J - 16

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Jungkook shifted on the bed, cuddling the pillow though he didn't want the pillow anymore. he wanted his mommy.

He reached out for his mommy with his eyes still closed but he couldn't. His breathing started to escalated but then he breathe regularly when his hand got hold by another hand, a familiar voice shushing him softly.

Y/n was typing on her laptop beside him and she didn't heard his little whines since she wore earbuds.

Jungkook rubbed his eyes before opening them, sitting on the bed. He looked at Y/n who's watching his movement then crawled closer, soon he laid his head on her chest like always.

His mommy kept on running her fingers through his long hair, massaging his scalp. He hummed in content. Jungkook eyes fixated on Y/n's collarbones and neck.

He moved his face deeper and suckled onto her skin, earning soft sighed from Y/n. Y/n didn't let go since he didn't suckle too hard but when he did she told him to let go off her neck. He didn't wanted to.

"Jungkook, let go. Now." Y/n sternly let out. The little boy pulled away and sat on bed with a pout on his lips. Hearing his name coming from Y/n's mouth aren't the best feeling, he felt sad.

His mommy noticed his discomfort, she put her laptop on her bedside table. She patted her thighs at him. He crawled again and sat down on her, cradling her body a bit tightly.

"Mama I wan hickie.." Jungkook whispered quietly to her with guts in himself, still blushes spreading on his cheeks.

Y/n say nothing and nuzzled her face against his neck, receiving giggles from the little boy since she tickled him. Y/n gave light kisses on his neck then soon she found his sweet spot as he gasped.

Y/n smirked, started to nibble and suckled onto his sensitive spot causing him to moaned submissively. Oh she loves hearing the sinful sounds her baby boy made.

She massage Jungkook's thighs as she suckled onto his neck more. Once she had done, she gave the purple spot one last bite and lick.

"M-mommy.." Jungkook moaned, laying himself on her when she finished. Y/n was quite grateful that her little wasn't getting hard by what had happened.

"Let's go get you a plushie? You have been wanting a plushie, don't you?" Y/n whispered to his ear.

Jungkook lifted his head up and leaned his lips forward, kissing her. Y/n got the idea he's no longer little and just going with the flow. She squeezed his thighs and inserted her tongue inside him when he gasped.

She leave few pecks on his lips before pulling away from him slowly.

"Mmh.. do we go right now, mommy?" Jungkook asked, rubbing his nose against her cheek while giggling. Y/n chuckled at him and kissed his cheek.

"The earlier, the better." She stated, patting his thighs so he stood up and get ready for another of his adventure with his mommy.

The couple walked inside the mall aimlessly. Y/n decided to go other malls that aren't near with his college, who knows students could've spotted Jungkook in a mall instead at college?

"Mommy.. there's a lot of people," Jungkook shrunk, walking behind Y/n who's entering the enormous building.

Y/n turned around to her boyfriend and put her hand out for him to hold. Jungkook gladly took her hand and walked beside her, hand in hand.

Jungkook always feel anxious whenever there's bunch of people surrounding him. When he held Y/n's hand, he felt safe and warm as if his anxiousness couldn't drown him anymore like it usually did.

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now