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Y/n drove through the highway, on her way home from work. Unfortunately, tomorrow isn't her day off, debating on it stressed her a little. Her day wasn't bad either way at the moment she was just tired and finally she could have rest after doing tons of paperwork.

A loud ringtone startled Y/n whose eyes was once focused on the road, she glanced at her phone looking at the ID and picked it up, putting her earphones on.

"Hey bestie, how's your day going?" Leena's voice spoke.

"Doing great, how's yours?” She asked back. Leena told her that she's been doing very well, consider that taking care of Jungkook sure was tough.

It had been two days ever since Y/n met Jungkook, she still found the issues all new, still amazes her once in a while thinking back about the little boy. The boy is a little. Y/n never met such boys near as little. All of them likes to take control, act tough and mature when they aren't. She doesn't like that.

"Jungkook sneaked into his house yesterday to take all his things including his documents. He couldn't take too much clothes since he used tree as his 'ladder' that's what he told me."

"That's okay, just tell me whenever he's ready to move in at mine." Said Y/n, pressing the break as the traffic lights was on red, alarming herself to stop the car.

"Jungkook is very shy, you know?"

Y/n hummed, was audible on the line. "Alright how about today?" She suggested.

"Well, he has class right now.."

"I will fetch him. When will his class ends?" Y/n asked, not hesitated saying she would go picking up Jungkook from his collage.

"His class will end around half an hour from now, but his things are at my house though."

Y/n spun her steering wheel to left when she saw the traffic lights went from red to green, telling that's her cue to drive again. "Alright just send me the college's location.. Yes.. Take care too, thank you and I love you more!" With one last goodbye, Y/n hung up the call and let out a tired sigh.

She drove to the right as her signals went alarms, soon entering the cafe parking load and searching for spot to park her car.

Meanwhile, Jungkook.

He was listening to his professor, jotting down word to word and short sentences on a piece of paper with his black gel ink pen. He highlighted some keywords that he found important and fishy.

"Hey, buddy. Why are you so focus for?” Asked Taehyung, his best friend. Jungkook and Taehyung have been best friend ever since kindergarten, they don't have the slightest idea how can they stick together until college. Jungkook smiled to himself remembering the fact that Taehyung always borrow his crayons when they're still small.

"Nothing, just kinda have motivation today." Jungkook simply replied, looking at Taehyung only for a brief moment to return back to his paper again. Taehyung just shrugged at him, eyes started wandering around their classroom.

Motivation, that made Jungkook think again. He replied such things that he didn't thought about, and blurted out to his friend that he had 'motivation'. He thought, he lied. Or maybe he wasn't.

A vibration on his thighs, snapped him out of his thoughts. His hand slide down into his pocket to take his phone out and see the notification. He received a message.

Cousin Leena
Hey, kook. Y/n said she will be fetching you later after your class ends. Look for a black tesla.

He gasped quietly, catching Taehyung's attention. Taehyung made a questionable expression, but Jungkook just shook his head and gave a reassuring smile to him, telling his best friend that nothing is wrong.

Jungkook felt his stomach have mixture feelings about meeting Y/n again, butterflies and the urge to puke. He couldn't tolerate what he was thinking and feel about seeing the woman. It confused him.

He never thought someone is interested to be his caregiver, let alone him having one. But Y/n, she gave him special feelings. How she treated him when they first met, even she spoiled him with sweets. It was rare for him to meet such a kind person, someone like her.

She's like an angel to him. A very gorgeous one with a golden heart.

Leena had talk to him in the past about her favorite person named Y/n, but he never had the chance to know how she looks like, only her name. And when he met her, his hands had slight tremor. He was a nervous wrecked.

Sitting on the same table with her, it intimidated him. He felt the dominance aura that sent shivers down his spine when he first laid his eyes on her.

With his shoulder being bumped, he shook his head rapidly, bringing all his senses back to reality. He looked in the front but his professor wasn't there standing like before, its empty. He turned his head to look at Taehyung who's sleeping with his hand holding the pen as if he was writing something.

There's still few students who was in the classroom with their friends, having discussion over their notes difference.

Jungkook packed up his pens and highlighters, putting all his papers and notepads into his transparent file. He pushed Taehyung so he wake up, and gladly he hasn't slept heavily yet.

The two walked out from their class to the hallway with their bags hung on their shoulders. It was crowded because the bell tune rang, dismissing all the students. Jungkook made his way out of the building without being sucked up by the crowd. Taehyung soon came out after him.

Jungkook looked around for the black car, maybe she's not yet here, he got too excited to know she has welcomed him that day.

Taehyung told him that he will be going, his father had arrived to fetch him home. Jungkook bid goodbye to his best friend as his car drove away, leaving Jungkook alone.

But not long after, a black car, that looked so brand new parked in front of him, earning a lot of attention from students. It's black tesla, not all people have it. Only certain people.

The window rolled up, revealing the beautiful face that Jungkook still remember in his memory. She's still gorgeous as ever.

"Hop in."

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