J - 15

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A week had passed, Jungkook and Y/n got closer even more. Little Jungkook had always stick with Y/n all the time, even he doesn't want to go to college sometimes because he wanted to be with his mommy.

Y/n, of course she scolded him and persuaded him to go to college and not cause any trouble. He threw tantrums but Y/n wasn't having any of it and just ignore him after he got worn out and decided to go to college.

And today, he's throwing another tantrum about refuse going to college.

"Bwut mommy, I dun wan to go to skuul!" Jungkook cried, hitting the carpeted floor with his both fist. Y/n sip on her coffee and glanced at Jungkook from her laptop.

"Jungkook, this is the fourth times you threw tantrum about not wanting to go to college." Y/n stated, putting her mug down on the coffee table.

"Pwease, mommy, pweaseee," Jungkook cried harder, wiping his tears with his sweater's paws. Y/n sighed and went to carry him on her hips.

"No. No more crying." Y/n let out firmly, wiping his fresh tears with her thumb. Although, it made Jungkook cry harder.

She hushed him softly and rocking him in her arms but it didn't help to make him stop. She tried whispering multiple of 'mommy loves you' in his ears, and so it did helped killing his cries. He sniffles and looking at his mommy with blurry eyes.

The little boy tried to talked despite he kept on hiccuping. Y/n carried him to the kitchen and laid his butt gentle on the counter. When she was about to release herself from Jungkook, he started to cried 'mommy'. She knew she couldn't let him go so she stayed like that for a while and drew circles behind his back to calm his cries.

"Mommy is here," she hushed him softly. "It's okay, don't cry baby," She planted kisses on his forehead, cheeks and hair.

"B-bwut mommy, I don't want to go skuul pwease.." he said in between of his hiccups, wiping his wet cheeks with his palm. Y/n closed her eyes and breathe slowly before opening her eyes back to look at her baby boy again.

"Only for today. No college." She confirmed, brushing his hair to the back. Jungkook just hugged her tightly and didn't let her go.

He feel safe being in his mommy's arms, he never wanted to let go.


Y/n carried him to her room so she can lay down, Jungkook laid down on her, his head on her bosom. His hand slowly move from her back to her breast as she hummed.

"Baby boy, what are you doing?” She enquired, meeting his eyes when he looked up at her.

"M-mama.. I.. I.." He stuttered. He closed his mouth and just lay his head back on her bosom, whispered 'nothing' to her. Though, his hand still on her breast.

Y/n lifted his chin up using her index finger so he meet her eyes. His red eyes from crying earlier looked through her soft one.

"Finish your sentence, what did you want or need?" She asked, stroking his cheeks that were getting pinkish at his own thought.

"I- I want momma's milkie.."

Despite he mumbled, she heard him loud and clear. She smiled and made him sat down on the bed so she can undress herself. Jungkook was blushing and flustering furiously while watching his mommy, he never seen her naked before, let alone topless.

Y/n knew this day would come, and it finally came. Y/n did ate pills so she can nurse Jungkook, she knew everything about breastfeeding littles when she taught herself more about littles back then.

She even made checkups to the hospital if she's healthy enough to nurse Jungkook, and fortunately she is.

Y/n unclipped her bra, exposing her breasts to the pink face boy. Jungkook scoot closer to his mommy as she rested her back on the backboard. She took his hand and rest it on her breast, nodding approvingly.

Jungkook leaned in closer while laying in her arms, he helped himself and licked her ti.ts before latching on her areola, sucking for his mommy's milk.

The act of nursing or breastfeeding, can lead anyone's relationship to another level. It creates a feeling of taking care of and nurturing their partner. As an example, Jungkook.

Jungkook tend to feel a calming sense of well-being and being loved. He drank his mommy's sweet milk and feel how warm it is, as well as himself, Inside and out.

Y/n thought that nursing or breastfeeding isn't a fetish act. However, she knew that it can make the both of their love stronger and bring them closer together. Also, growing their trustworthiness for each other.

When Jungkook felt he's full, he let go of her breast. A burp escaped from his lips at the end by Y/n who rubbed his back up and down gently.

Jungkook started to feel himself getting slumber after having his milk. Y/n inserted a pacifier in his mouth as he slowly drifted off on the bed beside her while she dressed herself back again.

She pressed her lips on his forehead, laid beside him and rested herself. Soon, she also drifted off to dreamland.

✔️ MOMMY'S LITTLE BOY | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now