J - 19

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Y/n drove the car out of the college's gate, Jungkook settled his bag in the backseat then sat comfortably on the passenger seat.

"How's your test earlier?” Y/n asked, eyes focusing on the roads and to the cars drove side by side hers.

"I think I ace it, I knew 85% of the papers." Jungkook said proudly, his bunny smile displayed.

"You did great, I'm proud of you," Y/n praised and the boy practically giggled at her.

"Thank you, mommy," He sweetly let out, slowly taking Y/n's hand in him that made her smiles.

Even though it already passed months dating each other, Jungkook tends to feel shy every once in a while asking for kisses or holding hands.

Their journey to Y/n's parents house wasn't too long and awkward at all, the two of them very much enjoying each other's presences.

Once they had arrived, Y/n turned off the engine after parked in the garage. She was nervous to say the least, but she tried not to. Her parents approved Jungkook, especially her father. Which was very rare of him.

Jungkook knocked the front door, his other hand still holding onto hers. Jungkook? He was quite exhilarate on meeting her father and Yoongi once more. Him getting comfortable with her family were relieving her.

The front door swung opened. This time it's not her mothers who opened the door, but her father. The old man greeted the couple with the largest hug they could receive.

"You two come a bit early," The old man laughed, releasing the two from his embrace. Y/n laughed along with Jungkook, following her father from behind and closed the entrance door.

Once the couple entered the living room, they were met with Yoongi and Jimin chilling on the couch. Y/n thought it was only Jimin but when she saw Hoseok walked down the stair, she brushed off her thoughts.

"Oh! Y/n it's been long I didn't see you!" Hoseok smiled, giving her a friendly hug as she returned the same.

"Right? Been very busy with works now days,” She smiled, slowly released the hug when she felt her hand got squeeze. She forgot Jungkook still held her hand.

"Oh?" Hoseok smirked, looking at the intertwined hands. "Your boyfriend, huh?” Which made Y/n got flustered.

"Yeah.. This is Jungkook, Jungkook meet Hoseok, also one of Yoongi's friend." She introduced, letting go off Jungkook's hand so he can shook Hoseok's hand that was offering for his and did so.

"It was nice meeting you," Hoseok said, shook Jungkook's hand then pat his shoulder.

Maybe he's a good friend of Y/n too, Jungkook thought.

"Planning to dive in?” Y/n questioned, looking at Hoseok who's wearing swimming attire. Hoseok nodded at her, a chuckled followed by.

"There's pools??" Jungkook asked, his eyes went double sized which made Y/n laughed at his excitement.

"Yes, do you want to check it out? Hoseok can company you, I'm sure there's more time before lunch are ready." Y/n suggested, received a nod from the timid boy.

"Yeah, don't worry. I don't bite," Hoseok joked. "Hey, you two coming?"

"Nahh, I'm waiting here." Yoongi gave them a thumb up.

"I'll come," Jimin volunteered, stood up and walked towards them causing Jungkook to tensed up slightly.

"I'll go help my mothers, take care of him for me you two." Y/n said, leaving the boy with the two men to gave extra hands for the women cooking in kitchen.

"Take care of him? What is he? A weakling?" Jimin tsked, though no one heard him.

Jungkook got escorted by Hoseok to the back of the house. Jungkook's eyes fixated on the large swimming pool then moved to the empty luxurious looking lounges, planning to sit on it.

"This is the pool!" Hoseok let out in a 'surprise!' tone, making jazz hands at Jungkook.

Jungkook giggled then he smacked his mouth closed once he realized what he simply did. He can't slip to little space, especially there's people surrounding him.

Hoseok dove in the swimming pool causing a loud smash of water to filled the silence atmosphere. Jungkook sat on the lounge like what he intended to. Jimin sat the lounge beside the boy. Jungkook was too distracted watching Hoseok swimming skillfully, not caring about Jimin's existence.

"I have been waiting to talk with you when I first met you." Jimin honestly started, looking at the boy beside him. Jungkook rose his eyebrow at him in confusion.

"Talk about what?” Jungkook nonetheless asked, averted his eyes at the raven hair man.

"About you and Y/n. You don't have the slightest idea, don't you?” Jimin asked then let out a deep chuckled, playing with his ring that was on his finger.

"What do you mean?”

"Don't you know Y/n is just using you? She will leave you eventually." Jimin gave the boy a blank stare. Jungkook stood up from his seat, sneered.

"You're sick, you know nothing about us." Jungkook spat, poking the inside of his cheek. Jimin also stood up.

"Know nothing? Oh, I know better. Y/n will use you tomorrow and more in the future then like I said, she will leave you eventually." Jimin smirked, stepping few steps to him, leaving small gap between them.

"She doesn't love you. At all." Jimin whispered, smiling at the end when the boy sharply pierced his eyes at him. Jimin's words does effected him but he tried to not believe anything from the raven hair's mouth.

"Do you think.. just because you're Y/n's ex, I would actually believe you? Please, I'm not stupid." Jungkook harshly let out, hiding his hand inside his pant's pockets. Jimin, he's ranging mad by the younger's words.

"Oh, you're inexperienced with Y/n. You don't know anything. Maybe you should know, she was the one who ended our relationship." Jimin stated, stepping forward causing Jungkook to step away backwardly. Jimin stopped when the boy started to reply.

"Yes, she did broke up with you. Because you hurt her. I know you still have things for Y/n but you know what? You're nowhere near her heart, I am."

With that, Jimin pushed Jungkook with all his strength in frustration. He didn't wanted to let Jungkook's words to have impact on him, yet it did. And he hated it.

Jungkook gasped, falling into the pool fully shocked.

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