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Hey guys.. Finally an update! Right?

~Your all home~
~(Y/N)'S POV~

I rested on the couch, to exhausted to even get up and to my room. E.J. Attended to my wounds and everyone else's. Slendy stood there.

"How did you three beat Blake?" Slendy questioned me.

I signed and looked at him and managed to mumble, "We combined our powers."

E.J. Just looked at me curious as he attended to my wounds. Bianca and Owen were already up in their bedrooms, fast asleep. I smiled. Slendy put his hand to his chin, as if he was thinking hard about something.

"You combined them, you said?" He asked me. I simply nodded. Toby walked into the room with a plate of waffles. He also had a small glass of milk. We all stopped and looked at him in a confused way.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me like that. Is it because of the waffles?" He asked before saying, "Geez! What does it take for a man to enjoy his waffles around here?!"

I couldn't help but start laughing. Toby walked up the stairs to his room.

"You better bring those dishes back down!" Slendy said to Toby loudly. Toby chuckled and continued walking to his room.

"Well, you're all set, (Y/N)." E.J. Said calmly as he packed his first aid kit up and medical stuff.

"Thanks for repairing me!" I said while laughing a little. E.J. Laughed a little too. I got up and headed up to my room.

Before I knew it I was out like a light.


I felt someone place their hand on my head and gently moved their thumb across my forehead. "(Y/N)." Someone whispered.

I  scrunched my nose and rolled over to the other side, not wanting to be woken up.

"Come on!" The man said. I realized that it was E.J. I made a groaning noise and rubbed my eyes. He sighed and walked to the side of the bed that I was facing.  I heard a clink next to me.

"What?" I managed say.

He chuckled softly and told me, "You have to get up. I already made you some breakfast.  We have somethings we need to do." Then he kissed my forehead. I blushes madly before sitting up in my bed and looking at him.

He smiled and said before walking out, "Tell me when you're done!"

I sighed and looked at the tray next to me. I saw eggs and bacon with some chocolate milk. I smiled and grabbed the tray and began to dig in...

A Little Text (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now