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”It's all my fault Y/n, I'm very sorry, I shouldn't just reveal about it to him, I'm sorry," Leena apologized again, she had been apologizing to Y/n multiple times for a while.

Y/n sighed, held both of her friend's shoulders. "Leena, I told you it's fine. It wasn't your fault, some secrets are meant to be known." She sent her a small smile.

"But Y/n, if I didn't said it, this will never happen to any of you, it's clearly my fault-"

"Hey, enough with that. You didn't know, it wasn't your fault and that's final. Everything will be fine, it's not like me and him are breaking up, or so I thought." She sighed, resting her back on the chair.

"I hope everything will go back to normal soon, I just sense it." Leena said, looking up at her Y/n.


Jungkook knocked the door in front of him, waiting patiently for it to be open. He had been contemplated about what had happened over the day the entire minutes he was in the taxi.

He'll go through everything, he's trying now. He planned to get into his room, unpack his stuff, and rest for few minutes, after that ball his eyes out. How well prepared.

He snapped out of his thought when the door swung opened, revealing his mother stood there, stunned by his presence.

"Oh! You came!” Her eyes moved down to the baggage he held. "You decided to move in?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, I hope you and dad didn't change my room into a guest room?"Jungkook asked with his lips puckered slightly while he rose a brow at her.

"Nope, we didn't. We just leave your room as it is, though you might need to do some cleaning." She smiled, opening the door wide enough for him to enter.

"But dear, what about your girlfriend? Is she okay with your decision?" She questioned, concerned.

Jungkook stopped his steps, clearly astonished by his mother's consideration, also about Y/n being mentioned. He tried holding the the lump that started to build up in his throat, threatening him to release a sob.

"S- she said that I can move in here," He managed to uttered out, turning around and sent his mother a small smile before he walked up the staircase quickly, wanting to be alone possibly.

He closed the door behind him, occuring a loud slam not purposely, also without of his own aware.

"Sorry!!" He shouted from the insides, hoping his mother won't thought he was actually infuriated over something, which he honestly didn't.

His father wasn't home due to having a day at work, Jungkook still remembered that his father mostly have his day off every Friday.

The boy heavily sighed, laid his baggage down on the floor harshly. Why's he being aggressive all of the sudden? What's with his act? Ugh, he didn't wanted to think deeply at the moment.

He wandered around his room, making sure there wasn't any dusk left on his study table, nightstand and elsewhere. He decided to change his bed sheets into a new, fresh ones.

After he finished, he rested Toto on the clean bed, and started unpacking all of his stuff. Then, he unpacked and arranged all of his school stationary.

He felt extremely exhausted, it had been a while since he had a cleaning day. Most of the cleaning, Y/n always did it by her own without his help. So this was how tired she felt after she cleaned the apartment every weekend?

Even if he tried to help her, she didn't let him. She always said that, 'a prince shouldn't do any work'. She called him a prince, her prince.

He shook off those thoughts, trying to not admit he had missed her already. No, he's fighting his own urge to not contact her for few days. He needed a break, he's tired, yes, that was just it.

He changed his clothes into a comfier one, locking the door so no one would intrude. He was now in oversized orange t-shirt, didn't bother to wear a pant or a short underneath. He thought it was okay like always since it reached his knees.

"This feels comfy, maybe I should slip into little space to relief stress," He suggested to himself, skipping towards his bed and jumped on it.

He put out a hand of his and brought Toto into his arms, trying to seek warmth from the cover and his elephant plushie. Though, he felt something's missing, what is it? He felt less warmth than usual and it got him thinking.

"Oh! Maybe it's my pacifier that I'm missing out!" He exclaimed, stood up again to search for his one and only pacifier but he couldn't find it.

Instead he found the pacifier that was bought by Y/n for him, and it's his favorite pacifier, after his first ever pacifier. No, he couldn't think about her, he tried to resist the urge to thought so at the other side, he couldn't.

He stepped into his en suite bathroom, washing his pastel blue pacifier thoroughly. He inserted the pacifier in his mouth, feeling slight content as he suckled onto it and walked out to his bed, laying down once again.

He waited.. and waited for himself to fully submerged into little space, but he felt like something went wrong. What's going on? Why did it took so long for him to be in little space?

He waited another half an hour, inhaling the sweet scent that was attached on Toto as he hugged it firmly, Toto smelled just like Y/n.. Toto smelled like home.

Y/n.. home..

He rolled on his bed, distracted himself as he waited, still he hadn't submerge. Usually, he's able to slip into little space in no time whenever he can regardless of being conscious or not, yet now, why couldn't he?

He then realized something, he couldn't get into little space.

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