J - 33

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Loud cheers roared the cafeteria as Jungkook and Taehyung stepped in, causing the two of them to sneered since it happened almost everyday.

Since the two are known to be the hottest duo in the college. Some people thought they're a couple, some people thought not. Even so, they regularly got several offers for fu.cks time to time, regardless from male or female.

"It's my turn to treat you lunch this time, Tae," Jungkook spoke, tried to avoid all the eyes that were piercing on him.

Taehyung hummed, nodding at him. The two of them got into the line, waiting patiently for their turn to buy food.

"Jungkook," a male voice rang everyone's ears, also caught their awareness at the same time.

Jungkook and Taehyung turned their figure, trying to find who's voice was it and saw a classmate of theirs waving his hand at them.

"The principal called out for you, he said it's urgent." The male said, looking at the two of them.

"Do you know what's it about?" Jungkook asked, planting his hands in his pant's pockets.

The male shook his head once. "Nope, I was just walking in the hallway and happened to got called for the principal's help." He lightly bowed his head and walked away, leaving the two in confusion.

"You didn't caused any trouble, did you?" Taehyung asked, crossing his arms together.

"I'm sure I am 100% innocent and harmless." Jungkook replied with a shrug and handed Taehyung his money. "Buy the food for us while I'm away, I'll be right back."

Taehyung nodded, patting Jungkook's back and watched as the boy stepped away, leaving the cafeteria and his friend behind. The cafeteria started to filled with whispers, wondering what was it about to happen to Jungkook.

Jungkook walked through the hallway unhurriedly. When he stood in front of the door, he knocked thrice and heard a faint "come in" from the inside.

He entered the room with his eyes on the floor and closed the door behind him. When he gazed up, his eyes were met with a familiar two pair of eyes. Jungkook's expression turned into a cold one, hiding how surprised he was at the moment.

"Ah, Jungkook, one of our best student. I called you here not because you're in trouble or so. Your parents called me and asked if they could get you home early today because of family issues." The old man spoke, leaning against his leather chair.

"They're of course allowed to, you can pack your things while I inform your professor. You guys are dismissed." He concluded.

Jungkook exited the office almost immediately, not wanting to face his old man and woman.

"Jungkook!" He heard his mother called from behind as he sped up. "Please! We need to talk!"

Jungkook irritatingly turned around, noticing only them who were in the cleaned, empty hallway.

"There's no need to talk, you two disowned me. Suddenly encountering me at college and just said that we need to 'talk'?? You both could have done that before decided to ditch me." Jungkook growled, clenching his jaw.

"Son, look, I know you're mad at us. You have the rights, but please, we need to talk, please give us your time," His father literally begged.

"Ugh, fu.ck it. Fine." Jungkook gave in, walking away to take his things in his locker and dialed Taehyung, informing he couldn't get back because of certain issues he had.

He then stopped what he did and stared at Y/n's contact, thinking if he should also dial her. No, He will just leave a message.

He shoved his phone his pocket and swung his bag on his shoulder, exiting the college and saw his parent's car parked in front of the entrance.

Y/n heard her phone's ringtone, alarming her that someone just sent her a message or two. She stopped her action from scanning through the paperwork and glanced at her phone.

Don't fetch me today, my parents are bringing me home to 'talk'.

Her eyes dilated as she read the message, squinted her eyes to assure herself she didn't misread it. Like a swift, she dialed Jungkook only to heard a robotic voice speaking.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is unreachable-" she hung up. He turned his phone off. She cursed under her breath, wondering if he will be okay. She's worried to death over her little boy.

Jungkook entered the place he used to live in, his parent's house.

He followed behind his both parents who's leading him into their living room. The thick tension surrounded them didn't helped him a slight. He felt awkward and weird, which made him uncomfortable.

It was a bit hard to believe that he's in his house once again after months, it felt quite foreign to him.

"Please take a seat while your mother make our drinks." The old man said, plumped himself on one of the long couch. Jungkook did so without any words escaped from his lips.

"I know words won't be enough for you to forgive us, Jungkook. But we're serious about this, we're very sorry. What we did are very unforgivable." His father started. Jungkook didn't said anything and just listened.

"We called you with horrible names, we cussed on you, we disowned you, everything. We regretted it, we still do." The man spoke. "We will do anything, literally anything so you can forgive us, son. Please, I'm begging you."

Jungkook's eyes widened when he watched his father kneeling down in front of him.

"Hey, don't kneel, that's not needed." Jungkook said, helping his father to get up from the floor. He noticed the tears trailing down his father's cheeks. His heart broke at the sight.

"No, son. Me and your mother did despicable mistakes, kneeling aren't enough for you to forgive us." He spoke.

His mother came to approached them, putting the tray of drinks down on the table as she slowly kneel down with her husband.

"I'm sorry, dear. I know you're disappointed at us, I know you hate us for what we did, please I beg you pardon." The old woman cried.

Jungkook felt as if he's a god getting apologies from sinful humans, that were begging for his forgiveness so they won't be capture in hell when they die.

He sighed. "Stop it you two, please stand up. I said don't kneel." He spoke softly. "Your mistakes are forgiven by me, that's enough."

His mother shook her head at him. "No, dear. There's no way we can receive forgiveness that easily from you." She cried.

Jungkook also kneeled down on the floor, getting on their level. "Mom, it's okay. You guys are forgiven."

He was surprised as he felt his mother's arms engulfed his body lovingly while she cried. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm very sorry.." she cried.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back. "It's okay, mom." He looked at his father, who's obviously eager to hug him also. Jungkook opened his empty arm at him, offering his father to join the hug.

His father happily accepted and hugged both of his wife and son with tears streaming down his face. "You're an angel, my son. We promise you, we will never do something so stupid again. We eternally loves you."

Jungkook could feel his eyes soon produced tears. "I love you two more." He responded as he cried too, hugging his both genitors.

He missed them a lot.

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