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A week later.

Jungkook unlocked the apartment door using the card key, entering the place. He spotted Y/n sitting on the fluff carpeted floor, typing through her laptop that laid on the coffee table.

Jungkook laid his bag on the couch behind her, surprised her by kissing her cheek. Y/n sighed, glad it was just Jungkook. She was too concentrated on whatever that was exhibited on her laptop until she didn't heard him.

"What are you looking at?" Jungkook asked, sitting down beside her. Y/n watched his every movement before replying.

"Just scrolling to find books that interest me," She replied. "How's college so far?"

"Hmm, it's okay, just missed you," Jungkook wrapped his arms around her stomach as he laid his head on her shoulder. Y/n smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Can you help me get my phone? I forgot to bring it earlier with me," She requested kindly which makes Jungkook falling over for her again.

"Of course," Jungkook kissed her neck, standing up. He step into their shared room, looking around. "Mommy! Where's it??" He shouted from the room.

"In my purse!"

Jungkook's eyes darted on her purse that was on the nightstand. But apparently, her phone wasn't in the purse but beside it. He just took her phone and walked outside.

"Mommy, it was beside your purse," He mentioned, handed her phone and sat down beside her once again.

"Oh? I thought it's in my purse, thanks love." She took it from him with a smile, continued to do what she was doing. Jungkook just kept quiet while cuddling onto her, watching what's on the laptop's screen.

Minutes after, Y/n carefully glanced at Jungkook who's chin on her shoulder, still awake. Jungkook turned his head aside to looked at her which caused their lips to joined one another.

The two of them closed their eyes. Y/n cupped his cheek as Jungkook melted under her touch. Both of his hands rested on her thighs, gave them a light squeeze.

"Mommy-” He moaned when he felt her tongue inserted in his mouth, tasting every inch of him. Y/n suckled onto his tongue, he moaned softly over each sucks.

Jungkook gasped as he pulled away, running out of oxygen. She stared at him, caressing both sides of his jaw, made him looking up at her.

"You should rest, you seemed tired," She said, brushing his hair to the back using her fingers. Jungkook whined, closing his eyes.

"I'm not tired," He said, topping her hands with his and unclosed his eyes, looking at her. "I want to spend some time with mommy."

"Well, you mostly spend your time with me." She stated, resting her head on the couch behind her. Jungkook sat down on the couch behind her, they're now facing each other upside down; spiderman kissing position.

"What are you planning?" She asked, looking up at him whose facing down on her.

Jungkook shushed her, not letting her to talk more by crashing his lips with hers. Jungkook moaned when he felt she sucked onto his upper lips. Y/n hummed, feeling Jungkook's hands roaming down from her stomach up under her breasts.

Jungkook released from the kiss, his eyes staring down at her then her breasts. Y/n grabbed him by his nape, planting kisses on his jaw, neck, not forgetting about his adam's apple.

Unexpectedly before Jungkook could grasp onto her bosom, Y/n pushed Jungkook gently off her, confused the boy.

"I'm sorry, love. I'm not feeling like it today," Y/n pressed her lips together, guiltiness flowing in her body. She thought Jungkook would hate her yet he didn't. He just smiled, a sad one to be exact.

"It's fine, I guess I was being pushy," his voice sounded low, sitting straight on the couch then stood up, picking his bag.

"Honey- wait," Y/n caught his wrist, pulling him slightly. "What do you think about going out tonight? Let's have dinner at burger king."

A sweet smile formed on his lips, his white pearls on displayed. "Is it a date? It's been a while since our last date." He pouted.

"Yes, it's our next date. Come on, let's get ready!"

"It feels nostalgic." Jungkook commented, stepped in the fast food restaurant hand in hand with Y/n.

"How so?" She enquired, took a glimpse of the boy beside her.

"Remember when you fetched me from college for the first time? You brought me here for early dinner but I requested for take away instead of eating here." Jungkook shortly explained with a smile for remembering such a moment.

It made her smiled. The two of them ordered their food, after that they took seats at the empty table right on the corner that allowed them to gaze upon the sun that was setting.

"Look, it's not night yet, we're having early dinner like that day too!" Jungkook excitedly mentioned, grinned happily.

"Yes we do," Y/n smiles. "But, love.. may I ask something?" Jungkook tilted his head a bit and slowly nodded.

"I'm just wondering, why did you preferred to get take away that day?"

Jungkook hummed. "I was feeling overwhelmed that time, I thought about the night when my parents disowned me." He honestly answered with a dejected look on his face although his expression changed to a optimistic one after. "But it's okay, I'm happy now."

Her heart broke seeing how much he tried to stay positive even though he was crumbling in the inside.

"Honey, I wanted to tell you something.." She started, grasping his hand in hers. Jungkook looked up at her as curiosity started to attempt the best of him.


"Well, well, well! If it's not Jeon Jungkookie, I don't know that you're with this woman," She cut Y/n off and made a disgusted expression when her eyes focused on Y/n. The woman frowned at her.

"Fu.ck off, Eunji." Jungkook cussed, giving Y/n's hand a comfort squeeze. The older's eyes dilated in reaction.

"Aw, you're being protective, how cute," Eunji grinned, "More cuter if you were my boyfriend," She shamelessly flirted.

"Pardon?" Y/n rose a brow at her, cracking her fingers.

Eunji sneered at her. "Ew, did I talked to you? I'm talking to Jungkook. I don't find anything amusing about you, Y/n. I don't have the slightest idea what's so special about you. You're not even pretty." The younger female spoke.

Jungkook stood up loudly, which caught a lot of attention from other customers, also the workers. Y/n's held his wrist cautiously, hoping he won't cause a scene.


"Did you know that you're disgusting? Don't you have a life? Mind your fu.cking business." Jungkook enraged, pulling Y/n's hand a bit, gesturing for her to stand up and she did.

Jungkook took their table's number and lead Y/n to the hidden tables at the back but then stopped and turned to look at Eunji for the last time.

"Oh, and I bet you look hideous without your ten layers make up." He roasted and turned around, continued pulling Y/n along with him who snorted at what he just said.

"Feisty, aren't you?"

"I can't help it, she insulted the woman that I love. At least I was being harmless." Jungkook shrugged yet Y/n felt extremely touched by his words.

"Thank you, love."

He kissed her knuckle and sent her a soft smile. "Anything for my woman."

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