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Y/n was scrolling through her instagram feed, looking back at the designed pictures of her with beautiful clothes and accessories. Shiny rings, shiny necklace, her clear skin. She's in love with herself.

"Y/n!" a voice called out for her. She looked up from her phone to Leena who's walking in her direction with.. a boy? The boy wore long skinny jeans matched with black t-shirt and leather jacket, interesting. Y/n never knew her best friend have things for boys instead of men.

"Hey." Y/n engulfed Leena in a tight hug, they squeezed each other making themselves laugh at one another. "Go on, take your seats." Leena and the boy sat down facing Y/n. "Who's this boy? Your boyfriend?"

"No! I mean no. He's my cousin, his name is Jungkook." Leena introduced the boy to Y/n, he whispered "hi", waving his hand at Y/n shyly.

Y/n returned the small wave she received from the boy and looked at her best friend. "What's the favor that you wanted to ask for?"

Leena suddenly turn nervous when she heard Y/n's question. She was hesitating for a while and stuttered some words before she starts talking again. "I umm.. Well I wanted to ask if you want to try taking care of Jungkook?"

Y/n rose her eyebrow at her bestfriend. "Try? taking care of Jungkook? What do you mean?" She asked clearly in confusion, stealing some glances at the boy who's shrinking on his seat.

"Remember when we last talked about our opinion on CGL?" Leena asked, looking at Y/n with hope in her eyes. Y/n nodded at Leena in response.

"Jungkook, is a little."

Y/n's eyes dilated in reaction, looking at the boy who's looking down, probably playing with the hem of his shirt or his fingers to distract himself so nervousness couldn't get the best of him.

"You're joking."

"No I'm not, gosh Y/n I know it's hard to believe at first but he is, and.. He's having a hard time right now." Leena said.

"Stop first." Y/n demanded, calling a waitress for them.

"Greetings! What would you like to order?" The waitress asked them. Y/n ordered a glass of beer and Leena ordered a glass of lemon tea.

"Little boy, what do you want to drink?" Y/n asked Jungkook, he shot his head up to look at both the woman and the waitress, his blood rushed to his cheek when he heard someone called him 'little boy'.

"Can I get a milkshake?" He stumbled at some words.

"Of course, you can." Y/n sent him a sweet smile and told the waitress to list it in their order. "That will do for now." The waitress stepped away from them to the kitchen.

"So you're saying the boy's having a hard time?" Y/n questioned, looking at Leena.

"Yeah, his parents found out last night and kicked him out immediately. They didn't even discuss anything about it. They just throw him out like a garbage." Leena said, clear frustration plastered on her face. Y/n held her hand to comfort her, whispered "continue" to Leena.

"He called me the same night when it happened, came at me and cried his eyes out. Telling me how his parents cursed him and told him to not 'come to their house ever again and show his face'. I respect them, I really do but when I heard they did that to him, I'm furious." She ranted out, covering her face with both her palms.

"Jungkook is in need for caregiver Y/n, and you're my one and only hope."

The waitress interrupted them, serving their drinks on the table then stalk off, giving their privacy back.

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now