J - 31

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"Mommyyy ish okiee!! Kookoo ish a guwd boy!" Jungkook insisted, pushing Y/n away while he giggled.

Everything went smooth, nothing bad happened for the past two months. Jungkook's and Jimin's relationship were getting better which somehow worried Y/n of how close they're getting. Not to mention even if Jungkook's in little space, he's still able to bully the short man.

"Are you suree??" Y/n asked, squishing both of his cheeks.

"Yess, mommyyy! Kookoo suree!"

"Are you really sure suree??~"

"Kookoo ish weally suree sureee!" he giggled, smiling toothily at her, his bunny looking teeth exhibited.

The couple were at Y/n's parents resident, they had lunch together again but this time it's the weekend. Meaning Jungkook didn't have college while his mommy have some paperwork to finish up.

Her father just went to work while her mothers, they went out to do some errands. Yoongi and Jimin were the only attendance in the house. Y/n had to go back to her office to do few arrangements, and she's hesitating whether she should leave her babyboy with them or just bring him along.

Although, Jungkook seemed to show great pleasure with staying there.

"Y/n, it's fine, Jungkook will be alright." Yoongi said, patting her shoulder. "We'll handle him while you work." Jimin nodded in agreement.

Y/n puckered her lips slightly as she hummed. "Alright, but don't let him near the pool." She warned, darting her eyes at Jimin.

"Hey! I apologized, didn't I??" Jimin crossed his arms together and rolled his eyes at her playfully.

"Yeah you do, but seriously, don't let him near the pool." She repeated, checking the time on her timepiece; her watch. 2:10 PM.

"Ay, ay, miss mommy!" Jungkook saluted, making one grabby hand at her. Y/n smiles, leaning down on him and kissed his nose, forehead and both cheeks. Jungkook giggled when he stole a kiss from his mommy.

"What a naughty boy," Y/n fake gasped, covering her mouth dramatically with her hand as Jungkook giggled more. "I'll go now, take care of him like the most expensive gem!" Y/n bossed, waving her hand at Jungkook then the two men behind the younger.

"We will!" Yoongi smiled, his gummy on displayed. Jimin shortly waved at her back.

"Bye-bye mommy! Me wait fowr you!" Jungkook waved his both hands at her with a bright smile on his face. She knew he'll be okay.

Y/n stepped in the restaurant, looking left to right whether she could find the person she had a reunion with. She ended up asking for the receptionist's guidance.

"Hey babe," the person greeted, gesturing Y/n to take a seat and she did.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Y/n asked, making eye contact with the person with a smile on her lips.

"Doing great! I just got promoted into a new project, it will ideally increased my salary for months." The person answered.

"Is that so? I'm happy to know that," Y/n smiled. "So, what's that important issue that you wanted to tell me?" Y/n asked.

"Right, I honestly don't know how to say this.." The person rubbed the back of their neck in agitation. Then Y/n assured them there's nothing to rush and worry about but oh boy she's wrong.

"Jungkook's parents are searching for him," The person said, "Last night they went to my house and asked if I know where were Jungkook but I told them I didn't see Jungkook for months already."

Y/n rose a brow, she was quite stunned to know his parents at last wanted to know where their son were. After all these passed months, almost a year, they finally decided to take their son back?

"Do you specifically know why?" Y/n asked, leaning her back against the wooden chair.

The person shook their head. "Nope, but they did mentioned they regret about disowned him without talking things out. And they wanted to talk with him."

Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose, sighed. "Leena, I don't know why they seem suspicious to me. They can't just.. take Jungkook back after they threw him like a garbage. I can't accept that." Y/n defended, her bored eyes staring onto Leena's.

"I know how you're feeling about this, Y/n. But remember, Jungkook have the right to make his own decision. You have to tell him about this." Leena spoke. "This is his parents phone number in case you need it." Leena landed a card on the table, exactly in front of her.

Y/n scanned through the card before she took it and put it in her purse. She sighed, she wasn't tired at all, though the thought of Jungkook determined to leave her for his parents exhausting her.

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