J - 17

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a/n: i just woke up to update and i saw that this book reached 1.6k reads?!?! AND 100 VOTES?? this is insane, thank you so much ily!!! 🥺❤️

"Little one, if you're planning to throw more tantrums I'm leaving you at home with cousin Leena." Y/n said with stern voice. Jungkook just huffed, he could careless.

Jungkook staying home with cousin Leena? No way, if he will have to then he will force for his mommy to bring him along with her.

"No! Mommy, no!" The little boy yelled, throwing his toys on the used to be clean floor. Now it messed by his toys. One of his toy cars got broken by his launch.

"Baby boy, I bought you those toys so you could play them and now you're breaking it!" Y/n let out a bit loudly, kneeling down to take the broken toy.

Jungkook launching more toys on the floor and unintentionally it hit Y/n. A small cut constituted on her arm as she groaned. She stared at the cut then Jungkook who stopped his tantrums.

Jungkook whimpered by his mommy's dark expression, oh no.. he's in a very bad trouble. He hurt his mommy!! He didn't mean to! He's too angry because mommy told him multiple times to clean up his toys but he didn't want, he still wanted to play more.

"That's it. You will stay home with cousin Leena." Y/n concluded, stood up from where she was kneeling and walked out of Jungkook's playroom.

"B- bwut mommy.." Jungkook manage to let out in between of his sniffles, trying to stand up and chase his mommy.

"You were shouting at mama earlier, you caused a cut on mama's arm, and you still call me 'mommy'?" Y/n calm voice let out, Jungkook started to tremble hearing his mommy saying that.

He's scare to death, is this the end for them?

Y/n attached the plasterer on her injury. She wore a blouse that perfectly hid her plastered arm.

"Mommy, me vewy bewy sowwy!! Me is bad-”

"Enough." She cut him off, causing more tears to stream down his cheeks. A knock interrupted the tension in the room. "That's probably Leena."

Y/n carried her laptop and purse out of the room, causing little Jungkook to chase his mommy again.

"Mommy pwease no leave!! I pwomise I will bwe a gud boy!" Jungkook practically begged, crying harder. He clutched onto her skirt, hoping that she would give him in.

Unfortunately, she didn't. She pulled her skirt off from Jungkook's hold. Y/n was too tired with him, she spoiled him too much and now here he is starting and trying to get spoil by her again. If she spoil him now, he will take this situation just a piece of cakes to mend.

"Mommy!! Pweasee!!” He sobbingly let out, more tears swelling up his eyes making his vision blurry.

Y/n swung the door opened and pulled Leena in almost immediately causing the other woman to yelped. Leena covered her ears with her palms hearing Jungkook cries, he's too loud.

"Stop. I said stop, Jungkook." Y/n let out, trying her best to not shout at him as she kneel down since he sat on the cleaned carpeted floor. She could never shout at the little boy, ever.

"Bwut mommy will leave me!! Mommy will never come back for me!” He sobs, hugging his knees as he cried more. Y/n expression softened hearing him, how could he thought like that?

"No, babyboy. Mommy will never leave you but mommy have work.. mommy work so she can spoil you more with cookies. You want that, don't you?"

Jungkook poke his head out from his oversized hoodie and looked at his mommy, she could see his eyes red due to crying session. He gave her a small nod, sniffling after.

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now