J - 27

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Hey mama's boy.
Wanna hang out today? 🥺

Don't call me that.
We met today though.

We met at college, that's totally different with 'hanging out'
Come on, kook.
Don't be such a bummer.

I'm not one.

If you're not gonna hang out with me I'll hack your minecraft account.

Kim damn Taehyung.

Okay, okay.
Please, we rarely hang outttt :(

Okay, fine but I'll have to ask Y/n first.

Tell her that she needs to come along too.


Because I said so, plus my daddy will come too ;)

You mean your sugar daddy?

Kinda, he's my boyfriend now

Damn, way to go tae

I know, but srsly bring Y/n
We'll go to cinema and have dinner together. Who knows my daddy and your mommy might get along ;)

That ain't gonna happen.

Not that way, dumbass.
As in being close friends 🙄

Alright, send me details about our 'hang out'.
See you later, sucker.

Jungkook slitted his phone in his pant's pocket while laughing at his last text to Taehyung. He was sure Taehyung will smack him later when they meet.

"What are you laughing about?” Y/n let out a short laughed, sitting down beside him on couch and handed him a mug of hot chocolate.

"Taehyung, he wants to hang out today," Jungkook answered, took the mug from her hand with a smile. "Thank you, mommy."

"Of course," she smiled. "You can go out with him if you want, I'm not stopping you."

"But Taehyung wants you to come along too since he told me his daddy will also come." Jungkook spoke, blowing on his hot chocolate before taking a sip.

"Taehyung have a daddy?" Y/n questioned, clearly in confusion.

Jungkook put the mug down on the coffee table and hummed. "Well that's what he told me. We will go to cinema and have dinner together. What do you think, mama?" He tilted his head as he looked at her, trying to act adorable.

Y/n smiled at him, pinching his nose softly. He giggled, wrapping his arms around her neck.

"Hmm, we can go. But what time do we need to leave?" She asked, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

Jungkook snaked his hand in his pocket and took his phone out, checked if Taehyung already texted him the detail and he did.

"At 5 or a bit earlier." He replied, letting his phone fell on the couch to encircled her neck once again.

"We've around less than two hours then, let's get ready early." Y/n instructed, patted his thigh. Jungkook whined, shook his head at her. "What now?”

"Can we cuddle? Please?"


"Please, only for a moment. I haven't finish my hot choco yet too," He gave excuses, pouting his lips.

Y/n let out a soft sigh. "Alright, come here." Jungkook happily squealed and didn't wasted any time and cuddled her, rested his head on her bosom and heard her heartbeats.

"Darling! Don't forget to wear something warm!” Y/n reminded a bit loudly since she was in the kitchen while Jungkook was in their room.

Jungkook wore loose men jeans with an oversized white hoodie, a red shirt underneath it. He checked himself out on the cheval mirror. He rock the simple outfit well.

He turned around and looked at Y/n crossing her arms together while resting against the wall, looking at him. His cheeks reddened by her who was gazing her eyes up and down his body.

"You look amazingly adorable," She complimented, smiled at him.

He cheekily smiled at her and stare at her outfit, analysing it for the second time. She wore plaid beige pants, with a white shirt underneath her white sweater.

"Look, we're matching!” Jungkook mentioned, indicated her their matching tops. Y/n sweetly smiled at him and gave him both of her thumbs up.

She walked to him and wrapped her arm around his waist, looking at themselves on the mirror. "You're getting taller, almost overflowing my height," She laughed. Jungkook giggled, turning his head to kiss her cheek.

"Taller or not, I'm still your little boy."

Y/n got flustered by his words, tried to change the topic with taking his sock for him. However, she got pulled on her waist by Jungkook.

"I will still be your little boy, right?” She heard him whispered. She turned around to face him.

"Of course you will, but it depends." She replied, looking at him.

'But it depends' constantly replaying in his mind. Does that mean she might stop loving him? And he will have no one? Will they have an end some day? Will they-

Y/n held both side of his cheeks, caught his awareness and pecked his lips. She knew he was thinking deeply about her words like always.

"If you're planning to love me endlessly like I do to you then we will stay, but if you don't then we won't." She smiled with slight pain in her chest.

He shook his head with a pout formed on his lips. "I love you endlessly, mommy." That made her grin, pecking him again.

"I love you too. Now, let's leave or we will be late." She tittered, taking her purse in her hand.

Jungkook nodded, looking for his phone. Where did he last put it??

"Mommy! Did you see my phone?" He asked, tried to remember where did he put it.

"On the couch!” He heard her from their shared room.

He stepped towards the couches, looked at every of them and then he saw his phone on that one couch when he was having cuddling session with Y/n.

He felt his cheeks burning, blushing without any valid reason.

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now