J - 21

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"Little boy? Mother, what did you just- What are you-”

"Y/n dear, we can talk about this later. For now, let's eat." Her father cut her off, with a smile plastered on his lips.

Y/n just nodded and guided Jungkook to the dining table where everyone were sat at.

The lunch went quite weird to her, her mother kept on stuffing Jungkook's mouth with the fruits instead of the real food. Y/n didn't mind, but the fact that her parents knowing about Jungkook's little secret gave her goosebumps.

What did they wanted to talk with her about? Is it something about Jungkook's behavior? Is it already obvious? Ugh, she guessed it was obvious already.

"Y/n, you're zoning out." Yoongi said, snapping his sister out of her thoughts. Y/n shook her head slightly then apologized, started eating with the rest of them.

Jimin glanced over Y/n constantly while Hoseok ate calmly beside him.

When all of them done, Y/n was about to help her mama — second mother — on cleaning the dishes but her father insisted, demanded Yoongi to help her instead.

"Y/n, in the living room. Bring Jungkook along." Her father firmly let out as he walked away. Y/n cursed under her breath, this is the end of her.

Y/n took the little's hand, dragged him into the living room where her parents were. Y/n sat down on the sofa first which wasn't the best idea because little Jungkook literally climbed onto her and cuddled up with his mommy.

Now it's fu.cking obvious.

"Y/n, it's okay. Calm down. We're not going to harm Jungkook, we just need to talk it out," her mother started, making Y/n more nervous.

Y/n looked down at Jungkook who's playing with her fingers, is this a bad idea? She really sucks on being a mommy, now Jungkook will hate her because his secret finally revealed. And it's not certain people, it's her parents for sakes.

Goodness gracious.

Y/n nuzzled her face under Jungkook's neck, the boy giggled because she did tickled him.

"Jungkook is a little, I assume?” Her father enquired. Y/n nodded her head as respond, she's terrified to hear what they might said next so she shut her eyes still against the little boy's neck.

"Lovely! Now we're finally aware and that's it." Her father let out with a wide smile. Y/n jolted her head up, confusedly looked at the two.

"Lovely? I don't get it." She shortly said, purely in confusion.

"I used to be in the community," Her father started, perking up Y/n's interested. "I was a dom and took care of little a lot, I was experienced and taking care of littles, makes me happy."

"And you are just like your father!" Her mother enthusiastically said.

"And I never knew about this at all??”

"I'm sorry dear, but you were too young at that time to understand and acknowledge about all those stuff. So I just decided to let it slide." Her father explained.

"Mother was okay with it? Does that mean, you had a little before?" The daughter asked.

"Yes, your mother is fine about it and I do have a little." Your father smiled. "Oh I never thought our secret will actually be expose." Her father spoke to her mother.

"Me neither, honey."

"Mom is fine with it? You do have a little? Dad, you're making me insane, what are you trying to point out? Is mother a little??" Y/n massage her temple to calm herself down.

"Nope. Not your mother, but your mama is." Your father revealed calmly.

Y/n gasped, her mouth was gap opened clearly in shock. All of these years? She finally just know her second mother is a little too? And she never suspected it?? What kind of fu.ckery fu.ck was this??

"Did Yoongi know about this?” was what that came out from Y/n's mouth. Jungkook rested his head on her bosom, yawning after.

"Yes, Yoongi knew. But a year ago, after you graduated from college." Her mother answered.

Everything that happened today made her head pounding, there's too much to protest. She got an issue to deal with Jimin, Jungkook's secret got revealed, her dad used to be in CGL community, her other mother is a little and Yoongi knew about it last year. She's getting a headache.

"I can't protest anything now, do you guys have paracetamol? I'm sorry but think I'm having a headache, and I have to go back to work to lock my office." Y/n groaned not too loudly because she didn't wanted to wake the little boy up.

"That's fine, dear. The medicines are in the kitchen, plus you can just leave Jungkook here, we can keep an eye on him." Her father suggested, she nodded her head.

"Thanks, I'll be back asap to fetch Jungkook." She responded.

a/n: i srsly had a headache when i wrote this smh.


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