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The four of them exited the theater two by two. Y/n excused herself to the toilet. Taehyung and Jungkook didn't really concentrated on the movie too much since they were spying on Jimin and Eunji, the wannabe girl who kept on hitting on Jungkook at college.

Jungkook doesn't like her at all, she always gave him that 'thot' vibe to him. Shamelessly, if he could say.

She appeared out of no where then being around the football players. She always wanted to be on top of every other girls, especially this girl names Victoria. Victoria, a decent foreign girl but also gorgeous too, even kind. She always helped the guys (who just wants her attention) before test or exams, even the girls. That's how envy Eunji is over Victoria, and decided to be just like her.

Ever since Victoria unknowingly seemed to top over the school, Eunji appeared out of no where. Wanting Victoria's fame by sleeping around, which it does work. But also not the right way, she had a boyfriend for sakes. And what's worse is that, Jimin didn't know.

"Don't you boys wants to use the bathroom?” Namjoon asked, interrupted the two boys who were talking to each other.

Jungkook just glared at the man, Taehyung gave Namjoon his signature smile and nodded, pulling Jungkook with him.

"Jungkook, can you be nice to my boyfriend?" Taehyung rolled his eyes, entering the male bathroom. Jungkook huffed.

"But he's the reason Y/n worked hard, she even got sick!" He exaggerated, crossing his arms together.

"Jungkook. Namjoon told me that since Y/n is his personal assistant, it is mandatory for her to work hard. You think Namjoon just relax in his office 24/7? He has work too even if he's the boss." Taehyung sighed, washing his hands.

Jungkook felt guilty of what Taehyung just said. Maybe his friend was right. He's overreacted, but it was because he care for Y/n too. The younger sighed, nodding in defeated.

"Ah, look what we have here." A voice said, entered the male bathroom. The boys turned their head at the short man.

"Jimin." Jungkook let out, lazily looked at him in the eyes. Seriously? Next reunion with him in the bathroom?

"Unexpectedly we met, where's your mommy?” Jimin mockingly asked, chuckled.

Jungkook clenched his jaw while poking the inside of his cheek in irritation. "That's not your business, just focus on your philanderer girlfriend." Jungkook poke Jimin's chest a bit hard, causing him to back off.

Jimin stared at Jungkook then harshly pulled Jungkook by his hoodie's collar. "Did you just fu.cking call my girl a philanderer?”

Jungkook tsked. "You don't really have the slightest idea, do you?”

"Don't you fu.cking dare to lie to me.” Jimin pierced his eyes with Jungkook's, fuming.

"Be thankful I told you, fu.cking fool." Jungkook cursed back, pushing Jimin off him as the man released him.

Jungkook stepped out of the bathroom with Taehyung behind him, leaving Jimin dumbfounded. The younger saw Y/n talking with Namjoon. He quickly sped up to her and engulfed her in a hug, surprised her a little.

"Mommy.." he mumbled. Y/n cooed, tousling his hair. Jungkook felt calmer since he's with his mommy. Y/n patted his back gently, comforted him.

"Is he okay?" Namjoon asked in concerned. Y/n smiled at the man, nodding assuredly. The man sighed in relief, thought the boy was actually unwell.

"Ah I see now, he's a little?” Namjoon questioned, looking at Jungkook giggling at Taehyung who's playing with the younger 'peek-a-boo'.

"..yes, he is. Since it's obvious already, I'm sure I can no longer cover it for him. I guess he's comfortable about regressing around you, especially Taehyung." Y/n laughed, gazing at the two boys.

Jungkook slipped into little space when they were about to leave the cinema, worrying the other couple slightly at his sudden different persona. Y/n didn't mind honestly, as long as if he don't make trouble and embarrass her.

"Well, I don't really know a lot about littles but I have few friends who are in the community." Namjoon spoke, escalated Y/n's interests.

"Taetae, I hate that Chimin guy. He so big head!" Jungkook complained, playing with Taehyung's delicate fingers. Taehyung found his friend being in little space are adorable! It's fun playing with little Jungkook.

"I know. But hey, did you saw his face? He looked like his eyeballs might popped out," Taehyung laughed, remembering the earlier events. Jungkook erupted into a giggling fit when Taehyung tried to copied Jimin's unbelievably hilarious reaction.

Jungkook gasped cutely when his chocolate shake served on the table. Taehyung helped the little drink his cold drink, not letting him doing it by himself because there's possiblity Jungkook will spill it and get himself dirty.

"Owie! Bwain fweeze!” the little whined, regretting for slurping his cold drink too fast.

"Koo, I told you to drink slowly." Taehyung reminded, sighing.

Jungkook's eyes started to swelled up with tears, caused his vision to get blurred. "Mama!"

Y/n glanced at her little, eventually focused on him. "I'm here, what's wrong?" She cupped both of his cheeks, looking at him softly. She needed to thank Namjoon for his isolated reservation.

"Me head huwt! Bwain fweeze, huwt huwt," the boy explained in tiny, wiped his tears with his sweater paws as his nose and cheeks got reddened.

"I never thought littles are cute, like Jungkook." Taehyung whispered at Namjoon, the man raised a brow at him.

"Me neither," Namjoon agreed, pulling the younger for a peck on his lips. "Know that you're cute too." Namjoon chuckled as Taehyung got flustered.

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