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Hey guys. im up at my grandmas and I feel like I should be able to update quickly.

~(Y/N) POV~

I quickly ate my breakfast that E.J. had given me. I wonder what stuff we had to do today, since he did mention something about doing something, right? I sighed and quickly set the tray on my night stand that was next to my bed. Then I stretched and smiled. My back cracked and my wounds began to hurt.

"Ouch." I muttered while standing up. I had to suck up the pain and I slowly walked over to my dresser and picked out my clothes. Once I was done getting my stuff for a shower, I headed to the bathroom for a nice warm and calming shower.

I smiled as I entered the bathroom and turning on the shower to the right temperature. I quickly undressed and hopped in the shower. Warm water ran down my body and my wounds. I hissed at the stinging pains of my wounds.

~After the shower~

I walked out of the shower feeling refreshed and clean. I smiled and went back in my room and threw my dirty clothes into the basket. Then I rushed downstairs to see what I had to do. Once I got to the top of the stairs I saw Owen and Bianca playing with Sally. I smiled at the sight of little kids playing. Bianca and Owen were very loving and kind. So it didn't surprise me that they were getting along just fine.

"(Y/N)." I heard a voice say, snapping me out of the trans I was in. I jumped and looked to my left to see E.J. Standing there with his mask on. He looked like he was going to go on a mission or something.

"Yes?" I said confidently.

"Slendy wants me to take you out on your first mission." E.J. Said coldly. I have never heard his voice be so cold, so heartless. I shivered at the sound of his voice. I nodded and walked down the stairs.

"Well, we are going after a family of 5. I'll get the first 3 and you'll get the last 2." He said before opening the door and letting me step out. Then he put his hand to his chin.

"You should get a weapon." He muttered.

"Why?" I asked.

"It makes hunting more fun. And I mean it's not like we are going against someone really strong. Just pathetic humans. Plus, I need more kidneys." He said while turning around and going around the house. I followed him, thinking about what he just said.

"Why do you need kidneys?" I asked curiously.

"I eat them." He said with a chuckle followed after.

"Oh.." I said while looking down at the ground, still following him into the woods. Thinking long and hard about what him eating kidneys.

"So, I need a weapon?" I asked as we were passing a cabin.

"Yes. Come with me in here. This is our supply of weapons." He said while opening the door slowly. The door creaked as he opened it. I shivered. We both walked in and I saw a ton of weapons on the wall. Guns to knifes that were lined up on the wall. There was a box that said "Bullets."
I looked for something that interested me. Nothing really did interest me other then a crossbow that was on the wall. I smiled and rushed over to it.

"Don't use that." He said sternly. I clenched my fists.

"To bad." I muttered while grabbing it off the wall.

"Whatever." He sighed and growled a little...

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