J - 24

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Y/n felt unfamiliar with the bed this time, she tried to shift but her body wouldn't do much. She could also felt her forehead was wet yet warm at the same time.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking everywhere but the white plain ceiling and the brightness in the room. Although It wasn't her room, it was the living room. Her head pounded causing her to shut her eyes closed once again. What's with her head pounding everytime??

When she tried to sat up, she couldn't, there's weight on her that was preventing her from sitting up. She moved her head to look down at Jungkook who's laying on top of her, head on her stomach, sleeping.

The woman leisurely made her hand towards the boy's cheek, caressing it gently. A small smile plastered on her lips. Suddenly, the memory of last night approached her mind which caused her head to pound again.

"Mommy? Are you feeling okay?” The boy asked worriedly while stroking her cheek, snapping her from her daze.

"I'm okay, baby. It's okay," Y/n answered without second thought, nodding a little assuredly. "What happen?”

Jungkook removed his hand from her cheek then laid his head down again on her stomach. "I woke up hours ago and saw you sleeping on the couch, I'm still sulking but i was very worried that you might hurt your neck sleeping in a sitting position."


"Let me finish. And when i was about to make you lay on the couch properly, I felt your body was heating. I don't know much what to do so I took a small towel and damped it in cold water then put it on your forehead. I hope you're getting better. Oh, you need to eat medicine wait,” When Jungkook was about to stand up Y/n stopped him.

"Love, it's okay. Don't worry, I'm fine," Y/n said, tried to reassure him she was alright when her own head was pounding.

"No, mommy. Stop forcing yourself. You always do that, and I don't want you to think that your health are nothing to worry about," He let out a bit stern, felt the lump forming in his throat then stood up from her to take her medicines.

He came back with a glass of water and three different kind of bottle pills in his hands.

"Where did you get those medicines from?” Y/n questioned, furrowing her eyebrows at him.

"The paramedic, down the street. I didn't steal it, I paid for it already." He simply said, just to make sure in case she wondered.

Jungkook helped her to sat up on the couch so she could eat her medicine. Y/n wasn't okay mentally. Jungkook went to the street to buy medicine for her? And he still concerned about her even she was being a total jerk to him? What did she do to deserve him?

"Let's get on the real bed."

"No, it's fine. The couch is comfortable for me and it's warm. I'm okay, love," she told him softly which wasn't an actual lie.

Jungkook slowly nodded and helped her laid back down on the couch, putting the wet towel on her forehead before laying himself on top of her.

"Why are you doing this? I thought you hate me," Y/n let out.

"Because I love you and I never hate you, I don't think I ever can, mommy." He answered, making the woman's heart ache. Every single words that escaped from his lips are meaningful to her.

"I don't deserve you."

Jungkook crawled higher to her face and planted multiple kisses on her cheeks and nose. Y/n felt so loved just by his kisses.

"Yes, you do mommy. I'm sorry for being a sucker for your attention, I'm too clingy and I can't help it," Jungkook said will full honesty.

"Everyone tends to be a sucker for someone's attention, you're not the only one," Y/n smiled, cupped his cheek in her hand. Jungkook smiled at her.

"Mommy, I want to kiss your lips."

"Honey, I'm sick."

"I know.. but it wouldn't be bad if we get sick together, right?" He enquired, being unusually bold.

"Jeon Jungkook." Y/n let out in a warning tone.

"Maybe not," he giggled and laid his head beside hers.

They were just like that in silence, nothing uncomfortable near them. Instead they're loving each other's presences.

"Do you forgive me?" Y/n broke the quiet atmosphere, glancing at the boy who also looked at her.

"Obviously. I can't never not forgive you, mommy. You deserve everything in this world and that's not impossible." Jungkook said, pressing his lips on her cheek again.

"Why are you so perfect? It's nearly impossible for me to have you," Y/n said, looking up at him who's topping her.

"I'm not perfect-”

"You are perfect to me, Jeon Jungkook. Now give me more kisses because I can't kiss you," Y/n grinned.

Jungkook chuckled then kissed her chin and the corner of her lips.

"You're driving me crazy, don't tease me." Y/n said.

"Okay, mommy but no promises." He flashed his bunny teeth as he smiled happily, kissing her jaw and neck.

"Just you wait until I'm fully healthy," Y/n warned yet it made the boy thrilled.

"Sounds exhilarating," He gave her a mischievous smile.

"Bold of you for being this naughty, babyboy."

It gave him shivers down his spine when the word 'babyboy' escaped from her lips so easily. She never fail making his heart beats faster like roller coaster.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't go outside to have fun this weekend, love.." Y/n ran her fingers through his dark locks.

"Mommy, us cuddling with each other are enough to me. As long as I'm with you, it's fun," he cheekily said.

"Such a cheeky boy," Y/n tittered, caressing his cheek.

"Only for you, mommy."

a/n: hi, loves. i hv been starting school this week so I'm getting more busier. I'll try to update whenever I can. thank you and ily! <3

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