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Y/n squinting her eyes open slowly, there's no sunlight that passed through her curtains as usual. It curious her so she wanted to check it out although the weight she felt on top of her weren't helping much.

The little boy keep on whining and still half asleep when he tried to reach out for her, Y/n gave her hugging pillow to the boy causing him to snuggle onto it and hummed softly. She smiled at the sight of her sweet boy sleeping, he looked so peaceful.

She pulled the curtains on each side, revealing what's going on the outside world. There weren't lots of cars or trucks like it always does when the time strike 9 in the morning.

Dark clouds caught her awareness. The day was slowly getting darker and gloomy, it had been a while since it last rained even so the country are still cold as ever.

She glanced her eyes on the clock, it read 08:46. She should be in her office by 10 in the morning, so she had plenty of time left.

Jungkook did tell her last night that he doesn't have any classes today, and it's friday, meaning not all college students have their classes and she still remembered when she was once one of them.

Y/n crept herself out of the room to make breakfast for herself and Jungkook, since Jungkook loves fruits more she decided to chop some for him. There were still strawberries, apples, grapes, honeydew and bananas.

Little Jungkook stretched himself on the bed, eyes still closed. He sighed when he felt his muscles stretched and happy at the feeling, however it made him feel tired.

He waited for a while, opening his eyes to see the room is less bright than it supposed to like every morning. He went auto pouty when he found out that his mommy wasn't beside him.

He walked himself to the door even he sometimes almost fell, he caught the door's knob so he could walk steadily back. He's very clumsy especially when he just woke up from a very long nap.

While Y/n was making herself a cup of coffee, she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her stomach, of course she knew who was it. She smiles when Jungkook laid his head on her back who was letting out a soft sigh.

"Wash your hand, I chopped fruits for you." She said, patting his hands gently and he followed as he instructed to without whining which surprised her a little.

When her coffee was done, she walked to the dining table, taking her seat as Jungkook sat beside her. Y/n ended up feeding him the fruits since he looked so tired to even do anything.

"Little boy, I have work to attend later. You'll stay home with cuzzy Leena until I get home, okay?" She asked.

Jungkook turned his head to her and frowned, he didn't want to stay with Leena, he wanted his mommy. Its not that he didn't want meet his cousin, he just wanted Y/n merely.

"Nunu," he shortly disagreed, eating the chopped strawberry from Y/n's hand and munching it poutingly.

"But lovie, who will take care of you if mommy go to work?”

"Mommy will." He answered, drinking his apple juice from the yellow sippy cup. "Mommy can I have cereal?"

Y/n sighed softly, exhaling the oxygen that she inhaled. "Yes, love." She simply replied, standing up to take a medium size of bowl and his special spoon, making a bowl of cereal for him.

After the two finished their breakfast, Y/n told Jungkook to shower while she gets ready to work, but he won't listen. He kept on demanding her to help him shower. He didn't mean to be a bad little, he dislikes it if he's not around his mommy.

Y/n looked at her wristwatch, it read 09:10. She finished packing Jungkook's essential such as his pacifier, bottle of milk, sippy cups, snacks for him, extra clothes and also plasterers in case anything happens.

She turned around to see Jungkook fully clothed, black loose pants with oversized grey sweater. She couldn't help it but adore how cute Jungkook looked, he looked so small to her and she loves it that way.

She took her bags, including Jungkook's and exit her room, pulling Jungkook along with her.

"Mommy." Jungkook called for her, asking for help. Y/n didn't said anything and put the bags down on the floor and tied up Jungkook's shoes lace.

"Alright, come on." She offered her hand to Jungkook and obviously he's happy to hold her hand. She didn't forget to bring the bags with them.

Once they reached to Y/n's black tesla, Jungkook got in the passenger side while Y/n got in the driver's side and put the bags at the backseat before putting on her seatbelt. She did helped Jungkook who was struggling with the seatbelt.

"Just remember that mommy will always wear the seatbelt for you, okay?"

"Okie, mommy." He replied, briefly nodding to her.

Y/n started the car's motors, turning on the air-conditioner while so. She drove the car from the parking load and entered the busy street.

Jungkook get distracted playing random games in Y/n's phone, not bothering or maybe forgot that he have his own smartphone. Though, not longer after the engine promptly died making Jungkook's eyebrows to rose in surprised.

"I want you to be on your best behavior, okay? Can you do that for me?" Y/n asked, unclipped the seatbelt off him.

"Yes, mama," He smiles, making her smile too since he at least listened to her.

She arrived 10 minutes early, when they entered the building, there's not much people maybe they were in their office or still having breakfast at the restaurant that's at the first floor. Jungkook wasn't worrying his surrounding too much like he last did, that phone really did the magic.

They entered Y/n's office once she unlocked the door, landing Jungkook's bag on the couch and tell him to sit on the couch and he listened. That means she doesn't have to deal working while him sitting on her.

Around two hours later without Jungkook disturbance, she was slightly worry about him and thought to go check him up.

When she did, she saw Jungkook sleeping on the long sofa, with his head rested on the cushion. The boy looked tired from screening she guessed, or it's just that he woke up early.

She took the abandoned phone on his stomach, pressed a kiss on his forehead before walking back to her office table to continue what she left.

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