J - 6

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Jungkook quietly sat down on his seat, attending his literature. He couldn't focus all the time, having been spacing out since morning.

What happened this morning keeps on recalling in his mind. He couldn't believe the fact he kissed Y/n, someone who's willing to be his caregiver. Maybe he made his moves too fast, Y/n is still a stranger to him, he guessed.

Yet everything felt so right, nothing went wrong. It felt so real, it was real. Her soft plump lips connected with his thin one, when she fought his tongue for dominance, the feeling of his lips met with her delicate skin.

No, he's not in love with Y/n. Not yet, that's what he thought. If he will, then he will love her for who she is, and everything about her, inside out. He would never love someone only for their body.

He's a wise young man, he believed that.

Taehyung brought Jungkook back to reality by flicking his fingers on the youngest's forehead, causing him to hissed quietly.

"What the- What the hell was that for, tae?" Jungkook whisper-yelled to his best friend, rubbing the red looking spot softly with a pout.

"You have been zoning out and I kept on calling you yet you didn't heard me, what's with you?" Taehyung asked, slightly feel worried about him.

"I don't know how to convey all my thoughts right now, it's.. kinda complicated," Jungkook confessed, pushing his hair back with his hand.

"Just don't hesitate to tell me okay? Don't push yourself too much." Taehyung advised him, patting the boy's shoulder and continue to focus on their professor who's talking.

Jungkook just nodded at him even though he might didn't saw him. He tried his best to brush off what he was thinking despite it kept overshadowing his mind.

"Ah, yes that's all. Thank you." Y/n thanked her workmate, John, as he dismissed himself from her office.

She checked through one of the files that she just received, scanning through them while tapping her pen on the table few times.

She only needed to fill in one of the files, and the rest she kept double checking before handing them to her boss.

Unexpectedly for her, Mr. Kim entered her office without knocking, interrupting her moves.

"Oh- Mr. Kim," she bowed her head at him politely and looked at the man who was smiling ear to ear. "You looked oddly happy."

"I am," he admitted, happily walk forward to take the files from Y/n's hands.

"Sir you don't-”

"Oh please, don't stop me because I'm too happy to even stop doing anything right now," he said, smiling once again to her before leaving her dumbfounded.

Y/n shrink herself on her soft velvet chair, sighing. Her eyes wander around her office then she suddenly sat up, switching on her laptop.

She remembered that since Jungkook's a little, she must spoil him with little's essential because she haven't seen him in pacifier before, nor drinking milk.

She clicking her mouse, choosing some sippy cups, bottle for his milk and.. pacifiers of course that's highly mandatory for him. he might love onesies too so she decided to bought three of them and some normal pajamas.

Maybe this will be enough.. for now, she thought.

Some minutes later, she received a call from an unknown number, she picked it up without hesitation.

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