New Mission?

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~(Y/N) POV~

E.J. started to lean in. And being me, I did the same, not knowing what was going to happen. I blushed as I noticed he was getting closer. Before I knew it, he had his lips against mine. I closed my eyes because no one ever kisses someone else with their eyes open.

~E.J.'S POV ~

I had my lips against (Y/N)'S soft lips. I was blushing madly. I was surprised that she kissed back instead of pulling away. I heard another camera go off. I gently pulled away. I looked into her beautiful (E/C) eyes, ones I got lost in.

Ben sniffled, which we both shot our heads towards his direction. (Y/N) and I quickly moved away from each other. I quickly put my mask back on as (Y/N), Owen, and Bianca left the room.

Ben quickly closed the door as L.J. climbed in the window. I sat on the black couch that was in the room. "So, when are you going to tell her?" L.J. said. I shrugged because I didn't know when or how I was going to tell her.

I liked (Y/N) a lot, but I don't know how to tell her. Plus, I just met her. Maybe I should give her sometime. Right as Ben was about to say something Slendy popped into the room and said "Childern, we have something to discuss." We all looked at each other and then back at Slendy.
"What is it Slendy?" I asked calmly. He crossed his arms and said "There is someone else I want you to spy on and then report back to me and tell me if she is worthy of being a pasta." I nodded my head understanding. "What's her name, If you don't mind me asking?" Ben said quietly.

"Ben,you're not allowed to see who she is. I am assigning E.J. and Jeff and possibly Toby." Slendy said sternly. I tilted my head to the side. I was extremely confused. "Why can't Ben help spy?" I asked curiously. Then Slendy replied instantly in my head.

Slendy: Remember? He got caught last time spying. Ben got caught by (Y/N) and so did you, but you at least got the job done, unlike him. He wasn't the brightest on that mission.

I chuckled a bit about what Slendy had said. Ben looked at me weirdly, but I looked away. I didn't want to make eye contact with Ben. L.J. spoke up and broke the silence, "So, did you get more candy?" Slendy facepalmed because L.J. was being stupid.

"Well, I don't know. Probably when you decide to go get some!" Slendy said in an annoyed tone. I laughed a bit and said "You might want to leave the boss alone about that whole candy thing." Which this only caused L.J. to roll his eyes.

Then Slendy looked at Ben, "Ben, might I ask, why are you wearing a dress?" Ben looked down and realized he still had the dress on. Ben looked up and laughed nervously. "Oh, you know me. Always trying new things!" Ben said nervously while scratching the back of his head. "On second thought, I don't want to know." Slendy said.

Then Slendy disappeared. I wonder what he thought of that..

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