J - 38

4K 129 7

"Jungkook. I know that I'm your close friend, your best friend and all.. but you're stupid." Taehyung said, crossing his arms together while he rested his side against the wall.

Taehyung came over at Jungkook's too early, that's because Jungkook wanted him to. In one condition, he had to make chocolate waffles for Taehyung, not like he had other choice.

It wasn't like he could possibly regress, he couldn't and he still didn't know why.

"What do you mean 'I'm stupid'?" Jungkook enquired, sitting down on his bed, facing his friend.

Taehyung sighed, also sat down in front of him. "Jungkook. Y/n didn't lied to you, you're exaggerated over a tiny thing and made the issue grew large. You're hurting yourself too," Taehyung stated.

Jungkook tsked, what Taehyung said weren't as effective as Y/n's, and he didn't realized that. "I'm doing just fine, I'm not hurt at all."

"'Not hurt' my ass! You skipped breakfast today, I told you to eat but you didn't wanted to. I persuaded you to eat, yet you didn't wanted to. What the fu.ck you mean you're not hurting yourself? You're putting your own health at risk, Jungkook." Taehyung professed, rolling his eyes at the younger.

"I'm just not hungry, I don't have the slightest appetite to eat. How am I supposed to?" Jungkook groaned, laying his figure on the soft bed.

"You need Y/n, you hadn't attend college for two days," Taehyung said, pulling his phone out from his jacket's pocket.

Like a swift, Jungkook immediately stopped Taehyung from doing anything further. "No! Please don't contact her! It might sounded like I'm a baby who couldn't take care of himself if you tell her about this." he tried to reasoned, nonetheless it wasn't valid to Taehyung.

Jungkook didn't had to ask questions regarding over how he could get Y/n's phone number, it was obvious that he might got it from Namjoon.

"You're a baby, Jungkook. Regardless being in or out of little space, she's still your mommy," Taehyung reminded as if it's not weird at all, he didn't even mumbled.

"Can you lower your voice? For sakes, both of my parents are downstairs having breakfast." Jungkook uttered.

"Do I look like I give a fu.ck? Don't try to change the subject, Kook." Taehyung noticed how anxious Jungkook was as he spoke, piercing his eyes at the younger. If only eyes could kill.

"I- I just don't want you to mention mo- I mean Y/n, I'm not ready to face her, not yet at least." He looked down, fidgeting his fingers.

Taehyung sighed lightly and gently punched Jungkook's shoulder as he stood up. "You said you're going to attend literature today, right?"

Jungkook nodded, looking up at him. Taehyung tried his best to not gave in by his doe eyes that were staring into his sharp one.

"Let's go then, we have assembly today."

The pair got out of the oldest car, walked into the familiar enormous building.

As they entered, Jungkook slightly felt his head pounded few times, he thought it's nothing serious so he say nothing about it, he's sure that it's inconsequential.

"Everyone look! Jungkook finally come!" A girl shouted from afar, earned half of the females attention in the hallway.

Several pairs of eyes darted on Jungkook at once, watched his every movement. Creepy, he knew. Slowly and surely, few girls approached him, they asked why Jungkook didn't came to school for two days, the boy's felt a bit weird out because of them and Taehyung noticed.

"Sorry girls, but Jungkook's not in the mood to talk, I'm sure he appreciates that you guys are being considerate." Taehyung pulled the smaller one behind his back protectively.

Jungkook could felt the lightheadedness he was enduring with numbness on his both legs and arms. He steadied himself by holding onto Taehyung's shoulder which caught the older's awareness.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Taehyung turned to look at the smaller one, holding both of his arms with a bit of squeeze.

Jungkook looked up at him, he had doubled vision as he eyes the older. He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut for a while.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay.. Let's get in the hall," Jungkook covered himself, dragging Taehyung by engulfed onto the older's arm.

At the moment they stepped a foot in the hall, Jungkook noticed a familiar woman's figure that walked passed the two of them, the woman's figure looked exactly like Y/n's, Jungkook thought he's losing his sanity for seeing such things.

Though, when he saw her face he felt he had rapid heartbeats, is that normal? Because he felt hurt by it. He tried to stand straight, he didn't wanted to believe that his legs were growing weaker and weaker by each seconds.

"Isn't that Y/n? What's she doing here?" Taehyung questioned, his eyes dilated when he turned around to take a glimpse of the younger.

"Jungkook, you're pale! You're obviously not okay!" Taehyung let out, panicked by the little's condition.

Jungkook couldn't heard anything, everything went blurry and slurry to him, he couldn't.. he couldn't do anything, everything hurts what he despise to admit. He's mentally and physically sick.

Jungkook fell on the floor, he seriously couldn't feel his both legs and arms, he seemed to not able to take control of them. He couldn't even how much he tried. His eyes rolled to the back, tried to look what's going on, he heard various kind of voice screamed in horrific, what's going on?

With that, everything went pitch black for him.

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