better, just like any other day yet I didn't." He cries silently, his head down.

"I couldn't be in little space, even how hard I tried. I felt so uneasy and interrupted even though I was not when I wanted to regress. I denied that I don't need a mommy, I was so hopeless and stupid-"

He was dumbfounded and got cut off by the pain he felt exactly on the center of his forehead, did he just received a forehead flick from her?

"I knew this might happen from the start, though I didn't stop you, did I?" She calmly asked, sitting down on the chair again.

"Why didn't you?" He asked back.

She hummed. "Because I wanted to see how you could bear with what you're deciding, I wanted you to learn your lesson eventually whether you regret or not." She honestly replied.

What she said just made him hung his head down again in disappointment. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you have a huge impact on me, but now I know. I'm sorry, I hurt you. I always hurt you. I'm sorry." He shut his eyes closed as more tears trailing down his cheeks.

Straight off, she lifted his face up using her fingers by his chin. "I love you, and that's what matters the most to me."

He started to hiccups when he heard her, she's so kind.. too kind for him to deserve, what did he do to deserve such a loving woman like her?

"I- I want huggies.." He managed to requested in between of his sobs.

Y/n stood up, she leaned in and encircled her arms around his body while rubbing his back comfortingly as she shushed softly to him.

"I- I can never love anyone like how I do to you." He confessed, crying on her shoulder.

She cooed at him, pressing a long kiss on the light red spot on his forehead that was made by her.

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now