J - 34

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a/n: i recently ended one of my femdom book titled 'thighs', it's a hobi book, so uhm maybe you wanna check it out?

"Dad!!" Jungkook giggled. "It's not like that, you're setting it up the wrong way!" Jungkook pointed out his father's fault.

Jungkook ended up helping his father to put a brand new television that they got while ago. As for his mother, she was making dinner for all of them.

"Really?? I thought I'm the correct one here?" His father disagreed him, reading the guide book again to make sure he's correct.

"No you aren't, dad. For sakes, I take engineering. Let me help you." Jungkook huffed, taking item by item to see if there's attachment necessary.

"Alright, you two. Dinner's ready!" Jungkook's mother called out, putting empty glasses on their table.

"Mom, did you know that dad will never let me win over him?" Jungkook asked, glancing at his father who darted his eyes on him. Jungkook gave him his mischievous smile.

The old woman laughed, "Your father exactly does the same thing to me. Now both of you go wash your hands before you eat." She received two 'yes' in unison from the two males.

A smile crept onto her lips, seeing how playful her husband and her son were.

Jungkook and his father both took their seats at the dining table as the woman served both of the males their meals.

"So, son, will you move back here soon?" His father started, looking at the younger who stupefied at the question.

Jungkook took a bite of his food, taking the excuse of eating for his delayed reply. He munched on the food, pressing his lips together as he thought.

"I honestly haven't thought about that." Jungkook replied, looking at both of his parents.

"Oh right! Where have you been living at? I'm very concern about that, do you perhaps live with Taehyung?" His mother questioned.

Jungkook again got taken aback with their questions. "N- no, I'm not living with Taehyung." He answered, quickly inserting two dumplings in his mouth, filling his mouth full.

"Really? I really thought you live with Taehyung, at first we thought that you live with your cousin Leena but then she told us she hasn't seen you for months." His mother spoke, only making the boy confused. Why didn't Leena told him about this?

His father rose his eyebrows. "Where did you live then? Don't tell me you live under a cliff." His father got worried.

Jungkook swallowed the crashed food down his esophagus. "Of course not! I live somewhere.. maybe 7 to 10 minutes from here.." He quietly spoke.

"With whom?" His mother finally asked.

Jungkook laughed shortly, tried to cover himself from the weird tension that started to build around him.

"I live with someone.. with my.. uhm- girlfriend." He stuttered out blushingly with his cheeks turned crimson red.

"Girlfriend?? Why didn't you say so!" His mother begun to get thrilled with what he said. "You should let us meet her sometime, no wonder you seemed nervous on how to respond." His mother laughed briefly with his father.

"I assume you'll go home later after dinner?" His father enquired, taking few sips of his water.

"Yeah," Jungkook simply replied, glancing at the clock that was attached on the wall at the side of him.

He was staggered by the time, it was passed 8 night, almost strike 9. He left Y/n without any news for almost 9 hours. He felt extremely guilty at what he did, he was too happy, too happy until he didn't remembered about her.

"I.. I have to go, it's getting late, she must have been worry about me." Jungkook stood up from his seat.

"But, dear you haven't eat your dessert!" His mother stood up.

"I'm sorry mother, maybe not today! I will visit you guys again soon! I promise I will!" He rushed out of to the living room to take his bag, exiting the house with a penitent expression.

He checked his phone, turning it on quickly. He received 46 calls from his mommy with 15 messages.

I'm sorry, mommy, please forgive me, he chanted in his mind, running directly no other to her apartment.

"He hasn't come home yet, Leena. It's sickening me, I'm afraid something happens to him," Y/n stressed out, feeling distraught over Jungkook.

"Y/n, I know you're worry. He will be fine, I'm sure his parents won't land their hands on him. They love him tons, Jungkook's their son." Leena spoke on the line, tried to calm her friend.

"... Is there any possiblity.. that he might determined to live with them and left me behind?” Y/n sadly guessed, glancing up the wall, staring at it miserably.

"Y/n, never think something like that. Jungkook love you a lot, he would never." Leena stated with her soft voice.

"Maybe he will, he looked sad when he talked to me last time about his parents. I'm sure he missed them a lot." Y/n ranted, sighing heavily.

"You should rest, Y/n. You're thinking too much." Leena suggested. "Jungkook will be back."

Y/n sighed again. "Alright, thanks for keeping me company, I wish you a goodnight."

"It's what friends for, goodnight babe." Leena wished, with that she hung up.

The sound of the entrance door being opened startled Y/n, caused her to looked at the hallway.

"M-mommy?” Jungkook's voice stammered, his eyes wandered everywhere but her.

Y/n stood up from the stool that she sat on, walked towards the entrance door and met him.

"Jungkook? I thought.. I thought you decided to live with them?" She questioned.

Y/n was still in her work attire, she wore white shirt tucked in her pastel pink pencil skirt. Her hair were down, reaching her chest level.

"No, maybe not yet, I still need time to think about it," He said, tilted his head a bit at the side as his doe eyes gazed her sharp looking ones. "Why are you still in your work attire?"

"Oh- I must forgot to change, I was too worried I guess," She said with an embarrassed smile forming on her lips.

Jungkook surprised her by his arms encircling her waist. "I'm sorry that I made you worried, thank you for caring about me all these passed months." He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck.

"It has always been my pleasure." She cradled his head lovingly, planting a kiss on his forehead.

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now