J - 4

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Jungkook was sitting quietly on the passenger seat beside the woman he was so excited and anxious to meet for the second time. She's driving out the college's gate, soon they're at the highway.

Before Jungkook crawled inside the expensive car, some students murmured to one another about how he is unlikely to even sit in a tesla, he heard them, and he got insecure with their talks and about himself.

Jungkook's standard of living was in between rich and poor, he's just an ordinary person who wanted to learn and be successful in the end. But once he found out he's a little, all his dream shattered. He couldn't do what he wanted to. He hates having an inner child inside him, and he can do absolutely nothing.

A soft hand abruptly grasped his tremor hand, taking all his attention. He flinched but soon it made him melt onto his seat.

"Your hands are shaking, is there something wrong?” Asked Y/n, stroking his hand using her thumb while her other hand holding the steering, eyes on the road.

"N-nothing," He blushingly stuttered, looking at her. She's wearing a dark blue blouse that was tucked inside her white A-line skirt, white high heels and black watch. She let her hair down, curled them wavy.

"It's rude to stare, you know?" She chuckled at him, looking at him briefly to focus back on the road. Jungkook's cheeks burned in embarrassment and shyness.

"I.. I-"

"It's fine, I'm just messing with you," she shortly laughed. "Are you hungry?”

"A little.."

"Burger King for early dinner?" She suggested him, he was thinking about it, hesitating. But no matter how much he wanted to reject, his stomach wouldn't feel pleasant.

"Sounds good to me."

With that Y/n drove up to Burger King without any words, her hands that were holding Jungkook's were now being held by him, intertwining their hands together.

Jungkook felt so happy, he wanted to stay like this forever. On second thought, he found himself getting attached to Y/n for too fast.

"Y- Y/n.."

"Yes, dear? Do you need anything?” Y/n asked, slightly worried if there's something wrong or bothering him. She glanced at him shortly.

"Can we get take away?” He asked, his voice sounded audibly soft in her ears.

"Of course, anything that pleases you."

Jungkook decided to stay in the car while waiting for Y/n to come back with their food. A single tear made its way on his cheek, he gasped and wiped it almost immediately. He checked if it's noticeable his eyes are teary and thankfully it's not.

He practiced breathing skills, preventing himself from crying. The day when he get kicked out of his house by his parents kept on displaying in his mind and the scenarios about Y/n wanting him no more.

He flinched a little when the driver's door was being open, seeing Y/n with their drinks and food.

Everything will go well, Jungkook thought reassuringly.

After Y/n put the food down at the backseat, she gave Jungkook his cold cappuccino that he was craving for. He sips on the drink using the straw, distracting himself and trying his best to forget whatever he was thinking by looking outside by the window.

The journey to Y/n's apartment wasn't that long, approximately 6 minutes. Jungkook helped Y/n carry the food as for her she carried her laptop bag and handbag.

Jungkook's eyes wandered around the apartment, he had never been to a such luxurious apartment before. It amazed him. The place looked like a hotel instead of an apartment.

Y/n took out a silver card, facing the card on the door as it scanned, clicked open. She pushed the door wide, allowing Jungkook to come in and when he did, she closed the door behind her.

Jungkook put down the food on the dining table, analyzing the whole place. It is mostly painted in black, red and white. He was in awe.

Y/n approached Jungkook after she had put away her bags in her room. She looked at him who mesmerized the whole place, trying to adjust himself where he was. She chuckled softly.

"Hungry?” She simply asked him, he nodded at her. They had their early dinner, sitting facing each other and eating silently.

Y/n smirked once in a while when she caught Jungkook staring, she didn't mind honestly. She likes the attention she gets. She just watch Jungkook eating his chips after finished her meal, taking the chance to stare at him back and observe him.

How Jungkook looks like doesn't matter to her, but to her surprise, he's indeed a good looking boy in her eyes. She doesn't understand how could his parents just throw such a sweet boy like him? It's obvious he hadn't been bad to them, ideally they should be lucky.

Hating on someone who's a little is wrong, totally wrong. They're far to be blamed on, it's not their fault to be a little. If someone does hate them then that someone is a horrible person.

She smiled looking at Jungkook who had already finished his food, burping in the end. His stomach must be content.

Jungkook rubbed his eyes tiredly, felt slightly sleepy too.

"Someone's sleepy." Y/n said, smiling at the tired boy. She grabbed Jungkook's hand, not letting him to rub his eyes. "Your eyes can get red if you keep rubbing them."

"M-mommy, I want to take nappy.." Jungkook whines, alarming Y/n that he's in his little space. Y/n grin at his little words, she found him adorable.

She helped Jungkook to the guest room, which was painted in brown and cream. The room was plain to be exact.

"No, you can't sleep yet. You have to change into jammies, little boy." Y/n said, pulling a pair of pajamas from the baggage, the one that Leena sent to her which filled with his clothes. There's not much, but atleast he still have clothes.

"But mommy I dun wanntt!" He stubbornly cried, hiding himself under the cover. Of course Y/n wouldn't give in just like that.

She snatched the white blanket, revealing Jungkook who's in curling position. She softly sighed.

"Listen to me and you will get cookies tomorrow."

Jungkook sat on the bed when he heard that, his used to be pouty lips changed with a happy grin. "Really?" He asked hopefully, Y/n just nodded surely.

"But mommy I need help."

"Alright." She put his pajama on the bed. Jungkook helped Y/n lifted up his shirt, his honey chest on display.

He got shy when she helped him changed into his jammies. When she button up his shirt, he received a smile, a sincere one.

"You're doing well, baby. Looks like someone will get cookies~" Y/n pushed back his hair gently, slightly brushing her fingers through it. Jungkook hummed at the feeling, feeling sleepy once again.

Y/n covered him with the blanket as he laid his head on the soft pillows and hugged another pillow, looking at Y/n who's bending down on his eye level.

"Mommy, can I get a goodnight kiss?"

Y/n was kind of surprised at his sudden request, a kiss on his forehead wouldn't hurt right?

"Of course, you can." Y/n planted a gentle kiss on his forehead, he smiled happily and hugged the pillow tightly in his arms. He soon closed his eyes, yawning.

"Sleep well, little boy."

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now