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Taehyung's smirking, elbowed Jungkook while looking at the Black Tesla parked in front of them. He made kissy noise when the boy is getting into the passenger seat, causing his cheeks to burn.

Jungkook's classes didn't end at noon so he had to call Y/n, telling her that his class ended earlier than it supposed to. Y/n didn't really mind fetching him even she will have to ask her boss's permission about leaving her office shortly. It had been her routine picking and sending him to the college and back home with her for more than 2 weeks now.

Jungkook waved his hand at Taehyung before closing the car's door, wearing the seatbelt after. He felt so glad telling Taehyung everything weeks ago about what he had been concealing from him. Sure it was nerve-wracking, but it was worth it.

"Someone's happy right now," Y/n said with a smile, looking at him for a while then focused her eyes back at the road.

Jungkook nodded rapidly. "Today, Taehyung and I had finally received our promotion for our latest project," He briefly explained what had happened.

She's happy for seeing him all smiley. This got to be a good news because he looks very enthusiastic about it. A soft smile curved on her lips.

"And what did you two got?"

”We got 'A' star! It makes me so happy because it also will be recorded 30% in our end of examination!" Jungkook exclaimed in joyousness, slowly looking at her again. He could never get tired.

"I'm proud of you, baby. You did so well." She praised him. He smiled widely, he's a sucker for praises from her.

"Thank you, Y/n!"

"Although, I still have something to do at work.. I'll just send you home, okay?” Y/n enquired, eyes still focusing on the road and she couldn't see the pout that slowly made its way on his lips.

"Does that mean you will leave me home alone?" He poutingly asked, tilting his head a bit.

She spared a glance at him, why does he need to act cute to give hints? She sighed at how tricky he can be. "I'm afraid so, Jungkook."

"Can I come with you?” He asked, hoping that he's not forbidden to come.

"You might get bored there, so my suggestion would be a 'no'."

She heard whines, looking at Jungkook's sad eyes and frown. It's not that she didn't allow him to, he can come with her. He wouldn't have anything to do there so boredom might get the best of him if he come along with her.

"Please, momma I will be a good boy if you bring me too.."

That voice. That's not little Jungkook who was speaking. It's obviously Jungkook. She turned her head to him who's making puppy eyes. Can she handle saying 'no' with that face of his?

She kept quiet for a minute or more, the boy whines here and there waiting for her response. But she said nothing, when they were near to the apartment, she took another different path. A path that isn't the way to their home.

"Momma? Where are we going?" The boy asked quietly, he knew that he might annoyed Y/n already, that's the reason why he asked with whisper voice.

"Work." She simply replied, not glancing at the boy. She's not annoyed, just tired hearing his whines. Nevertheless, she still love him.

Jungkook got quiet because of her very short response. Maybe she really found him annoying already. It scared him. It got him a bit insecure. But soon his insecure are no longer 'a bit'. He played with his fingers, trying to find a way to comfort himself.

Y/n noticed his discomfort. She knew that something's overwhelming him. Less talking, she intertwined her hand with his. Maybe she did something that cause him to be like that.

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now