J - 14

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Jungkook's pov.

I couldn't slept last night, I didn't slept well too. My body was too active that I couldn't sleep, my hormones are also unstable. I tried so hard to sleep but I couldn't. I ended up sleeping at 1 in the morning.

Mommy slept soundly beside me. I did cuddled onto mommy but it worsening my hormones more. Mommy sometimes got half awake when I buried my nose on her chest harder.

I was in my little space so that ish how it is, I was horny. I want to touch myself although I suddenly remembered mommy's rules. I'm prohibited from touching myself.

Mommy is now doing the dishes. I'm in my room playing with my toys that mommy specially bought for me the other day. There's a lot of cars! Pweety and colorful cars! I finally could distract myself from my hormones!

Finally! I could entertain myself!

Mommy said that if I'm a vewy good boy she will bwing me shopping again! I wan to buy a plushie if mommy bring me shopping. I wreally wan a plushie. At least one that I can cwuddle all night wif! I don't want to miss the chance of having a plushie because I break one of the rules.

I play for a bit with my toys, vroom vroom! Hehehe I kept on making engine noises while pushing the toy car forward and backward.

In a trice, I felt iffy when mommy passed my room to hers. She was only in towel.. I guess she was searching for something? My hormones starting to grew more now and it hadn't disappeared like I thought it did already..

Oh nu..

End of Jungkook's pov.

Y/n wore a long loose black pants with white shirt. She left Jungkook to play in his room while she cleaned herself. Jungkook already showered while ago, she couldn't get over how fluffy his hair was.

She carried her laptop from her desk then walked to her bed, resting the gadget on her lap and turn it on.

She typed vigorously on the keyboard, focused on the email she was writing for her fellow colleagues. When she felt like it already passed an hour, she stopped and save the email to her draft.

She turned off the laptop, determining she will continue her work later on. Y/n got out of her room to check on Jungkook.

She saw him sitting on the bed with his head down, his face in palms. When she called out for him, he didn't say anything neither did he move.

"Pumpkin? What's wrong?" Y/n's voice snapping Jungkook from his thoughts, he was thinking about his hormones. He hid his prince part with his palms, he doesn't want his mommy to see it.

"M-mommy scared me," He let out, scooting away from her a bit, though she seemed to notice his action so she scoot closer to him, leaving him no space and on the edge of the bed.

"Now, tell mama what's wrong," Y/n spoke, turning him to face her. She glanced down on his palms hiding his private part then up to his red face. She knew what's going on.

"I- I can't mama, me no good boy," he sniffles only for Y/n to cooed and kissed his cheek.

Y/n move her hands to his both wrist, removing his palms away from his private part. He was hard. She looked at him in awe, he whines about getting exposed at the time and cried.

Y/n soothingly kissed his tears then down to his cheek and neck, leaving light kisses. Jungkook cried died at that and got confused with what his mommy was doing.

"Do you want cu.mmies, baby?" Her soft voice asked him. Jungkook widen his eyes at what his mommy said and nodded eagerly.

"I can get cu.mmies, momma?” He asked quietly in embarrassment.

"Of course you can, baby. Good boys deserve to get a reward," his mommy said, smiling at him and carefully helping him to take his pants off.

When Jungkook successfully got bottomless, his cheeks and ears started to get red. Now his mommy saw him half naked.

"Mama, me shy, me nakey," Jungkook shyly let out, whimpered when he felt mommy's hand was wrapping around his prince part.

"It might be your first time getting cummies from me, baby, but you will get used to it okay? Let mommy take care of you." Y/n said, stroking him before adding more speed.

Jungkook kept on whimpering and soon moans were escaping from his lips. His moans are music to her ears, she loves it how weak he is being under someone's finger.

"M-mommy faster," Jungkook moaned out loudly, jerking himself on her hands to add more speed. He wanted more pressure, more speed, he wanted cummies.

His mommy listened to his request and added more pressure, moving her hands up and down swiftly. Sometimes she squeezed him, causing the boy to arch his back at the pleasurable feeling. He likes it.

Jungkook's chest rising up and down, breathing heavily, Y/n felt his co.ck twitching, alarming her that he's near. His knuckles went white from gripping on the bed's sheet too hard.

She palming him faster and rubbing his tip with her thumb, Jungkook submissively moaned louder. The pleasures were making him cry, he felt a knot building in his abdomen.

Jungkook groaned when white sticky liquids released from Jungkook's tip, shooting out his load as she gave him more strokes so he could finished.

He panted slowly then laid himself on the bed tiredly, feeling satisfied in conclusion already got his cummies.

Y/n helped him cleaning his mess, also cleaned him. She dressed him in a new pair of fresh boxer and pants then carried him to her room so he could get some sleep while she clean the bed in the other room that was covered with Jungkook's white liquid.

Y/n pressed a kiss on his forehead before leaving the sleeping and exhausted baby boy on the fluffy mattress of hers.

a/n: i suck at writing this kind of chapter, but i tried and i hope you guys enjoyed it :)) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! 🎄❤️

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