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        ADVERTISING: XD read my Ticci Toby story! It's really good! But it's okay if you don't want to!~ 

        A/N: Okay, so.. o3o yeah.. sorry about not updating.. XD playing video games! Oh! and I think i'm going to add myself in here.. being shipped with Ben. o3o P.S. Clockwork isn't in this because I ain't a fan. :/

        ~(Y/N)'S POV~

        I woke up with my nose itching. I went to scratch it, but I was freaking chained to a hospital bed! I looked around at my surroundings. "Shit." I muttered. Then I heard a movement in a corner. It was that blue masked guy. "So, your finally awake?" He asked. "Yes." I croaked. My throat was dry. "You are probably wondering where you are and why your throat is so dry." He said like he was reading my mind. I nodded slowly as my little brother and sister started to wake up. I looked at them, going back and forth. I glared at the man who did this. "I'll give you guys water and then explain everything, okay?" I nodded as he walked over to us with 3 cups f water. We all opened our mouths. He started with the little ones. Good, give it to them. They need it more! 

        A slowly smile appeared on my face slowly. After they finished, he gave my water. I gulped it down. "Good, good. Drink." He said calmly. Owen and Bianca watched me as I drank. I'm sure they are scared, but I can protect them. I have secret powers. (XD i like powers.. as you will see in my Ticci Toby x Reader fanfic! If you wanna read it!). "So, since you got your water. You must not scream. I don't want my family coming down and killing you all." He said. 

        We all nodded as he got a chair at placed it a few feet from the ends of the hospital beds. "So, who are you?" I asked calmly. He chuckled and responded "So, you haven't read us online? We are famous, ya know? Well, I'm Eyeless Jack. You are at Slender's Mansion and yes, your parents are dead. I will admit that I killed them. But I normally don't kill. I normally just take people's kidney's and then leave." I nodded. I sensed the fear and sadness building up in Owen and Bianca. 

        They loved Mom and Dad, unlike me, who could careless. "Why? Why did you killed our parents?!" Owen said angrily. "I had to because I was assigned too. Creepypasta's get assigned to kill or make people scared. And we call there assignments 'missions'." He answered coldly. Bianca had tears streaming down her face.

        "Hey! What's the idea? Scaring little kids and kill people! Like my parents! I was right, Eyeless Jack. You are rude!" I yelled. He got up so fast and covered my mouth. "What did I say? I said don't yell." He whispered into my ear. I used my powers to shock him (XD like Pikachuu!~). He jumped back a little and almost fell on my brother Owen. "What was that for?!" He said angrily. 

        All I could do is laugh. Bianca and Owen looked at me. "Your reaction was funny!" I said cheerfully. Eyeless Jack make a weird noise. I didn't mind it. A lot of things didn't scare me. I smirked and said "Touch them, and I'll kill you. Touch me all you want, but not them." I watched him closely as he made his way back to the chair.. 



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