J - 18

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a/n: this chapter is filled about y/n's relationship history with jimin in the past.

Y/n stepped out of her room to the dining table, phone in her hand. She sat beside Jungkook who's making himself strawberry jam sandwiches.

"Hey mommy, how's the phone call?” Jungkook asked, making her mommy a sandwich too.

"My mom called, she wants us to come later for lunch together later. My mom said my father missed you," Y/n laughed, sipping her coffee. Jungkook's mouth stretched into a wide smile.

"Really? I'm looking forward to it!" Jungkook let out excitedly. "My schedule isn't tight today so I guess, I can come?” Jungkook tilted his head a little at her, she nodded her head approvingly.

"Mhm, I guess Yoongi's friends will also be there," Y/n guessed, took a bite of her sandwich.


Y/n accidentally choked on her sandwich at Jungkook's mentioned. The panicked boy swiftly handed her a glass of water while patting her back gently. She sighed once she swallowed the food, oh my it did hurt.

"Yeah.. he's one of them," Y/n articulated.

"It's strange.." Jungkook murmured.

"What is strange?”

"It's just that.. the black haired man that sat beside Yoongi, he constantly gave you glances when we were there last time for lunch, is that Jimin?”

Y/n pressed her lips together, well? He deserves to know right? Sighed.

"Yes, he is Jimin." She answered, sipping her coffee then took another bite of her sandwich, careful not to get choke by it again.

"Is there something going on between you two??” Jungkook confusedly questioned, closing the strawberry jam cap closed.

"He used to be my boyfriend, years ago." Y/n sighed. Jungkook's eyes darted on her at what she said, curiosity flowing through his mind.

"Boyfriend? H-how??" Jungkook asked, extremely confused, he had so much questions to enquire her.

"It was when I was still in highschool, I was one of those nerd students. I have no one but Leena beside me, and my brother too which is Yoongi. Jimin is Yoongi's friend ever since they were freshmen so you can already assume they're very close even in present." Y/n paused, looking at Jungkook who's literally facing her side, got very interested to listen her history.

"After few weeks getting know each other, he asked me first and then we started dating, privately. No one knew about our relationship except my parents and Yoongi, Jimin was the one who wanted to keep it as a secret." Y/n paused once more, feeling slightly overwhelmed.

"Wait, that means the relationship was unofficial?”

"Yes, and I listened to him. I wasn't thinking about anything about making our relationship official. I was too happy, so being with him was enough to me." Y/n paused, she felt a pair of hands wrapped around her stomach, hugging her. She looked at the boy who's laying his head on her shoulder, a small smile appeared on her lips.

"As I said, I was happy, only for few months. Then the fourth month being in love with Jimin, wasn't the best feeling ever. He started to push me away, criticized me for how I looked. He wasn't being straight forward about it but he hinted them. Frankly.. I wasn't this good looking back then, I wore braces with spectacles on.

We didn't talk at school, but we did called and texted each other whenever school ended, talking with each other until late night.. laughs high school sure was something. I trusted him a lot, so I didn't really mind about taking over his social medias.

But then he stopped calling me, he didn't texted me regularly anymore then that was when I started to became more possessive of him. His phone's wallpaper, it wasn't me but a random girl that I didn't know of. Feeling insecure was an understatement, though he said that he just found that picture? What kind of dumb excuse was that? Nevertheless I stupidly gave in.

Then, I decided to broke up with him because I couldn't handle it anymore. It did hurt. That's when I intended to not get into relationship anymore, not until I finished my studies." Y/n concluded with a light sigh.

Somehow telling about her first love did felt weird. Sure moving on from the past isn't easy but guess what? She successfully did! She doesn't have deep feelings for anyone but Jungkook, she really hope being with Jungkook can change her life, which, it did actually.

"I'm very sorry.." Jungkook mumbled, tightening his hold on her.  "I may not be someone who's special enough.. but I will always be here for you, mommy. I promise I will."

Y/n pulled him onto her lap, his back rested on the dining table. She pierced her eyes with his that were swelling up with tears, about to stream down his cheeks with one blink.

"Who said you're not special? Obviously you're the most important person to me. Come on darling.. don't cry," Y/n cooed, wiping his tears with her thumbs.

"I.. I'm the one who supposed to comfort you yet you're the one comforting me," Jungkook sniffles, looking into her eyes. The woman smiled at him, leaving a peck on his lips.

"You don't have to comfort me. I've already moved on and here I am, being with you and happy once again." Y/n grinned when the boy hugged her.

"Do you know that you have less than an hour before your lecture starts?” She interrupted the moment, making Jungkook whined.

"Mommy! You ruined the moment!” He complaint, still hugging her. Y/n can guess that he was pouting, it made her chuckled.

"But can we stay like this for extra minutes, please?" Jungkook requested.

"Yes. Of course we can, love."

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