J - 20

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"Jungkook!" Hoseok shouted, diving in and swim towards him. His shout brought the house's residents awareness. Y/n rushed out when she saw Jungkook was drowning in the pool.

Jimin just stood there, stared at them who were busy about Jungkook.

Hoseok pulled Jungkook out of the pool to Y/n who looked worried and carried him up on her lap. Jungkook coughed, his chest rising up and down. He was scared.

"M-mommy-" Jungkook's sneeze cut himself off.

Hoseok and Jimin froze, absolutely stunned hearing the word that escaped Jungkook's mouth, although Y/n didn't care.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here." Y/n comfort, soon they got interfered by Y/n's real mother, approaching them with two clean towel in her hands.

Y/n took the towels from the woman and wrapped it around Jungkook's trembling figure.

"Hey, hey. What's going on here?" The old man jumped in, his eyes landed on the boy who's drenched in — what he assumed was — water.

"He fell into the pool. I'll handle Jungkook, don't worry." Y/n spoke, helping the boy to stand up yet it was a bit hard, she didn't mind getting all wet. What she worried about was Jungkook.

Yoongi came towards them and helped Y/n carried Jungkook in the house.

"Where to?” Yoongi asked.

"My room." Y/n shortly answered. The two carried the boy upstairs into a room that he's unfamiliar with. "I'll take it from here, thanks Yoongs."

"My pleasure, get him all warm." Yoongi said, closing the door as he exited.

Yoongi looked at Jimin who entered the house with blank expression and went to him. When he did, he pushed the raven hair's shoulder gaining his attention.

"You're the one who pushed him. I saw it." Yoongi spoke.

"Yes, I did. It wasn't particularly my fault, he was the one who make my blood boiled." Jimin replied, gritted his teeth.

"There must be a reason, a starter," Yoongi poked his index on Jimin's chest. "If he make your blood boiled. What is it about?" Yoongi enquired

Jimin rolled his eyes and walked passed him, accidentally bumped Yoongi's shoulder so the older grabbed his wrist aggressively.

"I asked, what is it about?" Yoongi sternly questioned, not caring about his whines.

"Yoongi let me go," Jimin slightly begged, trying to release his wrist from the strong hand.

Hoseok who was wrapped in a towel, strolling towards the two.

"Jimin, I also saw it. You pushed him," Hoseok joined in, being a witness. "Plus, it was shocking to know that your sister have mommy kink."

"I beg you pardon?"

Hoseok saw the bewildered look on Yoongi's face, he nodded at him.

"Well, I heard Jungkook called Y/n 'mommy'."

Meanwhile, Y/n and Jungkook.

The older, helped washing Jungkook's black locks gently as he sighed in content. He finally rested in the bathtub, while also taking a shower because Y/n told so.

"I'm so glad you're okay, baby. Thank god Hoseok was there to help you." She uttered, slightly massaging his scalp.

"Y-yeah.." Jungkook stuttered while mumbled quietly.

"There's something wrong, isn't it?" Y/n asked, suspecting Jungkook because he's a bad liar and it was obvious.

"Nuthin, mama.."

"Love, what did mama said about lying?"

"Lyin is vewy bad, specially to mama.." Jungkook recalled his mommy's words.

"That's right. Now, tell mama what's wrong?" Y/n voice softly asked, massaging his nape.

"D-dat Chimin guy said momma is just using me and will leave me.." Jungkook pouted, playing with the bubbles to cheer himself.

"Chimin? You mean ’Jimin'?" Y/n asked to make sure and Jungkook nodded at her. What is actually going on?

"He also.. he also said to me mama no luv me.." Jungkook manage to let out despite the lump in his throat was forming. Y/n lifted his chin up with her thumb so he can face her.

"Oh darling, Mommy will never do any of that. Mommy loves you with all her heart, never forget that okay?" Y/n instructed, booping the boy's nose which he giggled at the bubbles that was stuck on his nose because of his mommy.

"Ay, ay mommy!” Jungkook playfully saluted, a glee smile curved on his lips. Y/n tittered, telling the boy to close his eyes so she could rinsed the white foam off his hair.

Once Jungkook's done, Y/n helped him covered himself in towels once he finished bathing. She would inform her boss about coming in the office a bit later.

Y/n just simply remembered that Jungkook didn't have any spare clothes. However when her eyes landed on the dark theme pair of clothes on the bed, an answer popped up. She recognized her own brother's type of clothes.

"Can you wear the clothes by your own?" Y/n asked, drying his hair a little. The boy nodded, cheeks slowly went crimson red.

"Mama will go outside, okay?" Again, she received a nod from the shy boy. "Once you dress up, go downstairs." She said, kissed his nose before stepping out of the room.

Y/n made her way down the stairs to the dining table and saw everyone were there, waiting for the couple to be done so they could eat together.

"Is Jungkook alright? I made chicken soup just in case he needs them," Her mother amble towards her daughter in concerned.

"Thank you, mother. He's alright, don't worry." Y/n replied, sending the woman a small smile.

Unexpectedly, a pair of arms wrapped around her stomach, she knew who did it belongs to. She just held his hands to creat some heat.

"Mommy.. I'm fweezing.." Y/n heard Jungkook whispered to her.

"Oh my, what an adorable. Is the little boy still feeling cold? I can turn the heater on for him if you want to?” Her mother offered, which cause Y/n to thunderstruck.

Did she just called Jungkook 'little boy'?!

a/n: im getting so senti bcs it's tae's birthday 😭💜 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR PRECIOUS WINTER BEAR! ❄️🐻

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