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Jungkook groaned, stirring on the bed. He tried to lay in as comfortable a position as he possibly could. He ended up laying in star shape on the bed, all positions made him feel comfy.

He finally pushed his eyelid up, seeing bright light come through his window, telling him It's morning.

"It's morning!" He exclaimed, standing up in speed. He looked around, observing the place. Plain white. He's at Y/n's.

He rushed himself to his baggage when he first saw it. He took his toothbrush, toothpaste, fresh clothes then sprinting into the bedroom without slipping on the floor.

Later then, Jungkook came out with fresh clothes on and a towel on his shoulders, drying his hair with it. Unexpectedly, he saw two fresh towels well fold when he was showering. He thought, maybe Y/n prepared them for him.

He looked everywhere for his phone but he couldn't find it. He walked out of the room, it wasn't a dream. He just slept in a luxury apartment.

"You're awake." A familiar voice rang in his ears, gaining his attention. Jungkook turned his head at Y/n who's sitting on one of the couches with a mug of - that he assumed - coffee.

Y/n's in white and pink floral blouse today, with a savvy basic belted A-line skirt in grey. The blouse tucked into her skirt with a woman's black belt wrapped her waist up, exposing her waist size. She has an amazing body, it drives him crazy.


He blinked his eyes a few times, adjusting his gaze on Y/n's who was staring at him. His ears must have turned crimson red since he got caught staring again.

"S-sorry." He bowed his head at her, apologizing.

She gestured him to sit beside her, which he did. She handed him his fully charged phone. He thanked and told her how he was searching for his phone, forgetting what he wanted to do with his phone.

"It was low battery, but I charged it already." Jungkook thanked her again for only god knows how many times already.

"You don't have to thank me, you should get used to this." She smiled at him. "Do you want bread and jam? Or-"

"Bread with strawberry jam, please!"

That made Y/n chuckled at the boy, he's adorable. She walked into the kitchen to make his sandwich and hot chocolate, because it's very windy today.

Just when Jungkook took the green mug from Y/n, he blew the drink before drinking it. She sat beside him once again.

As he put down the mug on the coffee table, there were chocolate substances on his upper lips, making Y/n let out a short laugh at him and take a piece of tissue.

She gently wiped the chocolate on his upper lips, taking Jungkook by mild surprise, but soon a grin formed on his lips.

"Look at you, still a baby even not in your little space." She teased, threw the tissue into the rubbish bin.

Y/n watches him eating his sandwich, he was gasping at first then ate them happily. She pushed his hair behind his ear as he looked at her who's staring at him.

"I don't have any idea if I should envy you or not because you're very bonny," she admitted with a sweet smile curved on her lips.

Jungkook shyly smiled at her, his blood rushing to both of his cheeks. "T-thank you," he stuttered out, flustering.

Never a woman's compliment could make him blushing madly like how she did. She made his stomach feel ticklish for a second.

"Do you have early class today?" She asked, sipping her coffee, and put it on the small table back. The question made Jungkook remember what he was forgetting.

He checked the time on his phone. It read 08:09. He sighed, he thought he was late but no he wasn't. Only one more hour before class starts.

"Yeah, I do. But class starts at 9," He told her which she nodded at. Oh now he's not stuttering.

Jungkook's gaze shifted from his mug to Y/n's eyes, taking the chance to stare at her face while she was focused on her phone. Little by little, his eyes moved down to her rose lips.

As always, Y/n caught Jungkook again. She purposely closed the gap between them, confusing Jungkook a bit.

"Now, let me ask. Don't you feel tired checking me out all the time?"

Jungkook shook his head in response. She asked him why. "How can I be tired? You look like a goddess, Y/n."

The answer made her grow a smirk on her lips. "Is that so? Thank you, Jungkook." Her hand travels through his dark brown locks, brushing it to the back with her fingers, making Jungkook feel happy at the feeling.

Jungkook wrapped both his arms around her waist, carried her on his lap as she let out a small yelp, and was taken back by his sudden dominant behavior. He lifted her chin up with his thumb and was met with her eyes, little did he know, deep down she felt slightly submissive at the moment.


He hushed her, leaning his face towards Y/n's. Jungkook's hand shifted from her cheek to her nape once their lips connected, deepening the kiss. They kissed passionately, it's not rough, a little eager, there's happy in it too. Y/n's wrapped her arms around his neck. Both of them are in euphoric, they didn't want to stop and just stay like that for a moment as the kiss getting intense.

Y/n gently pushed Jungkook, breaking the kiss to take some air into her lungs again. Jungkook, pant a little, looking at her reddened lips by their short make out. His lips leave butterfly kisses on her neck, jaw and slowly but surely to her collarbone. Her two undone buttons did help him to get more excess.

Y/n would admit, she likes the feeling, a lot. It's been a long time since she last felt like this.

But as much as she didn't want him to stop, she held both sides of his cheeks, making him stop what he was doing. He might leave a love bite if she didn't do anything.

"Nu uh, you have classes to attend," she said, standing up from his lap. Also, removing his arms around her.

She turned around at him who was pouting. Resist him, resist him, she chanted in her mind. She went into her room to take her laptop and handbag, not forgetting about her phone that's beside Jungkook.

She planted a kiss on his forehead, stroking his cheeks. "Come on, get your bag. You might be late." But he didn't move from the couch.

"Let's have movie night today?" She suggested, kneeling down and looking into his eyes. He looked back, thinking.

"Okay." Happiness plastered on his face. "But I want cuddles."

"Of course," she smiled at him, standing back up. Jungkook went to his room and came back with his back hung on his shoulder.

The whole ride was silent, a comfortable one. Jungkook eventually intertwined their hands together, which Y/n didn't mind. She just drove with her one hand, eyes focused on the road.

The view of Y/n driving with one hand, it might be the hottest thing he had seen this morning. He could never be tired admiring her all the time.

Y/n stopped the car, telling him that they had arrived in front of his college. Jungkook stole a kiss from her but before he got out of the car to escape, she pulled him back. Giving him money. Kind of too much.

"This is for your lunch, don't skip a single meal. Got it?"

Jungkook hesitated to take it but then she put the money in his hand, the money did look like he could buy 10 meals with it. "But Y/n-"

"No buts, baby boy. Just take it, please. I don't want you to starve."

Jungkook nodded at her, kissing her cheek for the last time before getting out of the black tesla. Again, gaining a lot of attention from students.

However, their attention didn't change his mood, steadily his stomach gave him every kind of insect when she called him 'baby boy'.

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