J - 13

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After what felt like hours, Y/n stretched herself on her seat. Somehow, her shoulders felt hurt a little from sitting too long.

"Mommy," she felt a light tug on her skirt, she looked down at Jungkook who's holding his snack.

Y/n hurriedly carried him up on her laps, she didn't want her co-worker come in seeing Jungkook on the floor in crawling position.

"Yes, love? Do you need anything?” She asked softly, pulling strands of his hair behind his ear. Out of the blue, he started to blush looking at her in the eyes and felt a bit timid by her.

"Um.. Can I hab yum yum?" He asked nicely, showing her the snack in his hands. By snack, it's his gummies.

"Of course you can," she smiled, ripping the top packet opened so he can eat them.

She watched him eating his gummies happily when abruptly her phone rang, startling Jungkook. Y/n kissed his cheek, apologizing him and rest her phone near her ear as she picked it up.

"Hi mother," she greeted, grinning at how excited her mother's voice sounded. "I'm doing great too.. I know, I know, I've been very busy with work lately," she reasoned since her mother was quite upset she didn't come for lunch anymore.

"How about we have lunch today?” Y/n heard her mother's questioned on the line making her bit her lips nervously then awkwardly laughed.

"Please, dear.. Your father will also be here," her mother begging. Y/n moved her gaze to Jungkook who's looking then munching the gummy bears. If her father's there, that will be more worse to her.

Even so, she gave in. "Alright I'll be there soon, and do expect there will be someone who comes with me too." Y/n said, poking Jungkook's cheeks playfully as he giggles that it could be heard on the line.

"Who is it?” her mother questioned.

"I'll tell you when we're there. Bye, mother." She hung up, sighing at the thought her family meeting Jungkook.

"Ar chu okie mama?" The little one asked, looking at her who looked a bit distressed.

"I'm okay, baby. But mommy have to ask you a favor so you could be mommy's good boy. Do you want that?" Y/n asked with small smile plastered on her face.

Jungkook perked up hearing that and nodded eagerly. "Wat will I hab to du mommy?" (What will I have to do mommy?)

"Can you be big for mommy? We're going to have lunch and there might be a lot of people but I promise that it will be only for a while," Y/n spoke, folding his packet of gummies closed.

"Hmm, okay I'll be big." He sent her a glee smile. She got the hint already that he's in little space no more by the way he talked.

"That's my good boy." She planted a kiss on his forehead and pat his thigh, telling him to stand up from her.

Y/n and Jungkook had arrived at her parent's house. Frankly, she was very nervous, nervous, just nervous. She never bring any boy or man with her for lunch with her family so this was like a first time for her.

"It will be okay," Jungkook comfort her, he knew she's nervous because her fingers have mild tremors.

Y/n nodded. When she was about to knock the door, it immediately bursted open. An unfamiliar woman engulfed Y/n in a hug big, warm hug. Jungkook was just there with a sweet smile curved on his lips.

He heard she let out a soft 'oh!' before releasing the hug. "Mother, this is Jungkook. And Jungkook, this is my mother." Y/n introduced them to each other.

Before Jungkook say anything, the woman also brought him in her embrace, hugging him lightly before letting go with a smile that also made the boy smiled.

"Gosh, look at you! Y/n, I never thought that our guest is adorable. Is he your boyfriend?" Her mother happily chuckled, and wiggled her eyebrows teasingly at Y/n causing her to blushed.

"Yes, mother. He is." Y/n answered, bringing the two to entered the house because her mother are babbling too much.

Jungkook blushed furiously when he heard Y/n's answer. He felt a sudden thrill taking over his body, her mother seemed to approved her relationship with him. Nonetheless anything that's going in between them about BDSM should be conceal for now.

"Honey!! Y/n brought her boyfriend too!!” Her mother exclaimed, speed walking towards the kitchen that was attached with the living room while leaving the lover behind.

Y/n swore, that woman will never keep her mouth shut. She helped Jungkook untied his shoes lace so he could wear the new pair of sandal. Y/n always did that even at the apartment, she loves pampering Jungkook.

"Boyfriend?” Yoongi and the old man confusedly let out in unison, darting their eyes on Y/n and Jungkook when they entered the living room.

"Since when she has boyfriend?" Yoongi cringed his face, making Y/n to roll her eyes at him.

"It's none of your business, Yoongs." She took a seat at the dining table, gesturing Jungkook to sit beside her. Her eyes by accident glimpsed at Jimin who's sitting beside her father, the raven hair man looked at her with a smile which she returned the same thing. Awkward.

"Introduce yourself to us, young man." The old man said using his strong voice, piercing his eyes on Jungkook.

Y/n held Jungkook's hand for comfort. "My name is Jeon Jungkook, I'm college student.. It's a pleasure meeting everyone here." The boy bowed his head politely, his bunny smile exhibited.

The old man just stare at him will all seriousness plastered on his face for a while until Yoongi interrupted him.

"Dad, don't scare him. You did the same trick last time with Jimin," Yoongi said, pouring coke in his glass.

Jimin? Who? Jungkook thought.

The boy glanced at Y/n but she didn't seem to bother by what the grey haired man said.

The man broke into laughter. "Alright, maybe I did scare him a little. You're alright, young man. Just act as if I'm your father." The man smiled at Jungkook. The boy felt relieved.

"Don't worry, they're very open-minded people. They were just testing you." Y/n whispered to him, he shivered when he felt her breath hitting his ear.

They ate very well at lunch. Jungkook was surprised to know that Y/n's father is a polygamy. Unexpected for Y/n, her father was interested to get to know Jungkook more and she saw the glint in Jungkook's eyes when talking with her father. She's glad to know he's getting comfortable.

Jungkook and Yoongi soon also started to exchange conversation and soon it turned to random talks from sports, then studies to music. Those usual male interests. The college boy found Yoongi is very fun to talk with.

However, what Y/n didn't know is that there was two pair of eyes kept on eyeing her and Jungkook again and again.

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