J - 8

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a/n: just finished writing 'J - 16' so here's another update bcs im very happy :))♡♡

Nothing awkward happened between them after last night event where Jungkook cried his eyes out on Y/n, tons of his new presents were exhibit in front of him bought by his mommy.

To say the least, little Jungkook have been so clingy to Y/n. Not like she's complaining, she likes how little Jungkook didn't wanted to go far away from her. She never thought that she would have those kind of effects on him.

Jungkook didn't sleep in his room anymore, well for now, somehow he had always wanted to sleep with Y/n. He quoted that 'It is compulsory for littles to sleep with their mommy or daddy'. She found him being so ridiculously cute.

Regardless not being in his little space, he always tried his best to act little just so Y/n would pamper him. Unfortunately for him, Y/n are smart enough to compare whether he's big or little. She told him how being big wouldn't change how she act towards him, it's not wrong seeking for attention even if he's big.

Jungkook's feeling for Y/n had escalated quickly than it should have. Little him loves Y/n with all of his heart! Y/n always there for him when he's hungry, need to potty, want to play but he's lonely, and when sleeping too! He never wants to be far from her, sometimes he had overthinking by being too needy though he couldn't help himself.

Y/n tried to stay with Jungkook 24/7, despite she had some work to do after got home from work yesterday. On the other hand, she just wanted him to be around her too. It was a bit difficult to take care of Jungkook at first for her since it seemed like it's all new to her, still she's good at taking care of Jungkook since day one. She sometimes did online research about littles in her free time so she could add more knowledge about littles so she could be a good mommy for Jungkook.

It's the weekend, meaning she had the day off and Jungkook didn't have college. The little boy intend to spend the whole day being in his mommy's arms although what his mommy planned for the weekend aren't the same as his.

Jungkook's still laying on the bed — his mommy's bed — even it's near afternoon. Y/n didn't mind letting him wake up late, he had been studying for the whole week so he deserved to have extra rest. She served chips and chicken nuggets for his breakfast.

Her little boy love chips and chicken nuggets.

She approached the boy who's half asleep on her bed comfortably, cuddling her hugging pillow while suckling onto his baby blue coloured pacifier.

"Pumpkin, I made your favorite~ come on wake up," her voice soothingly said, patting his shoulder gently.

The little boy tiredly sit on the bed, squinting his eyes but whined since it's too bright for him. He made grabby hands at Y/n, eyes still closed.

Y/n chuckled, picking her little boy up to the dining table and sat him down on her laps. Jungkook aren't heavy, she didn't bother a lot by his weight but love it when he's sitting on her.

Jungkook's face lit up as soon as he smelled the cooked nuggets, he knew that intoxicating smell. Y/n poured grape juice into his blue sippy cup matched like his pacifier.

Little Jungkook ate his nuggets happily using his special little fork. Since littles are reckless, Y/n forbidden little Jungkook using the metal material because it might be sharp for him to use.

Jungkook couldn't finished all of his chips since he also ate his mommy's breakfast which is several kinds of fruit. Jungkook love fruits so he wanted them too. In the end, the two shared each other's breakfast.

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