J - 30

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"Noooo mommyyyy," Jungkook whined, holding her phone in his both hands.

Day by day passed, Jungkook's examination started. Y/n helped him, which much of his despise since he was being a brat little for nearly the whole learning session. He doesn't hate Y/n, he would never, but the thing is, he's a little, and little Jungkook.. hates studying.

"Jungkook." Y/n crossed her arms together, piercing her eyes with his.

She honestly felt tired with his attitude, should she give him a time out? Take his phone away? No.. he rarely use his phone when he regress. Take Toto away from him until he learn his lesson? Maybe that's a bit cruel since he loves Toto very much.

Y/n's a kind person, and she did not have the heart to be a wretch or rogue to Jungkook, let alone giving him spankies.

"Jungkook, please. Can you stop playing games? It's time to study!" She tried to sound as enthusiastic as she could.

"No!! I don't want!" He shouted, continue to play Like A Dino and aiming to get 400 scores. He had been playing it for few days, and he likes it! It's fun to play!

Y/n sighed, packing up his books and highlighters that were placed messily on her study table. Jungkook just glanced when he saw her cleaning and shrugged after, he didn't have any idea why his mommy relinquished so easily this time nonetheless he didn't bother to know why and just continued doing his business.

Later then, he soon got bored of playing the game for straight good three hours. He wanted nappy, he wanted milkie too.

Jungkook put Y/n's phone down, somehow it's a habit of him playing with her phone rather than his own. He noticed that his mommy wasn't in the kitchen so he walked towards their room, guessing she's there.

He knew he was right. There she is, laid on the bed while reading a book.

"Mommy?” He called out but she didn't even gave him a glimpse. He tilted his head a bit, maybe his voice was inaudible?

He got on their bed, laid himself beside her and scoot a bit closer to close the gap between them. "Mommy, can we cwuddle? I want nappy, milkie too.."

Though, Y/n moved to the other side so Jungkook faced her back. He frowned, wrapping his arms around her stomach to get her attention and she still didn't say anything to him as if he didn't exist.

"Mama.. I wan huggies.. pwease?” He asked trying to sound nice as possible yet she just released herself from his hold, getting off the bed.

Jungkook whimpered watching his mommy step out of their bedroom. He was very upset, he felt devastated, also having the urge to cry. And he did involuntarily.

"Mama.." he cried, clinging onto her arm, very desperate because he wanted her to paid heed to him.

Suddenly her head jolted up when the door bell rang, caught her awareness. She headed to the door, unleashing her arm off him before leaving him behind her.

He did a lot to get her attention and she just gave notice just by the door bell??

"Mommy!" He cried but she ignored him, that's when it hit him. She was giving him a punishment; silent treatment. There's no way his mommy would dare to do that.. right?

"Jimin? What are you..?” She let out in questioning manner, purely confused to see her former lover when she opened the door.

Jungkook's cries stopped when he heard her, gazing at the man, who's eyes and nose slightly red by crying. It didn't make sense to him, Jimin came all the to Y/n's, crying and looked like he might get sick by it.

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