J - 35

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Jungkook woke up, whining over the bright light coming passed through the white curtains. Though, he felt different. He didn't heard soft shushes from Y/n.

He tried reached out for her, although he couldn't feel anything. He slowly opened his eyes, abruptly felt upset when he found out his mommy wasn't there.

Jungkook's eyes averted to the door as he heard it cracked opened. He watched Y/n entered the room casually in her work attire, looking presentable and elegant as always.

"Mommy? Where are you going?” He throatily asked only to made him realized his throat was dried.

"Work." She shortly answered, putting her laptop inside its special bag. She walked away to find her purse, making sure her wallet, phone and key card were in it.

"But mommy, it's only 8 in the morning-"

"I tend to be busy, Jungkook." She let out without looking at him.

Jungkook whimpered, this wasn't a good sign. She always look at him whenever she talks, nonetheless at the moment she didn't which made him felt anxious. Her voice also sounded distressed.

"Mommy-" He grasped her hand, he hold her hand tight enough until she couldn't pulled away again. "You're being weird.."

Y/n puckered her lips slightly, shook her head at him. "No, I'm not but, I really need to go to work extra early today, I made your breakfast already so don't forget to eat, okay?" She soothingly spoke, made the boy felt safe.

"I'll see you later, do text me when you need anything. Mommy loves you." She pecked his lips and stood up, exiting the room hurriedly.

She needed to get there as soon as possible, and thought over the traffic that usually crowding everytime when it strikes 9 wasn't helping for her.

Jungkook laid on their bed with a very foggy thoughts over his mommy, she was being eccentric. He pondered why, nonetheless his questions left unanswered.

Maybe he should stand up and go eat his breakfast. Though, the thought of what his mother said last night came into his mind randomly.

"At first we thought that you live with your cousin Leena but then she told us she hasn't seen you for months."

He stared up the ceiling, contemplating the sentence again and again. Then, he glanced to the side and noticed his phone on the nightstand. He grabbed it and scrolling through his contact, searching for Leena's.

He dialed her, waiting for the older to pick up. after about more than 10 seconds, she finally picked up.

"Hey, Jungkook. What's up?" She spoke on the line.

"Hey Leena, guessed what?” He smiled, waiting for her guess.

"What? What??" She curiously asked.

"I said guessss~" He said with a wide grin.

"Ughh, what am I supposed to guess? Did Y/n bought you a new plushie?" She guessed.

"Wrong! I met my parents yesterday and they finally approved me!" He excitedly exclaimed, wiggling a little.

"Oh my- Jungkook! I'm so happy for you!! Did Y/n finally tell you about it?" She asked on the other side.

Jungkook scrunched his nose, he was perplexed and confused. "Tell me about what?" He questioned.

"About your parents that had been searching for you since last two weeks, isn't Y/n the one who told you about it?" She asked, also puzzled.

Wait, Y/n knew about it? Jungkook thought.

"..No, she didn't tell me anything.. My parents are the one who approached me at college yesterday," He said, and he heard Leena cursed 'shit' faintly on the line.

"Oh.. Uhm well, overall I'm happy for you! I got to go now, I have work today." She spoke rushingly.

"Thank you! Have a nice day, cousin!" He tried to cheered despite he felt betrayed with what she revealed to him.

"Have a nice day, Kook!" He heard and she hung up, leaving Jungkook to thought about what he just found out.

"Yes.. yes, thank you.." She put the phone down, received another call from her colleagues after her chief.

She sighed, felt quiet exhausted. She rested her head on her arms that fold together on her work table. She would have her day off tomorrow, which means she could get all the rest she had craved for the passed few days.

Although she jolted up pretty fast when she heard the door to her office bursted opened a bit aggressively. She sighed in relief once she saw it was only Jungkook.

"Wait, Jungkook what are you doing here?" She stood up from her seat, a confused look drew on her face.

"You lied to me. Why did you do it?" He questioned all of the sudden, title-lessly. It made her even more complicated to understood him clearly, he wasn't being specific.

"You act as if you know nothing, you knew my parents had searched for me since the past two weeks ago. Why didn't you tell me?" His expression changed into a sorrowful one, his sad eyes stared into her confused eyes, noticing slight fear in them.

"Jungkook- I have reason-"

"Then speak for yourself." He said firmly. Y/n shivered when she heard his slight stern voice entering her ears.

Y/n squeezed her eyes tightly when she suddenly felt her head pounding painfully, she had migraine.

"I did tried to talk with you that day, but something- more likely someone interrupted me." She recalled, holding her head with a hand of hers, massaging her temples.

"But why didn't you tell me anyway?"

She couldn't lie to him anymore, being honest was the least thing she could do rather than attaching more lies about it.

"I thought.. I thought they would take you away from me, I don't want to lose you, Jungkook." She said finally built the courage to spoke so.

"And you decided to hide it from me? You don't want to lose me, as sweet as that sounds, you still lied to me, and that's caused by your selfishness, Y/n." His eyes swelled up with tears, blurring his vision on her.

Y/n's heart cracked when her name slipped off his lips, something very rare to happen. What had she done?

"Baby please- please I'm very sorry, I never wanted to lie to you-"

"But you did!" He cut her off, tears started to trail down his cheeks.

"Jungkook-" She reached her hand to caress his jaw though, he slapped her hand away from him, surprisingly in a gentle manner.

"I want to move out."

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now