J - 9

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Jungkook's eating his breakfast, chocolate waffles. He wasn't in his little space because it was Monday, meaning he had college to attend.

Y/n walked out from her room, dressed in formal attire, her usual work outfit. "Hey honey, how's the waffles taste?” She walked towards him while wearing her wristwatch.

"Just as sweet as you." He cheekily let out.

"Cliché." Y/n laughed at him, pressing a kiss on his cheek and make herself a cup of coffee.

It was a bit odd how they're so close with each other already, despite he barely lived with her a week. To Jungkook, he felt like he had known Y/n forever. He trusted her too fast, but he knew that he won't regret it.

She's always there for him, as his best friend, and as his mommy. He would admit, he had the biggest crush on her. He never get flirty with girls but Y/n, she's different.

"You have morning class today again?" She asked him, sitting across him.

"Mhm, at 9 as usual." He said with mouth full of waffle.

"Oh dear, your mouth is messy.. why don't you use the napkins??” she took the napkin to wipe his mouth that was messily covered with chocolate.

"Lazy," he simply reply, smiling. However, he did it purposely just so Y/n can baby him. His trick worked!

"Be lucky, you're cute." Y/n said, rolling her eyes playfully at him. Oh, just how much he wanted to kiss her right there and now.

"What are you staring at?”

His gaze that was on her lips scan upward, looking into her eyes who was also looking into his. Embarrassment suddenly got him.

"N-nothing," he nervously denied, ears turning red, thankfully his hair covered them.

But that didn't stop her, she scoot closer to him making the boy's breath hitched. He could felt her breathing against his cheek as she bend a little.

"Doesn't sounded like the right answer to me." She commented, resting her hand on his thigh. He shivered as she touched him, and he didn't know how effective it can be for him.

I might pee if she keeps doing this to me, he thought.

"Why so quiet? Come on talk to me, little boy." She whispered to his ear, her arms wrapping around his waist. He melted onto her touch so easily.

"I just wanted to do something but it's a bit inappropriate.." he mumbled, looking down on her arms securing him.

He's a bit timid, yet he's getting needy for her at once. Not his usual needy when he's little. He's big for talking out loud. The thought of him kissing Y/n intensely, making him feel as if he was an animal on his rut.

"Inappropriate? Hmm," she teasingly put her fingers on her chin as if she's thinking. "Maybe do it another time? I'm sure you don't want to be late on first day in a new week." She smiled at him.

Y/n stood up from her seat just to be pulled by a strong hand, her butt landed on Jungkook's laps. Before she could say anything, Jungkook crashed his lips together with her soft one. She tilted her head a bit, didn't bother to even push him and rest her hand on his shoulders. She kissed him back. His hand wrapped around her waist, his other hand held her nape to deepen the kiss.

He tried his best to take control but when she landed her hand on his neck, the other caressing his jaw, he couldn't stand it so he melted straight away. He knew she wouldn't permit him to take control, not complaining at the same time.

He released a quiet moan in between their make out session, getting more intense than it had been. Y/n gently released the kiss, breathing in and out for air.

Jungkook pressed his nose onto her neck. "Mmh, Y/n.." he sighed, not in tiredness, but the smell of the vanilla perfumed on her body was luring him, so intoxicatingly sweet.

"You're naughty, Jungkook." A chuckled escaped from Y/n's lips, standing up to received a wide smile from him.

He put his dishes in the sink and took his backpack with him, hanging the strap on his shoulder. He tried to act innocent as he possibly can.

After Y/n put her high heels on, with a sling bag hung on her shoulder, other hand carrying her computer. Jungkook took the computer bag from her, helping her.

She just shook her head at the boy, pulling the door opened then locked it once Jungkook and her got out.

The journey to college were filled with comfort silence, Jungkook failed to do nothing and played with Y/n's fingers while she drove. He wasn't little, but he likes being one. He never really find dominance in himself, sure he sometimes feels like it but the idea of controlling isn't his things.

The person he wanted to top him are no other, Min Y/n, a woman he developed feelings for.

"We have arrived." The woman announced, unbuckling his seatbelt carefully. "What? Is there something on my face?"

The boy shook his head at her. "Can I have a kiss? I might have extra motivation by it." He gave unreasonable reason, a funny one to Y/n. Nonetheless, she pecked his lips.

"Still, your reason isn't valid."

"I don't mind as long as I get my kisses." He sent her a spoiled smile, getting out of the car before she can respond.

He waved at her with a smile and enthusiastically entered the college building, having different energy equated from other students.

"Jeon Jungkook!"

Jungkook turned around to look who's behind him that were calling his name, but as his eyes darts on the person, his smile immediately dropped.

He totally forgot about Taehyung.


a/n: next chapter gonna b a bit nerve-wracking dksjjdjdj

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